Ohio Woman Double Felon For Sending Kids To Good School

An Ohio woman was convicted of two felony counts for sending her kids to good schools.

Test Taking Enhances Learning

A new study casts new light on the importance of testing students to reinforce their grasp of information.

College Students Lack Critical Thinking Skills, But Who’s To Blame?

A new study suggests college students aren’t learning the critical thinking skills they’re supposed to learn, but that isn’t necessary the fault of the university they’re attending.

Publisher To Delete “Racially Insensitive” Words From ‘Huckleberry Finn,’ ‘Tom Sawyer’

Just over 100 years after his death, Mark Twain’s two greatest novels are once again the subject of controversy.

ROTC Returning to Ivies

The repeal of DADT may open the doors for ROTC to return to many elite institutions, if cost doesn’t get in the way.

Is Ivy League Education Worth the Cost?

Do graduates of elite colleges earn more because of where they went to school? Or because of the traits that got them selected?

How Should Students Address Professors?

The archaic practice of calling one’s seniors by titles rather than their first name is actually quite useful.

Columbia PoliSci Prof Charged with Incest

Columbia political science professor David Epstein has been charged with a 3-year incestuous relationship with his adult daughter.

What Good Is A College Education?

Does that degree you get at the end of your four years of college really mean anything anymore, and is it worth the money you paid for it?

Why You Got a “C”

Gerard Van der Leun passes on a professorial rant entitled “Why You Got A ‘C'” that’s likely to be amusing primarily to those who have taught undergraduates.

Oregon: Plasma Screen Sports, Covered Wagon Academics

While the University of Oregon’s athletic programs are flourishing in a seas of green, its academic programs are woefully underfunded.

University Cancels Spirit of Diversity Award Over Nonconformist Speech

Wayne State has canceled the Helen Thomas Spirit of Diversity in the Media Award, citing its namesake’s controversial remarks.

Transparency and College Choice

Bridget Terry Long, a professor of education and economics at Harvard, argues that we should give prospective college students and their families better information on such matters as loan burdens, graduation rates, average class size, average aid package, salaries earned and positions held by recent graduates, and alumni satisfaction.

Education as Job Training

Economist Bryan Caplan argues that our educational system does not prepare our children for the modern economy.

Too Many Law Schools, Too Many Lawyers

Neither Law Schools nor law students are admitting the fact that the legal market has changed significantly.

So You Want a PhD in the Humanities?

The folks who gave us “So You Want to be a Lawyer?” follows up with “So You Want to Get a PhD in the Humanities?”

Elites: Americans But Not Of America?

Charles Murray argues that the Tea Party is right to complain about out-of-touch elites.

Higher Education Bubble

Glenn Reynolds “The Higher Education Bubble, and What Comes Next” lecture at Clemson (video).

Michelle Rhee Out as DC School Chancellor

Michelle Rhee is stepping down as chancellor of DC’s school system by “mutual consent” with the newly elected mayor.

Religion and the Dangers of Ignorance

If everything you know about Islam comes from Pam Geller and Christianity from Christopher Hitchens, you’re doing yourself a grave disservice.

Should Universities End Football?

Boston University and Northeastern have found that there is life after football. Shouldn’t most schools follow their lead?

The Dumbest Generation: Does Technology Make Kids Dumb?

Has modern life robbed America’s youth of their ability to think? Or simply caused them to think in different ways about different things?

Collegiate Prank Leads To Suicide

Three lives intersected last week at Rutgers University, but one person didn’t make it out alive.

Obama: School Choice For Me, But Not For Thee

President Obama’s recent comments about the D.C. Public Schools should raise a few eyebrows.

College Wage Premium

The earnings gap between those with and without a college education continues to grow. But this masks other realities.

White Students Minority Among UT Freshmen

For the first time ever, white students do not make up a majority among freshmen at the University of Texas at Austin.

Those Overeducated Ethiopians

Bryan Caplan argues that the fact so many kids in the developing world don’t go to school proves that education isn’t very valuable.

Whites-Only Class President Rule Ends at Mississippi School

A rule allowing only white students to run for class president at a Mississippi middle school has been quickly changed after the Internet brought attention to it.

College Athletics Losing Money

Despite raking in billions of dollars in television, ticket, and licensing revenues, all but 14 of the 106 schools in the NCAA’s top athletic division lost money in 2009. The median loss was over $10 million.

President’s “Back To School Speech” Scheduled For Sept 14th

President Obama will be giving an address to schoolkids again this year. Stay tuned for the cries of “indoctrination !”

College Rankings Nobody Takes Seriously

Washington Monthly ranks colleges “based on what they are doing for the country — on whether they’re improving social mobility, producing research, and promoting public service” rather than “wealth, exclusivity, and prestige.” Too bad they don’t hire that way.

Expert Recommends What Client Wanted

Policy expert recommends driving off cliff!

Beloit Mindset List, Class of 2014

Students entering college today have never worn a wristwatch and think email is slow.