Rangel Guilty of 11 Ethics Violations

Charlie Rangel has been found guilty of 11 violations of House ethics rules.

After A Bizarre Day, Rangel Ethics Trial Ends

There was bound to be entertainment during Charlie Rangel’s Ethics Committee hearing, and the Harlem Congressman did not disappoint this morning.

Lame Duck Congresses And The Constitution

While not inherently unconstitutional, lame duck Congresses have the potential for violating the spirit of the Constitution and create the potential for mischief on the part of Representatives who have been thrown out of office.

New York Times Calls On Democrats To Reject Pelosi

The New York Times has joined the mostly muted chorus calling on Democrats to select someone other than Nancy Pelosi as their new Minority Leader. In all likelihood, their call will go unheeded.

Keith Olbermann’s Donations To Democrats: Much Ado About Nothing

Politico runs this morning with the shocking revelation that Keith Olbermann is a Democrat.

Democracy At Its Best

A Chicago voter is less than thrilled with the political slate for which he’s voting today.

Donation Casts Doubt On Journalistic Integrity At Fox

A News Corporation donation to a group opposition a ballot initiative in California is casting doubt on the objectivity of reporting at Fox Business Channel

NPR Fires Juan Williams

NPR has fired Juan Williams over controversial comments about Muslims.

New York Times Shocked That Clarence Thomas’s Wife Has A Job

Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas’s wife Virginia is under scrutiny ? Why ? Because she has a job.

Christine O’Donnell Continues To Dodge Questions About Campaign Spending

While she continues basking in the glory of her surprise victory, Christine O’Donnell is still dodging questions about potentially serious violations of the law.

Can Murkowski Win As A Write In Candidate ? Don’t Say “No” Just Yet

While it will be difficult, the idea that Lisa Murkowski could win a write-in bid to retain her Senate seat is not at all implausible.

Blogging and Professional Ethics

When professors blog, they send signals to their students about their attitudes. Where do we draw the line between free expression and unprofessional conduct?

Race Card Maxed Out: Void During Black Presidency

Jon Stewart and “Senior Black Correspondent” Larry Wilmore eviscerate Maxine Waters’ claims that she and other corrupt members of the Congressional Black Caucus are being investigated for ethics charges because she’s black.

For-Profit Universities

For-profit universities are defrauding their students. Indeed, it’s their business model.

Sharron Angle: Conservative ? Or, Theocrat ?

Sharron Angle’s views about the role of religion in politics are disturbingly similar to those of people who believe that the Bible itself should be the law of the land.

Obama To Congressional Dems: You May Not Want Me In Your District

Democrats have not figured out how to use President Obama during the upcoming Mid-Term campaign, if at all.

Why Charlie Rangel Will Likely Survive

Despite facing a thirteen-count ethics complaint, Charlie Rangel probably isn’t going anywhere.

Reflects Creditably on the House

The requirement that “members act at all times in a way that reflects creditably on the House” has a parallel in the UCMJ’s “conduct unbecoming” clause.

Charles Rangel Hit With 13 Charges Of Ethics Violations

It was another bad day for Charlie Rangel, but something tells me he’s going to be just fine.

Is Discrimination Against Christians Legal?

Can a public university expel a student for a religiously-motivated aversion to homosexuality?

Blogger Ethics And The Breitbart/Sherrod Story

There are some lessons for the blogosphere in this week’s Andrew Breitbart dust-up.

Charles Rangel Facing Ethics Charges

Charles Rangel, who recently stepped aside as Chairman of House Ways And Means Committee, is facing ethics charges.

JournoList: Conspiracy, Scandal, Or Locker Room Trash Talk ?

JournoList’s archives have been making headlines at The Daily Caller, but there doesn’t seem to be any substance to the allegations of scandal.

Conservative Media Bias

Conservatives have long complained about liberal media bias. But conservative media seems to be much worse.

Did Rolling Stone Violate Journalistic Ethics In McChrystal Interview ?

Does it matter if the controversial McChrystal comments were “off the record” ? No, it doesn’t.

Ethics of Publishing ‘Private’ Emails

Do journalists have any expectation of privacy in their emails?

Dave Weigel’s Anti-Conservative Rants Go Public

Sharing your unvarnished thoughts on a listserv is just asking for trouble, as Dave Weigel is the latest to discover.

Massa vs. Ensign