
Polling on Cordoba House

Given public opinion on the proposed Islamic community center that is currently cominating the news, we would expect that opposition to the project would be strongest in Manhattan itself.

The Manufactured “Ground Zero Mosque” Controversy

How did the future of this former Burlington Coat Factory turn into a national political issue ? Well, it’s a rather interesting story.

A Simple Question in re: Islam and US Politics

A major part of the problem with the seeming growing wave of anti-Muslim sentiment in some quarters of US politics is that it seems to equate Islam as “the enemy.” If that’s the case, then US foreign policy has some ‘splainin’ to do.

Is The GOP Anti-Islamic ? No, But They Are Playing With Fire

The GOP is playing a dangerous game with the anti-Islamic rhetoric that it seems to be courting these days.

Obama’s Shadow War on Terror

Barack Obama has significantly widened his predecessor’s global war on terrorism, even if he’s no longer calling it that.

Politics And The “Ground Zero Mosque”

President Obama’s decision to speak out on the so-called “Ground Zero Mosque” has turned what was a hot-button cable news item into a political issue that even his fellow Democrats don’t want to deal with.

Cordoba House and the Power of Political Marketing

If it was called the “Burlington Coat Factory community center” would anyone care about Cordoba House?

President Obama Defends “Ground Zero” Mosque, Religious Freedom

President Obama waded into the “Ground Zero” mosque controversy at a Ramadan dinner last night.

Apparently, Hating Muslims Is Now A Family Value

The American Family Association has ramped up the nation’s anti-Muslim sentiment yet again.

OTB Radio – Tonight at 5:30 Eastern

Tonight’s topics: Yesterday’s primary elections, the cost of hiring workers in the public and private sectors, anti-Muslim sentiment, and the move to repeal birthright citizenship.

Gay Bar Near Mosque Near Ground Zero

Greg Gutfeld claims to be working to build a gay bar next door to the controversial Cordoba House Muslim cultural center a few blocks from Ground Zero.

Hezbollah Supports Restoration of Jewish Synagogue in Beirut

Hezbollah can tolerate the restoration of a synagogue, but many Americans are apoplectic about a Muslim community center and mosque two blocks from where the WTC once stood.

Anti-Muslim Sentiment In America: It’s Not Just About A Mosque Near “Ground Zero”

Protests against mosques aren’t just limited to Manhattan. And that’s a problem.

More Signs of Anti-Muslim Sentiment

A number of disturbing incidents point towards increased anti-Islam hostility in the United States.

ADL Condemns “Ground Zero” Mosque Bigotry, Sides With The Bigots

The Anti-Defamation League has taken an unfortunate stand on a issue involving religious tolerance and bigotry.

Tennessee Lt. Gov.: No Religious Freedom For Muslims

The Lt. Governor of Tennessee suggested recently that religious freedom possibly shouldn’t apply to Muslims, but he’s only part of the problem.

Maureen Dowd: There Aren’t Enough Blacks In The Obama Administration

According to Maureen Dowd, Barack Obama’s biggest problem is that there are too many white people in this picture.

Banning Burqas Is A Bad Idea

The world would undoubtedly be a better place if Islamic fundamentalism reached even 19th century Western notions of individualism and gender equality. But cultures evolve over decades, and bans on their practices are not useful means of promoting positive change within them.

Newt Gingrich: America Should Be More Like Saudi Arabia

Newt Gingrich says that because there are no churches in Riyadh, we shouldn’t allow a mosque in New York.

Andrew Sullivan Dives Right Back Into Trig Trutherism

Andrew Sullivan is back from vacation and back obsessing over the birth of a two-year old kid in Alaska.

Malapropisms, Manhattan Mosques, And Sarah Palin

Sarah Palin tweeted, and took the wrong side in a story that doesn’t even deserve to be a controversy.

Who Should be on TV?

Should outrageous people like Pamela Gellar be invited to spread their message on national television?

Pakistan has banned content on more than a dozen websites because of offensive and blasphemous material. The Muslim country, which has laws on dress codes, ranks as the top country to proportionally search for certain sex-related terms. Pakistan has banned content on more than a dozen websites because of offensive and blasphemous material. The Muslim country, which has laws on dress codes, ranks as the top country to proportionally search for certain sex-related terms.

Pakistan Porn Search Leader

Pakistan is the world-wide leader in internet porn searches. And they have some strange tastes over there.

How to Spot Bogus “The Jihadists are Hooking up with Latin American Drug Cartel” Stories

Since 9/11 there has been a steady trickle of stories about jihadists hooking up with Latin American drug cartels and the like. Here is a guide of story points that can help you identify when such a story is almost certainly bogus.

South Park Muhammad Episodes Get Emmy Nomination

Muhammed may be in a bear suit, but he still got an Emmy nomination.

NASA to Put Muslim on Moon Using Muslim Technology

NASA engineers are already “close to testing” a solid rocket booster powered by combustible animal dung, and operated according to principles discovered by Ibn Al-Haytham, Islam’s best-known scientist, who died in 1039 AD.

NASA’s New Mission: Muslim Self-Esteem ?

NASA Administrator Charles Bolden said in an interview that he considered raising Muslim self-esteem about their contributions to science one of the goals of his agency.

The Irony of Freedom