Ten Congressmen Sue President Obama Over Libya Mission, War Powers Act

Dennis Kucinich and nine other Members of Congress are suing the President. They won’t get very far.

Syria and the Do Something Syndrome

Ousting evil dictators is harder than it looks.

Looking to the Founders

Sandy Levinson suggests that there is a key lesson from the Founders that we ignore.

Boehner Gives Obama Until Friday To Justify Libya Mission

The House GOP and the White House moved one step closer to a constitutional confrontation, but is it much ado about nothing?

Will Republicans Nominate a Dove?

WaPo’s Jackson Diehl asks, “Will the GOP nominate a dove?”

Is the U.S.-European Relationship Really in Decline?

My latest piece for The Atlantic, “Is the U.S.-European Relationship Really in Decline?” is posted.

Congress vs. Obama on Libya

The War Powers Act’s 90 day limit is in sight. Will Congress force the president’s hand?

A Political Opening For Non-Interventionism

The American public is increasingly skeptical of foreign adventurism. Why aren’t our political candidates reflecting that?

The Constitutionally Dubious War Powers Act

Clearly there’s a large ambiguity in the Constitutional gap between the two separate war-related powers of Congress and the Executive. The WPA can be seen as an attempt to resolve it but can’t if it’s unconstitutional.

The Odd American Obsession With Political Sex Scandals

The Anthony Weiner reveals once again the odd American obsession with the intersection of sex and politics.

Why New Media Beats Old Media

Sure, there’s a lot of crap out there. But it’s easier to find good information and engage with experts than ever.

The Eurozone Crisis Won’t Just Go Away

Despite what appear to be the fond hope of European central bankers that it will just all go away, something needs to be done. But what?

Racial Gerrymandering and Idiots

Cynthia Tucker regrets her support for majority-minority districts.

House Bars Ground Troops in Libya

The House of Representatives has voted 416-5 for a resolution prohibiting President Obama from sending ground troops to Libya

President Obama’s Address to Parliament

While President Obama has had some amusing gaffes on his trip to London, including getting the year wrong in the guest book and an awkward toast to the Queen, his speech to Parliament today hit all the right notes.

Joint Chiefs of Staff Sweepstakes

The selection process for the Joint Chiefs has been most odd.

Arab Spring Update

A summary of the status of the “Arab Spring” uprisings with links to news coverage and commentary.

2012 isn’t 1980, Either

Comparing Obama to Carter on foreign policy (especially in terms of electoral politics) doesn’t make sense.

Obama Administration Tells Congress War Powers Act Doesn’t Apply To Libya Mission

The Obama Administration is offering an odd explanation for why it doesn’t need to comply with the War Powers Act.

Don’t Blame Obama For The Death Of The War Powers Act

It has now been 60 days since American involvement in Libya commenced. Congress has failed to act, and that’s their fault.

President Obama Wades Back Into The Middle East Quicksand

Once again, an American President thinks he can bring peace to the Middle East.

Obama Killed The War Powers Act? No, Congress Did

Once again, Congressional abdication has led to an Executive Branch power grab.

Prosecutor Seeks ICC Warrant for Gaddafi

The ICC may issue a warrant for Gaddafi.

War Powers Act and Illegal Wars

Is the war in Libya illegal?

War and Rhetoric

Elias Isquith proclaims my Atlantic essay “How Perpetual War Became U.S. Ideology” to be “a total disaster.”

Desert Storm Syndrome

Technology has saved the lives of countless American soldiers. But it’s made going to war easier.

Authorization For Libyan War Set To Expire Next Week, Don’t Expect Anyone To Do Anything About It

The 60 day deadline for Presidential discretion under the War Powers Act will expire next week. Congress won’t do anything about it.

How Perpetual War Became U.S. Ideology

Why the United States has found itself in a seemingly endless series of wars over the past two decades.

What is the Debt Ceiling?

A lot of people appear confused at to what the debt ceiling is and why it has to be raised.

Twitter As Breaking News Source

Sunday’s announcement of the death of Osama bin Laden was the latest example of how Twitter has become the go-to source for “Breaking News.”

The First GOP Debate: Clash Of The Pygmies

Last night’s Presidential Debate in South Carolina was interesting, but, in the end, not very important.

The Politics Of The Death Of Osama bin Laden

The impact of the death of Osama bin Laden on the domestic politics is likely to be minimal at best.

Is There Anything That Washington Can Do About Gas Prices? Not Really

Congress is coming back to Washington and gas prices continue to rise. Expect a lot of demagoguery, but very little in the way of solutions.

OTB Caption Contest Winners

The Garbonzo Warfare Edition OTB Caption ContestTM is now over.

Leading From Behind: To Where?

An aide’s compliment about the president “leading from behind” has generated controversy.