The Iraq War

Second thoughts about the Iraq War

Does Rand Paul Have A Future In The GOP?

Rand Paul’s filibuster has made him a darling among conservatives but it may not last.

War on Terror Status Report

Walter Russell Mead presents his sitrep of the War on Terror.

Trying to Understand Benghazi!

A theory on why Benghazi will not die as a political issue.

The Hagel Fishing Expedition

The smear campaign against defense secretary nominee Chuck Hagel has taken a bizarre turn.

Hagel Will Be Confirmed, But The Hagel Battle Tells Us Much About The GOP

Chuck Hagel will be confirmed, but the campaign against him tells us much about the current state of Republican foreign policy

GOP Swings And Misses At Clinton Benghazi Hearings

Despite some tough questions, Congressional Republicans didn’t land a glove on Secretary of State Clinton.

No, It’s Not Fascism

McCain and Hagel: United by Vietnam, Divided by Iraq

In “Veterans and Senate Buddies, Until Another War Split Them,” Elisabeth Bumiller profiles the relationship between Chuck Hagel and John McCain:

Heading Off the Stupidest War

Would a formal guarantee of Israel’s security deter Iran from whatever nuclear weapons development program it has?

Is Russia Preparing To Cut Its Losses In Syria?

Recent comments from Russian officials suggest that the nation may be preparing to cut its longtime ally loose.

Three Resign After Devastating Benghazi Report

After an independent investigation blasted State Department leadership for lax security in Benghazi, three officials have resigned.

NATO Patriots to Turkey for ‘Defensive Purposes Only’

NATO has agreed to deploy Patriot missiles along the Turkey-Syria border to protect Turkish airspace and territory, while making clear no escalation is intended.

Oh Yes, This Will Solve Everything: Israel-Gaza Edition

The son of a former Israeli Prime Minister proposes an utterly insane idea.

Israel Seems Headed Toward An Invasion Of Gaza

The conflict between Israel and Hamas appears to be heading in one unfortunate direction.

Foreign Policy Debate Substantive Analysis: Defense Planning

One of the few areas of disagreement was how big our military should be.

Foreign Policy Debate Substantive Analysis: Middle East

First in a series of posts looking at the substance of the final presidential debate, ostensibly about foreign policy.

Intervening In Syria Would Be Suicidal

President Obama is keeping the conflict in Syria at arms length. That’s a good idea.

Jihadists Getting Most Of The Weapons Going To Syrian Rebels

The worst elements among the Syrian rebels seem to be the ones getting the arms.

No, We Should Not Arm The Syrian Rebels

The argument that the United States should start assisting the rebellion in Syria has many flaws.

Rand Paul Criticizes Romney’s Foreign Policy Speech

One of Mitt Romney’s own supporters didn’t like his foreign policy speech very much.

Even After Big Speech, Romney’s Foreign Policy Remains Vague

Mitt Romney’s speech at VMI today was billed as a major foreign policy address, but it was incredibly light on substance.