The Trump White House Still Can’t Get Its Story Straight On Rob Porter

Whether it’s the abuse angle or the more serious issue of security clearances, the White House still can’t get the story straight on the Rob Porter case.

Second Federal Judge Places Hold On Trump Administration Decision To End DACA

Another Federal Judge has placed a hold on President Trump’s order to end DACA.

Federal Lawsuit Seeks To Challenge Federal Laws Against Marijuana

A Federal Court in New York City is set to hear argument tomorrow in a case that essentially argues that a large swath of Federal laws regarding marijuana are unconstitutional.

Donald Trump Has A Woman Problem

Women voters are turning decidedly against Donald Trump, this could pose problems for Republican in 2018 and beyond.

Trump Defends Former White House Staffer Accused of Spousal Abuse

President Trump spoke up about the spousal abuse charges against his former Staff Secretary Rob Porter. His response was entirely predictable.

Federal Judge Rules Against Trump’s Effort To Halt DACA Program

A Federal Judge has put a hold on the impending end of the DACA program.

Pursuant To Court Order, Defense Department Will Allow Transgender Americans To Enlist

Transgender Americans will be able to enlist in the military beginning January 1st thanks to a ruling from a Federal District Court Judge.

Michigan Congressman John Conyers Retires Amid Sexual Harassment Claims

The longest-serving member of the House has retired amid allegations of sexual misconduct.

Federal Court Blocks Implementation Of Trump’s Ban On Transgender Soldiers

A Federal Judge in Washington, D.C. has blocked the Trump Administration from implementing its ban on transgender soldiers.

Ezekiel Elliott Suspension Reinstated By Federal Appeals Court

A legal setback for Ezekiel Elliott and the Dallas Cowboys.

More Lawsuits Filed Over Trump’s Decision To End DACA

The Trump Administration has been hit with two new lawsuits over the President’s decision to end the DACA program.

University Of California Sues Trump Administration Over Decision To End DACA

The University of California has joined the list of Plaintiffs suing the Trump Administration over its decision to end DACA.

Democratic States Sue Trump Administration Over Decision To End DACA

As expected, a group of Democratic states is suing the Trump Administration over the decision to end the DACA program.

Blue States Threatening To Sue Trump Over DACA Decision, But Their Case Seems Weak

Several Democratic Attorneys General are threatening to sue the Trump Administration over the decision to end DACA, but their legal arguments appear to be especially weak.

Ezekiel Elliott, the NFL, and Due Process

The NFLPA alleges “egregious violations of legal due process” in the Ezekiel Elliot suspension.

Pair Of New Lawsuits Challenge Trump’s Transgender Military Ban

President Trump’s effort to ban transgender Americans from serving in the military faces two new legal challenges.

Trump, The Arpaio Pardon, And The Constitution

The pardoning of Joe Arpaio was distasteful and an affront to the Rule of Law, but it was completely within the powers of the President and should not be a ground for impeachment.

Transgender Troops Sue Trump Over Military Ban

Just about two weeks after being announced, the President’s proposed ban on military service by transgender troops is being challenged in Court.

Supreme Court Makes It Harder For States To Keep Fines Paid By Exonerated Defendants

The Supreme Court made it harder for states to keep fines and other payments in cases where defendants are exonerated.

Appeals Court Upholds Restraining Order Barring Trump’s Muslim Travel Ban

Another judicial slap at the Trump Administration.

Obama Commutes Chelsea Manning’s Sentence

A potentially controversial commutation from President Obama today.

House GOP Votes To Gut Independent Congressional Ethics Board (Update: GOP Pulls Rules Change At Last Minute)

On the eve of the 115th Congress, House Republicans voted to gut a key office charged with investigating Congressional ethics.

No, The Electoral College Is Not Unconstitutional

Wherein a law professor makes the absurd argument that the Electoral College, which exists pursuant to the Constitution, is unconstitutional.

Donald Trump Opposes Flag Burning, Supports Burning The Constitution

Donald Trump resurrects an old debate and desecrates the Constitution in the process.

Donald Trump Shrugging Donald Trump Shrugging

Trump Flip Flops On Immigration Again

Over the course of twenty-four hours, Donald Trump has had three separate positions on how he’d deal with illegal immigrants already in the country.

Donald Trump Shrugging Donald Trump Shrugging

Is Trump About To Flip-Flop On Immigration?

A report over the weekend raises questions about whether or not Donald Trump is changing positions on a central tenet of his campaign.

Tom Brady Abandons ‘Deflategate’ Appeals, Will Serve Suspension Beginning In September

New England Patriots Quarterback Tom Brady has abandoned his option to appeal the ‘Deflategate’ ruling to the Supreme Court and will serve his four game suspension beginning in September.

In McDonnell Decision, Supreme Court Places Important Limits On Prosecutors

In overturning former Virginia Governor Bob McDonnell’s conviction, the Supreme Court has sent a powerful message to overly zealous prosecutors.

Senate Rejects Post-Orlando Gun Control Efforts

As expected, the Senate rejected four gun control measures introduced in the wake of the attack in Orlando.

SCOTUS Declines To Review Case Challenging New York, Connecticut Gun Control Laws

Continuing a pattern that began six years ago, the Supreme Court has again declined to hear an appeal in a case involving a challenge to state gun control laws.

On Donald Trump’s Contempt For The Rule Of Law And Freedom Of The Press

Donald Trump’s open contempt for the Rule of Law and Freedom of the Press should disqualify him from being considered an acceptable candidate for President.

Eighth Democratic Debate Raises Question Of Whether We Need This Many Debates

The eighth Democratic debate raises the question of whether we really need this many debates.

DHS Official Argues Against Using No-Fly List To Bar People From Buying Guns

At least one DHS official seems to be against the idea of using no-fly list to stop people from buying firearms.

Using The No-Fly List To Bar Gun Purchases Is Bad Policy, And Likely Unconstitutional

The Governors of Connecticut and New York are joining President Obama and Hillary Clinton in favor of a really bad idea.

FBI: San Bernardino Shooters Tashfeen Malik And Syed Farook Radicalized Years Before Marriage

The Director of the F.B.i. told Congress today that the San Bernardino shooters were apparently radicalized much earlier than previously believed.

Trump’s Plan To Bar Muslim Immigration Widely Condemned, But It’s Unlikely To Hurt Him

Donald Trump’s plan to bar all Muslim immigration to the United States is being widely condemned by his fellow Republicans and others, but the proposal probably won’t hurt him politically in a Republican Party that is deeply bigoted against Muslims in general.

No, We Shouldn’t Use The No-Fly List To Decide Who Can’t Buy A Gun

The no-fly list is a flawed, arbitrary mess that has kept innocent people from flying for years. Using it to deny people rights recognized by the Constitution is, quite honestly, insane.

On The Syrian Refugee Issue And The Internment Of Japanese-Americans During World War II

Remarks by a Democratic politician in Virginia regarding the Administration’s Syrian refugee program have brought up disturbing reminders of a shameful time in American history.

Supreme Court Considers Case Where Civil Asset Forfeiture And The Sixth Amendment Collide

The Supreme Court is now considering a case that deals with the problem of overly broad civil asset forfeiture laws and a Defendant’s right to counsel under the Sixth Amendment.

Nurse Kaci Hickcox Sues Chris Christie For Civil Liberties Violations During Ebola Quarantine

The nurse who was detained by New Jersey officials in a quarantine despite not displaying any symptoms of Ebola is suing Chris Christie and others for civil liberties violations.

President Obama’s Empty Rhetoric On Guns

In the wake of yesterday’s shootings in Oregon, President Obama took the airwaves to offer the same empty rhetoric he has on this issue in the past, and to make the false claim that there are simple solutions to what is a very complex problem.

How Much Will Trumpism Damage The Republican Party?

Even if Donald Trump isn’t the Republican nominee in 2016, he could still end up causing real harm to the party’s chances of winning the White House and holding on to the Senate.

Connecticut Supreme Court Declares Death Penalty Unconstitutional

Connecticut eliminated the death penalty several years ago, and now the state’s Supreme Court has ruled that the men remaining on death row cannot be executed.

Supreme Court Rejects Challenge To Death Penalty

The Supreme Court rejected a challenge to the way the death penalty is administered, dealing a serious blow to opponents of the death penalty.

The Supreme Court as Sitting Constitutional Convention

Debating the proper role of the judiciary.

On Constitutional Language

Wherein I take the view that as our understanding of language changes, so too does our application of the Constiution.

Fear and Paranoia in Academia

I have been reading, mostly in passing, a number of pieces about an alleged new climate on college campuses in which students are raising significant complaints due to difficult or emotionally sensitive material. The latest example did not impress me.

European Commission Plan Would Require All E.U. Members To Accept Migrants

A plan to distribute migrants from the conflicts in the Middle East and North Africa across the entire European Union seems destined to cause political conflict.

Two Hostages, Including One American, Killed In Raid On Al Qaeda Targets

An attack on al Qaeda outposts in January resulted in the death of two hostages, but also resulted in the death of two high value al Qaeda targets.