A Basic Fact about the Minimum Wage

Please, for accuracy’s sake, figure inflation into discussions of the history of the minimum wage.

December Jobs Report Comes In Way Off Estimates, 300,000+ Leave Labor Force

A surprisingly disappointing jobs report for December.

Most Commonly Awarded Grade At Harvard Is An ‘A’

Is Harvard University the Lake Wobegon of the Ivy League or are Harvard students really that smart?

Euro Zone Jobless Rate Remains At 12.5%, Solutions Seem Out Of Reach

The economy of the Euro Zone remains in quiet dire straits, unless you’re lucky enough to live in Germany.

Return Of The Debt Kamikazes

They’re back…….

Obama Didn’t Try To Scare Americans Over Syria, Except When He Did

:Like his predecessors, President Obama’s speech last night exaggerated the threat that Syria poses in order to sell his plan to American voters.

Rick Santorum Will Not be the 2016 Republican Nominee

It may be Rick Santorum’s “turn” but he’s too harsh and extreme to win the nomination.

Military Leaders Fighting Military Pay Raises Congress Forcing on Military

Congress really, really wants to give soldiers a 1.8 percent pay raise. Generals are begging them to hold it to 1 percent.

White House and House of Representatives Clash on Civilian Pay

The two ends of Pennsylvania Avenue are clashing on defense appropriations.

The End of the Affair

To maintain growth China needs to consider its priorities.

Films Based On Marvel Comics More Successful Than Those Based On DC Comics

Films from the House of Spiderman have grossed more than those from the House of Superman. But that’s mostly because of ticket price increases.

Dog Bites One Third of Homeowner’s Insurance Claims

While most of us buy homeowner’s insurance to protect against storm damage and theft, injuries caused by dogs account for a third of all damage payouts.

Rich Kids Go to Elite Colleges, Becoming Rich Adults

The economics of higher education is increasing the gap between rich and poor.

Law School Applications Nearing 30 Year Low

Applications to America’s Law Schools are down, because the nature of the legal profession is changing.

The Platinum Coin Boondoggle

Could a coin like this solve the looming debt ceiling crisis?

Administrative Bloat at America’s Colleges and Universities

One major factor in the skyrocketing cost of a college education in America is a huge increase in overhead costs.

Reagan Won The Tax Debate. Now What?

Ronald Reagan won the tax fight. The debate now centers on whether to continue cutting taxes or slightly reverse the trend.

Republican Problems More Than Failure to Communicate

The Republican Party needs more than outreach to Hispanics to become a viable national party again.

Obama Claims Sequestration Cuts “Won’t Happen”

President Obama seems to have given away the store when it comes to the defense sequestration cuts.

Iran’s Currency Has Collapsed. A Sign The Sanctions Are Working?

Iran’s currency has collapsed and there are riot police in the streets of Teheran. It appears the sanctions may just be working after all.

Obama’s Gas Prices

A sign at a local Exxon station seemingly blames high gasoline prices on Barack Obama.

How Romney Lost The Economy As A Winning Issue

The biggest surprise of the Presidential race to date is the fact that Mitt Romney has lost the edge he once had on economic issues.

Debunking A Myth: Reagan Was Leading Carter Long Before That Final October Debate

Ronald Reagan was leading Jimmy Carter long before the two men met in Cleveland on October 28th, 1980.

Federal Reserve Announces Another Round Of Stimulus Creating Money Out Of Thin Air

Ben Bernanke thinks doing more of the same is just what the economy needs.

August Jobs Report Shows Continued Weakening Of Labor Market

Another bad jobs report threatens to undermine whatever good will the President had coming off the Democratic National Convention.

Obama Campaign Dodges Reagan’s Question

The Obama campaign clearly does not want Americans to consider whether they are better off now than they were four years ago.

Signs Of Trouble In The Chinese Economy

Signs are brewing that the Chinese economy is slowing down significantly.

What Happened to the Wage and Productivity Link?

What happened in 1970 to decouple wages and productivity?

Millionaires Club Has Lots of Turnover

Few people earn a million dollars in a year. Fewer still do it more than once.

Factory Orders Drop In April, Signaling More Bad Economic News

Another sign this morning that the economic has been slowing, and may be contracting.