How Liberal is President Obama?

Looking at the data? Not very.

Why We Won’t Be Leaving Afghanistan Any Time Soon

Basically, it’s inconsistent with the strategy.

Does Decapitating Terrorist Leaderships Work?

Killing their leaders doesn’t seem to be impacting the ability of jihadi groups to recruit and motivate more terrorists.

Reconsidering The Petraeus Hagiography

The scandal now surrounding David Petraeus should lead people to reassess his past record.

The Never Ending War On Terror

If you thought the War On Terror might be over, think again.

Drone War Discussion Absent from Campaign

My latest for The New Republic, “America’s Scandalous Drone War Goes Unmentioned in the Campaign,” is out.

Report: U.S. Knew Benghazi Attack Was Terrorism Within 24 Hours

The Administration’s decision to stick with the meme that the Benghazi attack was about a movie becomes more puzzling.

Protests At Western Embassies Spread Across Muslim World

For the fourth day, American and other embassies became the focus of mass protests in many Muslim nations.

An Appearance Of Impropriety At Justice

It’s never a good thing when an Administration is investigating itself.

Jimmy Carter: U.S. Under Obama Is A “Widespread Violator Of Human Rights”

From one Nobel Peace Prize winner to another.

Obama’s Kill List: Does Anyone Care?

You have Martin Luther King’s statue in your office, but you are sending these unmanned drones out, and bombs are dropping on innocent people.

Drone Creep and the Rumsfeld Question

My first piece for The New Republic, “Why the Obama Administration’s Drone War May Soon Reach a Tipping Point,” is up.

The bin Laden Raid And The 2012 Elections

Osama bin Laden’s death provides Barack Obama with an important political shield during the upcoming campaign.

Obama Spikes Football on Bin Laden Killing

The Obama campaign’s cheap politicizing of the SEAL raid that took out bin Laden is unseemly. And unnecessary.

Republican Candidates Love The Imperial Presidency

Not surprisingly, most of the Republican candidates for President aren’t too keen on reducing the excessive growth in Executive Branch power.

Fact Checking Mitt Romney’s Claim That the President Has “Apologized For America”

During last night’s debate, Mitt Romney repeated a charge that has become part of the conservative zeitgeist. But is it true?

Pakistan Boots U.S. From Drone Base We Weren’t Using Anyway

Our good ally Pakistan has publicly ordered us to leave a base used for “covert” CIA drone attacks.

The Beginning Of The End Of America’s Longest War

Last night, the President basically announced that America’s longest war had entered it’s end game.

White House’s ‘Libya Isn’t A War-War’ Defense Not Going Over Well In Congress

The White House’s assertion that Libya isn’t covered by the War Powers Act isn’t being accepted on Capitol Hill.

Will Republicans Nominate a Dove?

WaPo’s Jackson Diehl asks, “Will the GOP nominate a dove?”

America’s Newest Secret War, Or The Same One We’ve Been Fighting For Ten Years?

American drone strikes in Yemen are intensifying. Is this a new war. or just the same one we’ve been fighting since October 2001?

2012 isn’t 1980, Either

Comparing Obama to Carter on foreign policy (especially in terms of electoral politics) doesn’t make sense.

Pakistan After Bin Laden: Frenemies Forever?

Changing our relationship status to Complicated.

Obama’s Conventional Foreign Policy

Stephen Walt doesn’t expect Obama’s foreign policy to change along with the names on the org chart.

Midterm Grades: Barack Obama

Time for midterms.

New Wikileaks Cables Show Deep U.S. Concern Over Pakistan

The latest wrong of documents from Wikileaks show that American diplomats are as worried about Pakistan as the rest of us, and not quite sure how to deal with the situation.

Gingrich Draws Fire For Remarks About Obama’s “Kenyan Worldview”

Newt Gingrich is drawing fire for his comments about that the President has a “Kenyan world view.” But, will Newt every pay the price for his inflammatory rhetoric ? Don’t count on it.