American Skepticism About Interventionism Is A Return To Historical Norms

Americans are skeptical about getting involved in the Ukraine crisis. This isn’t a surprise.

No, Ukraine Should Not Have Been Allowed To Keep Its Nuclear Weapons

Getting nuclear weapons out of Ukraine in 1994 was a good idea, not a mistake.

Crimeans Endorse Secession, Union With Russia. What’s Next?

As everyone anticipated, the Crimean referendum came out in favor of secession from Ukraine and union with Russia. What happens next is another question entirely.

OTB Caption Contest Winners

The Let Us Spray Edition OTB Caption ContestTM is now over.

On the Crimean Referendum

More on the pending referendum and some thoughts on elections in authoritarian contexts.

Why Do Dictators Like Kim Jong Un Bother To Hold Fake Elections?

Why do dictators feel the need to pretend that they have the consent of the people over whom they rule?

Divisions in Crimea

Crimea is more divided than Russia would have the world believe. Plus: the Crimean government has no legitimacy at the moment.

OTB Caption Contest Winners

The Its A Bull Market Edition OTB Caption ContestTM is now over.

Carterization of Obama

Barack Obama is no Jimmy Carter.

If Benghazi Doesn’t Damage Hillary Clinton Politically, What Would?

Is there anything that could stop the Clinton juggernaut?

Overselling the Stakes in Crimea

My first piece for The Hill, “Crimea is not Armageddon,” posted this morning.

Preliminary Thoughts on the Ukraine Situation

Russian invasion or legitimate secessionist movement? And does it matter?