Syria and the Responsibility to Protect

We’re running out of excuses.

Brits End Gender Discrimination in Royal Succession

Commonwealth leaders agreed to drop rules that give sons precedence as heir to the throne and bar anyone in line for the crown from marrying a Roman Catholic.

UK Blocking Internet Porn, Requires Opt-In [UPDATE: Maybe Not]

The British government has worked out a deal to block pornographic websites unless households specifically request them.

Would America Be Better Off With A Parliamentary Government?

Is America’s political system to blame for our current problems?

Rich-Poor Divide

The Telegraph’s chief political commentator sees moral decay at the top as well as the bottom.

The Rights of Englishmen

What’s a little thing like freedom of speech when there are shops being looted and burned?

English Riots

Some thoughts on the riots (especially some US partisan responses to it).

An Attempt at Unpacking the News Corp Scandal

I must confess to having only paid peripheral attention at first, but it is clear that there is a major story here that requires attention.

Dutch to Outlaw Kosher and Halal Slaughter

The Netherlands is considering a new animal cruelty law that would effectively ban kosher and halal slaughter practices.

Libya and the Intervener’s Dilemma

President Obama has pledged no slaughter and no ground troops for Libya. He may well be forced to pick one.

Libya Coalition Politics

The uneasy coalition that coalesced around action in Libya will be strained by decisions to come.

If Gaddafi Stays In Power, Then What’s The Point Of Intervention?

U.S. officials are making clear that the current mission in Libya may not lead to the end of Muammar Gaddafi’s rule. If that’s the case, then why are we there in the first place?

David Cameron: Gordon Brown Involved In Deal To Release Lockerbie Bomber

British Prime Minister David Cameron has made public documents which confirm his predecessors role in the release of the man convicted of bringing down Pan Am Flight 103.

USPS Loses $ 8.5 Billion, Warns Of Bankruptcy

The U.S. Postal Service is warning Congress that it could run out of cash next year without a government bailout. Meaning that this is the perfect opportunity to reform an organization that has been out-of-date for a decade now.

Planes Were Apparent Target Of Yemeni Bombs

Thanks to a combination of good intelligence and fast action, it looks like the U.S. and UK avoided a serious attack on airliners last week.

Change in American Political Parties

If the Republicans win back Congress in November, it will be largely unearned. But that doesn’t mean that there’s no incentive for change in American politics.

Israel or NATO?