Harvard Tops US News College Rankings

Harvard has overtaken Princeton to retake the top spot in the US News college rankings.

Stanley McCrystal, Yale Professor

General Stanley McChrystal has been hired to teach leadership at Yale.

Women’s Games as ‘Warm-Up’ Acts

Under pressure from the Feds, the NCAA is cracking down on colleges who put women’s games ahead of men’s games, which some say relegates them to “warm-up act” status.

Misspelling ‘School’ is Embarrassing

Southern Guilford High School in North Carolina briefly had a SHCOOL zone, thanks to a contractor’s gaffe.

For-Profit Universities

For-profit universities are defrauding their students. Indeed, it’s their business model.

Is Discrimination Against Christians Legal?

Can a public university expel a student for a religiously-motivated aversion to homosexuality?

All Lawyers Aren’t Rich!

Some lawyers make a fabulous salary right out of law school. Most don’t.

Does Harvard Discriminate Against Whites?

Rural whites are outperformed by Jews and Asians and passed over by blacks and Hispanics in the name of “diversity” by elite universities.

Ruling Class Elites

A bizarre rant in American Spectator contains some interesting thoughts about the nature of America’s political elite.

Unpaid Internships Unfair, Just Like Life!

Unpaid internships aren’t education and give kids of wealthy, well connected parents even more advantages. Should we get rid of them?

Is Academic Publishing BS?

Most academic journal articles are unreadable dreck. So, why are we demanding that more of them be produced?

No Link Between Computers At Home And Academic Achievement

Having a computer in the home does not have a significant impact on academic achievement, according to several new studies.

Professor Fired for Catholic Beliefs?

The Fox News headline “University of Illinois Instructor Fired Over Catholic Beliefs” is grossly misleading.

Russian Spy Could Lose Harvard Degree

A Russian spy may be stripped of a degree he earned at the Kennedy school under a stolen identity.

Americans Willing to Pay for Cops, Not Public Employees

Americans are more supportive of their tax money going to law enforcement than welfare.

Earnings Plummet Over Last 30 Years

A picture is more misleading than a thousand words.

Why American Kids Don’t Know History

A lot of Americans don’t know that the US gained its independence from Great Britain. How can this be? Is it a liberal conspiracy?

25% Of Americans Don’t Know What Independence Day Is All About

Another depressing poll demonstrating American historical ignorance.

Scholarship Wants to Be Free

Political science journals, particularly those which exist to provide scholarly insights into matters of public policy, ought to be freely available online.

LSU Facing Massive Cuts

LSU is facing some potential deep cuts in its budget.