U.S. Moves To Aid Libyan Rebels As Evidence Mounts Of Their Ties To Al Qaeda

The U.S. seems to be on the verge of changing war strategies in Libya, even as it becomes clear that these rebels aren’t necessarily our friends.

Obama’s Approval Numbers Back In The Basement

The President’s winter polling bounce is gone, and he’s looking vulnerable again.

The Obama Doctrine: Humanitarian Imperialism

The “Obama Doctrine,” such as it is, seems to boil down to moral self-certainty combined with a glaring ignorance of reality. That’s a dangerous combination.

Obama Doctrine Like It Or Not

Dan Drezner: President Obama should give a speech that “clearly prioritizes American interests and values. Because unless the president defines his grand strategy, pundits will be more than happy to define it — badly — for him.”

Public Still Skeptical Of Libya Intervention

One week in to Operation Odyssey Down, public opinion is, to put it as nicely as possibly, ambivalent.

Libyan Rebels Running Out Of Steam Again?

As allied involvement in Libya’s civil war increases, there are signs that the rebels may not be able to close the deal.

Obama Libya Speech Post-Mortem

Ten days after sending American forces into kinetic military action in Libya, President Obama addressed the nation to explain “what we’ve done, what we plan to do, and why this matters to us.”

Captain Obama: Limited Humanitarian Intervention with Gaddafi’s Face

Obama Captain America parody: I’m not punching you Gaddafi I’m having a limited humanitarian intervention with your face.

Joe Lieberman: Hey, Let’s Go To War In Syria Too!

Senator Joe Lieberman said today that we should intervene in Syria using the same rationale we did for Libya. Because, you know, what’s the big deal about a fourth war?

Libyan War Coalition One Of The Smallest In Decades

President Obama’s grand coalition against Libya is a lot less than meets the eye.

Oh, Canada

Canada is leading the operation in Libya but no one is leading Canada.

Libya Exit Strategy

Tom Ricks doesn’t understand why we need an exit strategy in Libya.

Why They Fought

Humorous take on America’s wars.

How Strong Are The Libyan Rebels? Not Very, Which Makes Ground Troops Almost Inevitable

The Libyan rebels probably aren’t strong enough to defeat Gaddafi on their own, and the no-fly zone isn’t going to be enough either. Which means this operation is going to be far more extensive than President Obama is willing to admit publicly.

Libya And The White House: What We Have Here Is A Failure To Communicate

The public, and Congress, are skeptical of the mission in Libya, and the reason for that is because the President has failed to tell us exactly why we’re there and what we’ll be doing.

The Plan In Libya? There Is No Plan

It has become quite apparent that neither the White House nor our coalition partners have any idea what the path to an endgame in Libya even looks like. That’s not good.

Gingrich: Libya Most Badly Executed War Since WWII

Newt Gingrich on Libya: “This is as badly executed, I think, as any policy we’ve seen since WWII, and it will become a case study for how not to engage in this type of activity.”

OTB Caption Contest Winners

The ACME Paint By Numbers Edition OTB Caption ContestTM is now over.

Is Dissent Permissible During Wartime?

When America’s leaders make the decision to engage in military action abroad, has the time for debate ended, or is it more important than ever that those with doubts about the policy speak out?

Libya Operation: Who’s In Charge?

Jorge Benitez has written a useful Libya Primer: Who is In Charge of Allied Forces? The short answer: No one.

Congress, The President, And War Powers Under The Constitution

Operation Odyssey Dawn has resurrected the eternal battle over what limits there are, and should be, on the President’s ability to use military force without Congressional authorization.