[Documents taken in August Mar-A-Lago search] [Documents taken in August Mar-A-Lago search]

Judge Cannon Dismisses Trump’s Classified Document Case

Expect an appeal and a long wait

The Hur Report and Beau Biden

A new report puts the conversation in a different light.

Fox News Settles Suit, Will Carry on As Before

A $787.5 million flesh wound.

Trump Special Counsel Likely

The Justice Department is looking to inoculate itself against charges of partisanship.

The ‘Crime of the Century’ Didn’t Happen

Three-and-a-half years and almost 6 million tax dollars have produced nothing.

January 6 and the Collusion Trap

What is the right measure of success for the Committee investigating the Capitol riot?

Clinton Lawyer Acquitted in RussiaGate Case

What does it all mean? It depends on who you ask.

New York State and City Join Forces Against Trump

Separate investigations are merging, with a criminal component being added.

Trump Pardons More Cronies

Roger Stone, Paul Manafort, and Charles Kushner are among last night’s lucky recipients.

Cancel Cancel Culture

The state of American debate is not strong.

President Donald J. Trump, joined by Health and Human Services Secretary Alex Azar, left, and Attorney General William Barr, displays his signature after signing an Executive Order to Prevent Hoarding and Price Gouging, Monday, March 23, 2020, in the Oval Office of the White House. (Official White House Photo by Shealah Craighead) President Donald J. Trump, joined by Health and Human Services Secretary Alex Azar, left, and Attorney General William Barr, displays his signature after signing an Executive Order to Prevent Hoarding and Price Gouging, Monday, March 23, 2020, in the Oval Office of the White House. (Official White House Photo by Shealah Craighead)

Trump Approval Up During Crisis

The President seems to be enjoying a mild rally effect.

Happy New Year And New Decade

It’s been quite a year, and quite a decade.

Judiciary Committee Hints It Could Move To Impeach Trump Again On Additional Grounds

In a new court filing, House Democrats hint they might move to impeach the President again if the evidence warrants such action.

House Set To Debate And Vote On Impeachment

By the end of today, Donald Trump will most likely be the third President of the United States to be impeached by the House of Representatives.

On Eve Of Impeachment, Trump Sends Bizarre Rant-Filled Letter To Pelosi

The President of the United States has sent a bizarre, rant-filled letter to the Speaker of the House. Revealing just how unbalanced he actually is.

DOJ Inspector General Rebuts Trump On Russia Investigation

After a two-year investigation, the Inspector General of the Department of Justice found no basis for the conspiracy theories being pushed by the Republicans regarding the Russia investigation.

Another Republican Helps Spread Putin’s Ukraine Conspiracy Theories

Ted Cruz is the latest Republican Senator to repeat discredited Kremlin-backed conspiracy theories about Ukrainian interference in the 2016 election.

The GOP Is Now The Party Of Putin

Much like the President they obsequiously defend, Republicans have become useful idiots in Russia’s war on Western liberal democracy.

House Judiciary Committee Opens Impeachment Hearings

The impeachment inquiry moves to the House judiciary Committee this morning.

House Judiciary Committee To Begin Impeachment Hearings

The House Judiciary Committee is ready to begin its phase of impeachment hearings after Thanksgiving.

Federal Court Rules Against White House On Witness Subpoenas

A Federal Judge in Washington, D.C. has ruled against the Trump Administration’s latest effort to stonewall Congressional inquiries.

Justice Department Report Undermines GOP Conspiracy Theory On Russia Investigation

An internal Justice Department investigation fails to find any evidence of political bias in the Russia investigation.

While Republicans Push Debunked Ukraine Conspiracy Theory, Putin Takes A Victory Lap

As Republicans and their conservative cohorts spread a discredited conspiracy theory about the 2016 election, Vladimir Putin smiles at yet another victory.

Impeachment Witnesses Leave Republican Defenses Revealed As Absurdities

The final two witnesses in this week’s public hearings before the House Intelligence Committee reduced the Republican talking points in the President’s defense looking as absurd as they have always been.

Trump Associate And Confidante Roger Stone Convicted

One of Donald Trump”s closest associates has been convicted by a Federal jury.

RealClear Reveals Whistleblower Name, Foments Conspiracy Theory

The man who sparked the investigation into the President’s illegal conduct has been outed in a futile attempt to discredit it.

Lawyer Argues Trump Could Kill A Guy And Be Immune From Investigation Or Prosection

What started out as a joke on the campaign trail has turned into a serious legal argument being made to a Federal Judge by an attorney for the President.

Polling Shows Growing Support For Trump’s Impeachment And Removal

New polling is showing increased public support for President Trump’s impeachment and removal

Trump’s Lies Continue To Mount

As he reaches his 1,000th day in office, Trump’s lies pile up at an astronomical rate.

Senate Report Details Russian Interference In 2016 Election, Warns About 2020

A new Senate Intelligence Committee report adds to the evidence regarding Russian interference in the 2016 election.

Two Giuliani Associates Arrested While Heading Out Of The Country

Two associates of President Trump’s attorney Rudy Giuliani were arrested on their way out of the country, and the question is what connection Giuliani may have to the reasons behind their arrest.

Poll Shows Majority Support For Impeachment Inquiry

Public opinion on impeachment has shifted rapidly to the point where a majority of Americans support an impeachment inquiry and support for removal is growing as well.

Efforts To Influence Foreign Investigations Of Biden Deeper Than Thought

More information released last night confirmed the extent to which the United States was linking progress on its relationship with Ukraine to an investigation of Joe Biden and his son.

Trump Told Russians He Didn’t Care If They Interfered In 2016 Election

Not surprisingly, President Trump told Russian officials early on that he didn’t care if Russia interfered in the 2016 election.

The Quid Pro Quo Debate

A little bit of this for a little bit of that.

Pelosi Wants Law Allowing Indictment of Presidents

A wrongheaded solution for a legitimate problem.

House Democrats Are Not United On Impeachment

While some 135 House Democrats have endorsed impeaching the President, most other Democrats on Capitol Hill are not supporting the idea. And neither is Speaker Nancy Pelosi.

Most Americans Want Trump Gone, But Not By Impeachment

A new poll shows that most Americans want President Trump out of office, but don’t want to see the House impeach him.

Sarah Huckabee Sanders To Continue Career Of Lying For Donald Trump

Sarah Huckabee Sanders has signed on with Fox News Channel to continue her career of lying on behalf of the President.

Trump Thinks Russia Should Be Readmitted To The G-7

Once again, President Trump is doing Vladimir Putin’s bidding.

Donald Trump Is A Congenital Liar, But Will That Matter To Voters?

Donald Trump lies with the ease that the rest of us tie our shoes. Will that fact have an impact on voters?

Epstein Death Leads To Legitimate Questions And Baseless Conspiracy Theories

Jeffrey Epstein’s death by suicide has led to many legitimate questions that should be investigated. It has also led to the rise of a number of baseless conspiracy theories.

More Than Half Of House Democrats Want Impeachment, But Pelosi Is Standing Firm

More than half of the House Democratic Caucus has endorsed impeachment, but that’s unlikely to cause Nancy Pelosi to move off her current position.

John Ratcliffe Withdraws As Trump’s Nominee For Director Of National Intelligence

President Trump has withdrawn his nominee for Director of National Intelligence after controversy regarding his qualifications and resume.

House Democrats Remain Divided On Impeachment

The House Democratic Caucus is becoming more divided on the issue of moving forward with impeachment.

Public Remains Largely Opposed To Impeachment

The Mueller hearings don’t appear to have moved the needle of public opinion when it comes to impeachment.

With An Eye On Impeachment, Judiciary Committee Seeks Mueller Grand Jury Material

The House Judiciary Committee is seeking to obtain the material presented to a Federal Grand Jury by former Special Counsel Robert Mueller.

Mueller Hearings Draw 13 Million Viewers

Wednesday’s Congressional testimony by former Special Counsel Robert Mueller wasn’t exactly a ratings blockbuster.

Mueller And The Reality Of Russian Election Interference

While much of the talk about Robert Mueller’s testimony has focused on the Trump campaign, there was another part to his testimony that brings attention to a far more serious threat.

An Observation on the Mueller Testimony

On documents and the degree to which they speak for themselves.