Sarah Palin Puts Some Words Together About Egypt

Sarah Palin said something about the crisis in Egypt, but it’s not at all clear what she meant.

Remembering Reagan, Palin Paints A Dark Picture Of America’s Future

Sarah Palin spoke about Ronald Reagan last night, but seems to have forgotten the optimism that is part of The Gipper’s legacy.

Will The GOP’s Love For Endless War Trump Fiscal Conservatism?

The GOP is facing a battle between its fiscal conservatism and i’s military adventurism.

Moast Loathesome Americans

The Beast has released its The 50 Most Loathsome Americans of 2010, which I gather is supposed to be amusing rather than taken seriously.

Caption Contest Winners

The Get The Flock Outta Here Edition OTB Caption ContestTM is now over.

Mitt Romney Wins N.H. Straw Poll, Ron Paul Second, Palin Fourth

It’s straw poll season already. First up, New Hampshire where things turned out about how you’d expect them to considering Mitt Romney lives there now.

Take The Palin Pledge

For perhaps the first time ever, I find myself in total and complete agreement with Dana Milbank. Take the pledge: Give Palin a rest.

Sarah Palin Testing The Waters In Iowa? Republicans Getting Nervous?

Despite a bad week and a half, there are still signs that Sarah Palin is at least looking at a run for the White House in 2012. Which may be why some Republicans seem to be getting worried about her.

New Poll Numbers: Huckabee-Romney-Palin Top the GOP, Obama at 54%

The newest WaPo/ABC News poll numbers.

Sarah Palin Unfavorables Reach Critical Mass

Sarah Palin’s unfavorability ratings continue to climb. And there’s very little room for her recovery.

Sarah Palin Responds To The Response Over Her Response To The Arizona Shootings

Sarah Palin was “interviewed” by Sean Hannity last night. I doubt she helped herself.

Diagnosing The Odd Relationship Between Sarah Palin And The Media

The American media and Sarah Palin have developed an odd symbiotic relationship, and it’s unlikely to change anytime soon.

State Of The Union Seating: Phony Theatrics For Pointless Theater

Bipartisan seating at the State Of The Union is a pointless act of political theater. Then again, so is the State Of The Union Address itself.

The End Of Sarah Palin?

One columnist argues that Sarah Palin’s response to the Arizona shootings mark the end of whatever political future she might have had. He’s probably correct.

Sarah Palin Blasts Media For “Blood Libel” Against Her Over Arizona Shootings

Sarah Palin released a statement today about the Arizona shootings and the debate that has followed. It’s unlikely to help her.

There Was A Shooting In Arizona, Sarah Palin Is Not The Story

Over the past two days, Sarah Palin has become the center of the media firestorm over the tragic shootings in Arizona, she doesn’t belong there.

Caption Contest Winners

The Contender Edition OTB Caption ContestTM is now over.

EPA Acts Unilaterally on Climate Change

Frustrated that it couldn’t achieve desired environmental legislation despite huge majorities in both Houses of Congress, the Obama administration has decided to govern by executive fiat.

Sarah Palin’s Alaska as Popular as Mad Men

Sarah Palin’s reality show as as popular as the critically acclaimed drama everyone’s talking about. And that’s just half the story.

Palin Disses First Lady’s Anti-Obesity Campaign

Is Sarah Palin really against child nutrition? Or just taking cheap shots at Michelle Obama?

Caption Contest Winners

The Festivus For The Rest Of Us Edition OTB Caption ContestTM is now over.

60% Of Voters Wouldn’t Even Consider Voting For Sarah Palin For POTUS

According to two new polls, Sarah Palin has absolutely no chance of beating Barack Obama in 2012. So, why does it look like she’s going to run anyway?

Tax Deal Debate A Preview Of Race For GOP Nomination

The internal debate in the Republican Party over the tax cut extension deal with President Obama is serving as a preview of some of the battles that may erupt during the race for the party’s nomination in 2012.

Representation in the House: The Wyoming Rule

One simple proposal on the size of the House of Representatives.

Joe Miller Won’t Go Away

Joe Miller lost the Alaska Senate election by more than 10,000 votes but he’s still fighting.

Caption Contest Winners

The Three Hour Tour Edition OTB Caption ContestTM is now over.

Conservatives For Higher Taxes

Politics makes for strange bedfellows and, when it comes to the debate over the extension of the Bush tax cuts, anti-tax Republicans are making common cause with soak-the-rich progressives.

Sarah Palin is No Hunter

The namesake of “Sarah Palin’s Alaska” is no hunter, no matter what she might pretend.

Meghan McCain: Who Are You Calling a ‘Blue Blood’?

Meghan McCain doesn’t know what a “blue blood” is but doesn’t want to be called one.

Joe Scarborough: Time For GOP To Man Up And Take On Sarah Palin

Former Republican Congressman Joe Scarborough wants the GOP to stop kowtowing to Sarah Palin and her acolytes. He’s right.

Joe Miller: From Alaska Maverick To Sore Loser

Nearly four weeks after Election Day, Alaska’s Joe Miller still won’t concede the inevitable.