The Price of Tea in China

Food prices are rising in China. For us higher food prices mean we get fat a little more slowly; for a poor Chinese family it means starvation stalks a little closer.

What, Exactly, Is The Federal Reserve Up To?

The Federal Reserve is injecting $ 600,000,000,000 into the economy, primarily in the hope that it will boost stock prices and, in turn, the economy. It might work, but if it doesn’t the consequences could be severe.

Slow Economic Growth: The New Normal?

Another round of GDP growth figures are out, and they show that the U.S. economy continues to grow far slower than necessary to sustain job growth. Is this a temporary problem, or something we can expect to live with for the foreseeable future?

Treasury Offers Negative Yield Securities!

Has Uncle Sam got a deal for you: Lend the Treasury money for five years and it will only cost you negative 0.55 percent!

Universities vs. Education

The skyrocketing cost of tuition makes it harder for students to justify getting a liberal arts education rather than training for a high paying job.

Publishing Title Inflation

Bill Jacobson and Glenn Reynolds seem to be overly amused that Conor Friedersdorf has the title of “senior editor” over at Andrew Sullivan’s blog.

The Risk of a Fiscal Crisis

The CBO sees a clear threat of a fiscal crisis during the next two decades unless we’re saved by magic ponies.

Paul Krugman’s Economic Silliness

According to Paul Krugman’s latest column, the massive destruction of World War Two was actually good for the U.S. economy. Sadly, there are people who consider him an expert.

Chart Of The Day: The Housing Bubble Has Not Fully Deflated

The housing market that existed from the late 1990s until 2007/08 was an historical anomaly, and anyone expecting a return to those days is fooling themselves.

Federal Workers Earn Twice Private Sector Counterparts?

The average federal government employee earns twice as much as the average private sector worker. An outrage? Not so much.

Democrats’ “New” Strategy: Blame Bush

The Democrats are pulling a trick from the Reagan playbook for the fall campaign. They might want to rethink that.

David Stockman’s Scathing Indictment Of GOP Fiscal Policy

Twenty-five years after retiring as President Reagan’s Budget Director, David Stockman is back with a scathing indictment of Republican fiscal policies over the past four decades.

Chevy Volt: Game Changer Or Electric Edsel ?

General Motors, and Barack Obama, are betting the future on a car that may be nothing more than an electric lemon.

USA Wealthiest Major Country

The US standard of living is not only growing but its lead over Europe and Japan is growing.

Pentagon Budget Cuts ? Yes, Why Not ?

With everyone concerned about the budget deficit, the idea of cutting military spending is finally gaining traction on Capitol Hill.

The Coming Republican Crackup

Will a debate over foreign policy tear apart the GOP ? Probably not.

So Much For The Summer Of Recovery

There are further signs that the economy will remain anemic through the end of 2010, if not longer.

John Boehner Steps On The Third Rail

The House GOP Leader is proposing that we get serious about Social Security reform.

Third Depression: Barriers to Recovery

A lot stands in the way of returning to pre-collapse employment levels in the USA.

Law School Grade Inflation

Law schools are artificially raising student grades, sometimes retroactively, to make them more competitive on the job market.

Action Comics #1 Sells for Million Dollars

When I started collecting the books, back in early 1977, copies of Action #1 were available for something like $3500. 

Grading on a curve

Piling on China

Recession Over?

Calling Our Bluff