Not Surprisingly, Angus King And Joe Manchin Are Staying Where They Are

Despite speculation, both Angus King and Joe Manchin will stay with the Democratic caucus. And that makes sense for both of them.

GOP Likely To Take The Senate, Retain The House, Maintain The Status Quo In The States

The GOP has a good chance of taking the Senate in 2014, but it will be by a narrow margin.

The Political Center Is Dead, At Least On Capitol Hill

It’s no wonder there’s no compromise in Congress.

Our Fate Apparently Lies In The Hands Of McConnell, Reid, Boehner, and Biden

Are these four men our last, best hope for a deal that will end the shutdown and avoid breaching the debt ceiling?

Hopes For A Senate Deal Now Hinge On Harry Reid And Mitch McConnell

Harry and Mitch to the rescue?

Focus Shifts To Senate For Possible Deal On Debt Limit, Shutdown

With the House’s proposed deal reaching an impasse, the Senate is now taking center stage.

Senate Acts on Airport Delays

The Senate moved last night to end the airport delays caused by furloughing air traffic controllers.

A No Vote On Manchin/Toomey Is Unlikely To Hurt Any Senator

The odds that any of the Senators who voted no on Manchin/Toomey will pay a political price for doing so is low.

Republicans Blocking Hagel Nomination, For Now

For the moment, Republicans appear to be blocking Chuck Hagel’s nomination to be Secretary of Defense but they don’t seem to know why they’re doing it.

Hagel Will Be Confirmed, But The Hagel Battle Tells Us Much About The GOP

Chuck Hagel will be confirmed, but the campaign against him tells us much about the current state of Republican foreign policy

Obama’s New National Security Team?

While no official announcements have been made, President Obama’s second term national security team appears to be taking shape.

GOP Unlikely To Grab Senate This Year, But They’ll Have Another Shot In Two Years

The GOP’s hopes of taking over the Senate in 2012 have all but slipped away, but there is another option.

How To Fix The Republican Party

Whether Mitt Romney wins or loses, the GOP needs to evolve or be doomed to minority party status.

What The Heck Is Wrong With The Republican Party?

As its convention begins, one has to wonder what has happened to the Republican Party.

Explaining What’s Wrong With The Paycheck Fairness Act

The arguments behind the Paycheck Fairness Act do not hold up to scrutiny.

Maine Senator Olympia Snowe To Retire, GOP Senate Hopes In Jeopardy

A Northeastern Republican announces retirement. And GOP hopes for control of the Senate in 2013 become more tenuous.

MAPLE Act Would Make Selling Fake Maple Syrup a Felony

Some Northeastern Senators want to make selling fake maple syrup a federal offense.

Egypt And The Internet Kill Switch

Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak responded to mass unrest by cutting off his people from the outside world. Do we really want an American President to have the same power?

Senate Eases Confirmation Process

The Senate leadership has agreed to exempt 1/3 of nominations from the confirmation process.

Repeal Of Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell May Happen After All

Democrats are now confident that they have the votes in the Senate to repeal Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell, but do they have enough time?

Meet The Tea Party’s Next Target

Maine’s Olympia Snowe appears to be the next target of the Tea Party movement, but she is also uniquely situated to retain her seat if she chooses to.

Report: 70% Of Soldiers Support DADT Repeal

New details are out about the upcoming Defense Department report on repealing Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell.