The Pathetic Defense Of Sarah Palin’s Botched History Of The Ride Of Paul Revere

The real story of Paul Revere’s ride has little to do with Sarah Palin’s odd tale, no matter what her defenders say.

Why New Media Beats Old Media

Sure, there’s a lot of crap out there. But it’s easier to find good information and engage with experts than ever.

Tyler Cowen’s Productive Mind

A profile of George Mason economist and blogger Tyler Cowen offers this amusing description: “Cowen, 49, has round features, a hesitant posture, and an unconcerned haircut.”

Presidential Reading List

Foreign Policy’s David Kenner has a reading list for President Obama to help him get read for his big speech to recast our relationship with the Arab world. Topping the Persian Gulf section is Crossroads Arabia, by our own John Burgess.

OTB Expose

Huffington Post Freelancer Files Class Action Suit Against HuffPo

A Huffington Post contributor who had no expectation of being paid for his contributions is suing HuffPo for $105 million.

Andrew Sullivan: 18 Years To Get A Green Card

It took Andrew Sullivan 18 years to get his request for Permanent Resident status approved. That’s just absurd.

Rational Discussion Flowchart

Infographic on How to Have a Rational Discussion.

Radley Balko Joins HuffPo Collective

Radley Balko and his blogs are moving to Huffington Post.

Where Did The Antiwar Movement Go?

The antiwar movement has been strangely silent despite the fact that U.S. foreign policy hasn’t really changed that much since Barack Obama became President.