Bomb Iran ? No, That Would Be A Stupid Idea

Will Israel attack Iran ? You’d better hope not.

Former White House Correspondents President: Fox News Seating ‘A Travesty’

Should FOX News, which is obviously pro-Republican, have a front row seat in the White House press room? Of course.

Obama Administration Steps Back Into Israeli/Palestinian Quagmire

Once again, an American President is stepping into the Israeli/Palestinian conflict and, once again, he has no idea how to accomplish the goals he’s established.

Cordoba House Imam “Extremist” in “Sheep’s Clothing”?

Steve Emerson has reportedly found 13 hours of tape of Cordoba Initiative chairman Imam Feisal Abdul Rauf and found him to be a “radical extremist cleric who cloaks himself in sheep’s clothing.” Does it matter?

Report: U.S. Convinces Israel To Back Down On Iran, Or Maybe Not

The New York Times is reporting that the Obama Administration has convinced Israel that Iran is much further away from developing nuclear weapons than Tel Aviv fears, but there seems to be something else going on here.

War-Mongering Over Iran And Israel

According to John Bolton, Israel has a deadline of August 21st to attack Iran’s nuclear program. This is the fourth deadline he’s set in the last three years.

“Swift Assimilation” and History

Ross Douthat’s latest New York Times column demonstrates an appalling misunderstanding of history in the context of immigration.

Poisoning The Well on Israel

Bill Kristol and friends are trying to make it politically toxic to criticize Israel.

Antibiotics Era Ending?

Mutated bacteria spreading in India could mark the end of effective antibiotic drugs. The medical repercussions would be enormous.

What Happens If (When) Israel Bombs Iran

Every new report out of Iran seems to bring us closer to the moment when Israel has decided it’s heard enough. What happens if that day actually happens ?

Blue State Tax Breaks?

Some Democrats who support ending the Bush tax cuts for high earners want to exempt their own rich constituents.

How to Spot Bogus “The Jihadists are Hooking up with Latin American Drug Cartel” Stories

Since 9/11 there has been a steady trickle of stories about jihadists hooking up with Latin American drug cartels and the like. Here is a guide of story points that can help you identify when such a story is almost certainly bogus.

Informal Talks Between the Turks and Israelis (and Some Cabinet Trouble in Israel?)

Israel and Turkey held secret, informal talks recently. This is interesting, given the recent flotilla incident. What is more interesting is that the Israeli Foreign Minister learned of the event via the press.

Ugly Party vs. Grown-Up Party

Michael Gerson argues that the source of our polarization isn’t the Democrats and the Republicans but the Ugly Party and the Grown-Up Party.

The Real News From The McChrystal Interview: The Troops Aren’t Happy

Stanley McChrystal’s fate is the story of the day, but there’s a broader message in the Rolling Stone story, and it has broad implications for the future of the Afghan War.

Israel or NATO?

Bachmann and Israel

Caption Contest Winners

Now That’s a Drumbeat