Army Medal Fatigue

Andrew Exum believes the Army should “get rid of all medals not related to valor or campaign-specific service.”

Chair of House Subcommittee on Higher Education not a Fan of Student Loans

It would be nice if people in power would be a bit more introspective and thoughtful.

How SuperPACs Have Made Politics More Democratic

Far from being deterimental, there is a case to be made that SuperPACs have actually expended democracy during this election cycle.

War Against Youth?

The old have most of the money and power in our society, a trend that is accelerating.

Do College Professors Work Enough?

David C. Levy argues college professors at teaching universities are overpaid because they don’t put in enough hours.

How Do You Defeat An Incumbent President?

The odds are against anyone who challenges an incumbent President. So, how do you do it?

Gas Prices Hurting Obama In The Polls, But Will It Matter In November?

Rising fuel prices are starting to hurt the President in the polls, but it’s unclear what that means for November.

More Maker/Taker Musings

The NYT has an interesting piece on the ongoing limted v. big governemnt debate.

Reviving American Manufacturing

Contrary to myth, the USA is still a major manufacturing power. But the factory has changed radically.

Republican Senators Leading Effort To Halt Automatic Pentagon Cuts

Not surprisingly, Republicans are trying to reverse the automatic cuts to defense spending agreed to in August.

Mitt Romney Richer Than Most Presidents

Romney would rank among richest presidents ever

$4.00 Per Gallon Gas By Spring? Bye Bye Economic Recovery?

Higher gas prices in the spring could have an impact on the economy, and the election.

Ron Paul: Yea I Wrote The Newsletters, But Not Those Icky Parts

Ron Paul has a new explanation for those newsletters of his.

Nice Work If You Can Get It

Becoming a Member of Congress can be a very lucrative career.

What Lies Ahead For The Economy?

Where is the economy headed? The signals are mixed at best.

The Truth About The Coming “Cuts” To Defense Spending

Don’t believe the fear mongering about the coming decreases in the growth of defense spending.

Eurozone Too Big To Save?

“The debt crisis is burrowing ever deeper, like a worm, and is now reaching Germany.”

With Super Committee Dead, Showdown Likely Over Defense Cuts

With the Super Committee dead, 2012 is likely to see a fight over the defense cuts set to take place starting in 2013.

What Went Wrong With The GOP

How did Republicans get in this mess?

Supercommittee Headed For Unsurprising Failure

Not surprisingly, the Supercommittee is a Super Failure.

Rick Perry’s Wrongheaded “Government Reform” Plan

Rick Perry is out with a plan to reform Washington. Mostly, it’s just a bunch of gimmicks.

Why More Americans Don’t Major in Math and Science

A dwindling proportion of students are majoring in STEM fields. They’re likely making the wise choice.

Greece’s Dangerous Gamble

The Greek referendum could be a disaster for the global economy. And might be the right thing to do.

Banks Have Too Much Money!

Banks have more money than they can lend out profitably.

Targeting Nominal GDP

After years of fighting inflation, some are now urging the Fed to instead target GDP growth and jobs.

What If The Economy Never Really Gets Better?

The prospects for real economic recovery are not good.

Wall Street Won’t Fix Our Problems

American has real economic and social problems. But the solution in on Capitol Hill, not Wall Street.

Economic Crisis: What Could Government Have Done Better?

With the advantage of hindsight, it’s clear that more creative strategies were needed. But they probably couldn’t have been passed.

Bad Economy Effects Last a Lifetime

Damage from starting one’s career during a recession can persist over one’s entire working life.

Two To Three Weeks To Prevent A Meltdown In Europe?

It’s time to start being concerned about Europe.

Obama Answers Reagan’s Question

In an interview, President Obama says that Americans are worse off than they were four years ago.

Demand Crisis, Structural Crisis, or Both?

Paul Krugman seems to believe that something like the bubble economy we enjoyed until it burst in 2008 could be had again if only our leaders were sufficiently bold.

Obama’s Millionaire’s Tax

President Obama is proposing a special tax rate for millionaires.

Is Social Security A Ponzi Scheme?

Whether it’s a “Ponzi Scheme” or not, Social Security has serious systemic problems that must be addressed.

July PCE

Thank goodness, the July PCE numbers look pretty good compared to recent months. Lets hope it is something that will continue.

Obama Should Listen to Small Businesses, Not Conservatives

Obama’s economic policies are failing because he’s listening to conservatives – not small businesses.

Is There Really Anything Ben Bernanke Can Do?

Ben Bernanke didn’t offer many clues in his speech today, but one wonders if he really has any tricks left up his sleeve.

Rubio’s Speech

Rubio may be wowing conservatives audience, but is his rhetoric grounded in reality?

Education Colleges Academic Slums

Schools of education attract the weakest students and give out the highest grades on campus.

Michele Bachmann’s Plan For $2.00 Gas: Another Great Recession?

Michele Bachmann is promising $2.00 gas. Not surprisingly, she has no idea how to achieve this seemingly impossible goal.