I’m Confused, I Thought Republicans Respected The Constitition

The Republican National Committee throws the Fifth Amendment under the bus.

Rick Santorum’s Delegates

Now that Rick Santorum is out of the race, what happens to his delegates?

Could Tonight Be The End For Santorum?

When will Santorum bow to the inevitable?

Is 2012 1964 All Over Again?

The Republican debacle of 1964 offers some lessons for the current cycle.

Gas Prices About To Become An Election Issue

Prices are rising at the pump, and the candidates for President are starting to notice.

Unsurprisingly, Obama Re-Elect Will Accept SuperPAC Aid

The Obama Campaign is being criticized for agreeing to play the SuperPAC game like everyone else does.

Gingrich to Challenge Florida Results?

Newt may challenge the winner-take-all allocation of delegates.

Did We Really Need 17 Debates Before The New Hampshire Primary?

Can anyone bring the primary debate schedule under control?

Republicans Shying Away From Attacking Obama Personally

GOP officials are reluctant to resurrect the personal attacks against the President used during the 2008 campaign.

The End Of America’s Political Parties?

Are America’s political parties become irrelevant?

Another Solyndra?

Sarah Palin’s Law Firm Checking Primary Deadlines

Sarah Palin’s law firm has been calling states about primary filing deadlines.

American Government for Sale?

Is money the only thing that matters in post-Citizens United American politics?

Arizona Setting off Race to Front on Primaries

Governor Jan Brewer says Arizona will hold its primary February 28, per state law. This violates Republican primary rules and will almost certainly set off a chain reaction.

If It’s August, It Must Be Time For Fake Outrage Over The President’s Vacation

President Obama is back on Martha’ Vineyard for a ten-day vacation. The usual suspects are upset.

The Next Capitol Hill Battle: The Gas Tax

You thought you’d seen the worst of Congress in July? Oh, you silly American you.

Iowa Caucuses In December? Our Broken Primary Scheduling System

Once again, the primary scheduling race is getting ridiculous.

Obama White House Fundraising Video a Crime?

Where is the line on using the White House to further the president’s re-election effort?

Mitt Romney Gearing Up: Disclosure

Mitt Romney has hired my wife’s boss as his pollster.

Michael Steele RNC Re-Election Likely?

The sitting RNC chairman is losing to a field of no-name candidates. Is he actually the favorite?

Republican Hypocrisy On Pork Barrel Spending

The incoming House Republicans aren’t making a good first impression.

Joe Scarborough: Time For GOP To Man Up And Take On Sarah Palin

Former Republican Congressman Joe Scarborough wants the GOP to stop kowtowing to Sarah Palin and her acolytes. He’s right.

DeLay Guilty . . . Of What, Exactly?

Tom DeLay is a sleazebag and has been found guilty by an Austin jury for skirting the law. But it may in fact be a miscarriage of justice despite the victim being as unsympathetic as it gets.

Republican Circular Firing Squad Goes After Critics Of Jim DeMint

The battle between social and fiscal conservatives continues, with the SoCons now saying that criticism of South Carolina Senator Jim DeMint is now considered evidence of ideological impurity.

Tea Party Group Vows No More Christine O’Donnell’s Or Sharron Angle’s

At least one group of Tea Party activists seems to realize that their biggest mistake of the 2010 election cycle was backing candidates like Christine O’Donnell who turned out to be their own worst enemies.

Republican Establishment vs. Sarah Palin

Unnamed Republican leaders are lined up to ensure that anybody but the former VP nominee is the party’s 2012 standard bearer.

New York Times Fascinated That Republicans Don’t Care That Ken Mehlman Is Gay

The New York Times realizes that most Republicans just don’t care that Ken Mehlman is gay. Surprise, neither do most Americans at this point.

Ken Mehlman is Gay and I Don’t Care

The guy who ran George W. Bush’s campaign and the Republican National Committee has realized after only 43 years that he likes dudes.

Dumbest GOP Meme Yet: Does The President Deserve A Vacation ?

The Obama’s are vacationing on Martha’s Vineyard again this year so, of course, it’s time for people to say stupid things about Presidential leisure activities again.

Unease On The Right Over “Ground Zero Mosque” Rhetoric

Some Republicans are start to wonder if it’s such a good idea for their party to be so closely associated with the heated rhetoric surrounding the future of this former Burlington Coat Factory.

Republicans Avoiding Gay Marriage Ruling

The Republican Party is keeping relatively quiet on the Proposition 8 ruling. That’s a good idea.