Don’t Feed The Trolls

Their intent is to derail useful discussion and responding to them not only achieves that end but encourages more trolling.

The Hagel Fishing Expedition

The smear campaign against defense secretary nominee Chuck Hagel has taken a bizarre turn.

Israel Seems Headed Toward An Invasion Of Gaza

The conflict between Israel and Hamas appears to be heading in one unfortunate direction.

German Rabbi Faces Potential Criminal Charges For Performing Circumcision

Under German law, this ceremony, which Jews believe dates from the time of Abraham, is now illegal.

Why Our Columnists Stink

David Brooks is wistful for the noblesse oblige of the elites of yore.

Naomi Schaefer Riley and Mob Rule

A blog post lampooning black studies dissertations got a writer fired, setting off a controversy over the limits of free speech.

Republicans v. Obama On Iran: Fewer Differences Than You’d Think

The differences between the parties when it comes to Iran are far less substantial than the candidate’s rhetoric would suggest.

Mitt Romney’s Bizarre View Of The U.S-Israeli Relationship

Mitt Romney’s view of the ideal relationship between the United States and Israel is, at the very least. quite odd, and, potentially, dangerous.

Former Aides Say Ron Paul Signed Off On Racist Newsletters

Yet more revelations about Ron Paul’s newsletters.

The American Public Is Not SEAL Team Six

Last night’s State Of The Union Address contained another unfortunate example of the prevalence of militaristic rhetoric in domestic politics.

VDARE Wants Paul to Embrace his Newsletters

In a year-end fundraisers, VDARE’s founder wished Paul had “defened his letters on the basis of truth.”

Class War Within a Class War

It’s the 5% versus the 1% moreso than the 99% against the 1%.

F*ck the military, f*ck your flag, f*ck the police

A video from Occupy Dayton in which a protestor is shouting “F*ck the military, f*ck your flag, f*ck the police!” is going viral.

Robert Downey Jr. Says ‘Forgive Mel Gibson’

Robert Downey, Jr. goes out on a limb for Mel Gibson, returning a favor.

No Football On 9/11?

Was it wrong for the NFL to schedule its opening Sunday on the anniversary of the September 11th attacks?

Pat Buchanan Calls Obama ‘Your Boy’ To Al Sharpton

Pat Buchanan referred to President Obama as “your boy” in conversation with Al Sharpton.

National Interests

Is American policy in the Middle East dictated by national interest or interest groups?

Sarah Palin Responds To The Response Over Her Response To The Arizona Shootings

Sarah Palin was “interviewed” by Sean Hannity last night. I doubt she helped herself.

The End Of Sarah Palin?

One columnist argues that Sarah Palin’s response to the Arizona shootings mark the end of whatever political future she might have had. He’s probably correct.

Palin’s Missed Opportunity

Palin’s “blood libel” speech continued to keep here in the conversation about Tucson, and not in a positive way.

Sarah Palin Blasts Media For “Blood Libel” Against Her Over Arizona Shootings

Sarah Palin released a statement today about the Arizona shootings and the debate that has followed. It’s unlikely to help her.

University Cancels Spirit of Diversity Award Over Nonconformist Speech

Wayne State has canceled the Helen Thomas Spirit of Diversity in the Media Award, citing its namesake’s controversial remarks.

Obama Seen As Biggest Impediment To Middle East Peace

Israelis and Palestinians don’t agree on much these days, but they do agree that Barack Obama hasn’t helped the peace process at all since coming to office.

Mahmoud Ahmadinejad: 9/11 Truther

If it’s September, it must be time for Mahmoud Ahmadinjad to stand up before the United Nations General Assembly and say something completely insane.

Fidel Castro Admits Communism Doesn’t Work

Fidel Castro is back in the public eye, but he’s singing a slightly different tune now.

Islamophobia in Germany

If you think anti-Muslim sentiment in the United States is running high, a look across the Pond will put things in perspective.

More Hate Crimes Against Christians Than Muslims!

Did you know that more Christians than Muslims were victims of hate crimes in America? Did you also know that there are a lot more Christians? Oh. Never mind, then.

Does Harvard Discriminate Against Whites?

Rural whites are outperformed by Jews and Asians and passed over by blacks and Hispanics in the name of “diversity” by elite universities.