Yes, Bush Administration Used Torture

A bipartisan commission of elder statesmen confirms what we’ve known for years.

Report: U.S. Practiced Torture After 9/11

A new report confirms that the United States did engage in torture in the wake of the September 11th attacks.

Mental Illness, Gun Rights, And Medical Privacy

Keeping guns out of the hands of dangerous people while protecting individual liberty isn’t easy.

Obama Hit For Lack Of Diversity In Reshuffled Cabinet

President Obama is taking some heat over the fact that his Second Term cabinet selections have been very white and very male.

Hindsight Isn’t Lying

Tthere’s enough bad punditry going around that there’s no need to invent cases to expose.

How Much Should Doctors Tell You About Your Medical Future?

The case of an infant with a rare genetic condition raises an interesting ethical dilemma.

Losing Our Religion

America’s Protestants are dying off and being replaced by non-believers.

CNN Taking Fire For Using Slain Ambassador’s Journal As News Source

Good journalism? Or, bad ethics?

One Man’s Truth Is Another’s Outright Goddamned Lie

John Cole takes exception to my recent summary of recent Obama campaign highlight.

NCAA Hits Penn State With Crippling Penalties

The NCAA more than lived up to the hype of “unprecedented” sanctions.

An Appearance Of Impropriety At Justice

It’s never a good thing when an Administration is investigating itself.

The Supreme Court’s New Limits On The Commerce Power

While it upheld the Affordable Care Act today, the Supreme Court also placed some clear limits on Congressional power. That’s a good thing.

Congress, Insider Trading, And The 2008 Financial Crisis

More evidence of the extent to which Members of Congress have profited from the inside information they receive.

Is The Supreme Court Too Small?

One law professor suggests that we need to double the size of the Supreme Court. Is he right?

Congress and Insider Trading

Congressmen are investing hundreds of millions of dollars in stock in companies over which they have oversight. And it’s perfectly legal.

How Obama Became a Hawk

The president has come a long way from his days as a “liberal law professor who campaigned against the Iraq war.”

Conservative ‘Race War’ Meme

The people who gave us the “war on Christmas” are now touting an upsurge on black-on-white crime.

Free John Edwards?

John Edwards is a pathetic human being, but that doesn’t mean he’s necessarily a criminal.

Men Outnumber Women Among American Rape Victims

The majority of all rapes in America take place in prison. Which means the majority of rape victims are likely men.

Brokaw Objects To Romney Anti-Gingrich Ad with Old NBC Footage

Tom Brokaw isn’t happy with Mitt Romney’s latest ad, which use of a 1997 NBC news report on Newt Gingrich’s ethics.

Nice Work If You Can Get It

Becoming a Member of Congress can be a very lucrative career.

Newt Gingrich, You’re No Ronald Reagan

Like many Republicans before him, Newt Gingrich is trying to claim the mantle of Reagan. He is the one least entitled to it.

Why the Establishment Doesn’t Like Newt Gingrich

The Establishment opposition to the current frontrunner has little to do with his policy ideas.

Santorum on Suffering and Death

Rick Santorum has some extreme views on social welfare. Of course, he isn’t alone.

Hank Paulson, The Bush Treasury Department, And Crony Capitalism

Guess who got advance warning of government actions on the eve of the 2008 financial crisis?

Ezra Klein Isn’t a Reporter

A progressive columnist has been outed as having sympathies for the Democratic Party.

Newt Gingrich’s Improbable Rise

So, how did we get to the point where a fat, condescending, serial adulterer who left office in disgrace twelve years ago is the latest challenger for the conservative mantle?