Ben Carson Flunks Foreign Policy, History

Ben Carson doesn’t seem to know much about foreign policy or history. And he doesn’t belong on anyone’s list of serious Presidential candidates.

ISIL Destroys Nimrud

The gang calling itself the Islamic State has destroyed another historical site.

Joint Iraqi-Iranian Operations in Tikrit

Iraqi army and Iranian army in joint offensive to retake Tikrit.

ISIS is What it Says it Is

The Atlantic has a fascinating cover story by Graeme Wood titled “What ISIS Really Wants.”

ISIS Has Arrived In Libya, Just How Big A War Are We Looking At?

ISIS apparently now has a foothold in Libya, and is making inroads in Yemen.

Denmark Terror Attacks and Machine-Gun Censorship

Yet another attack on religious freedom in Europe.

FRANCE 24 | Screen grab of map showing areas controlled by the Islamic State group in Syria and Iraq 14 October 2014 FRANCE 24 | Screen grab of map showing areas controlled by the Islamic State group in Syria and Iraq 14 October 2014

Authorizations to Unlimited Military Force

Daniel Larison is far less ambivalent about our war on ISIL than me.


Most in the international relations community are not amused by the president’s National Security Strategy.

Obama To Seek Authorization For A War That He Already Started

President Obama will ask Congress to authorize a war he started six months ago.

Why Congress is AWOL on National Security Policy

Has the legislative branch abdicated its responsibility in US foreign policy?

King Abdullah Of Saudi Arabia Dies At 90, Crown Prince Salman Becomes King

A big change in an important nation in the most volatile part of the world.

An ‘Ambitious’ Yet Pointless State Of The Union, And An Utterly Pointless Response

The State Of The Union Address was more of the same, and the same will be true of Washington going forward.

ISIS Gaining Ground . . . But We’ve Stopped Their Momentum!

ISIS owns more territory than it did when the US bombing campaign began.

Terror Attack Kills 11 at French Satirical Newspaper Charlie Hebdo

At least 11 are dead and 10 wounded in an attack on free expression.

US Ground Troops Fighting ISIL

The ground troops that United States has not sent into Iraq to fight ISIL are reportedly in Iraq fighting ISIL.

Hostage Crisis In Sydney, Australia Cafe Apparently Linked To Terrorism

A hostage crisis has been unfolding overnight at a cafe in Sydney, Australia that has apparent links to international terrorism.

Congress Reaches Budget Deal, Delays Immigration Fight For Another Day

It looks like Congress has averted a budget fight for the second straight year.

Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel Stepping Down “Under Pressure”

A surprising change at the top of the military’s civilian chain of command.

U.S. Bombings Driving Anti-Assad Rebels To Support ISIS

Our supposed Syrian allies seem to have a different idea of who the enemy in Syria actually is.

Quietly, Obama Decides American Forces Will Continue To Engage In Combat In Afghanistan After 2014

You thought the American combat role in Afghanistan would end on December 31st? Think again.

Should The U.S. Reconsider Its Policy Of Not Paying Ransom For Hostages?

The idea that the U.S. does not negotiate with terrorists is simply not historically accurate, so should we be reconsidering the policy of not negotiating with ISIS for the release of Western hostages?

ISIS’s New Beheading Video; Casus Belli, Or A Trap?

The latest ISIS video is horrible and barbaric but we should not take the bait they are offering before considering the consequences of our actions going forward.

Unless Congress Steps In To Authorize It, The President’s War Against ISIS Is Illegal

As things stand right now, there is no legitimate legal authorization for the President’s war against ISIS, and that’s largely because Congress has failed to act.

Republicans Expand House Majority

The GOP added to its majority in the House, giving it the biggest majority it has had since Truman was President.

Oil Prices Have Been Falling For Months, And That’s Likely To Have Wide Repercussions

Quietly, oil prices have been falling for months now. That’s potentially a very big deal.

Rand Paul’s Foreign Policy Ideas Present An Opportunity For the GOP

Kentucky Senator Rand Paul continues to challenge Republican orthodoxy on foreign policy, and that’s a good thing.

Whatever Happened To That Lawsuit The House Of Representatives Was Filing Against Obama?

It’s been three months, but there’s been no action on the lawsuit that the House of Representatives said it was filing against President Obama.

The Attack On Canada’s Parliament And The Lone Wolf Terrorist

Yesterday’s apparent terrorist shooting in Ottawa reveals again a phenomenon that seems difficult if not impossible to stop in advance.

Another War, Another Pentagon Cover-Up

A new report from the New York Times confirms the adage that, in war, the first casualty is the truth.

Turkish Forces Bomb Kurdish Positions

The Turks have entered the conflict in Syria. Unfortunately for the United States, it’s not on the side we would prefer.

Air War In Syria Not Exactly Going As Planned

So far at least, the air strikes against Islamic State positions in Syria do not seem to be having much of an impact.

Turkey Refusing to Fight ISIS Right on Its Border

A massacre is about to unfold “a stone’s throw” from Turkey’s border.

Germany Promises Expanded Military Role But Its Military Isn’t Ready

Germany’s new defense minister has promised a more robust role but lacks the ability to back her words with action.

US Marine First Casualty in Fight Against ISIS

Corporal Jordan Spears died in a V-22 accident in operations against the Islamic State.

When Should Generals Resign in Protest?

Elected representatives, not soldiers, make policy. But there are times when generals should make a stand.

Congress Has Abdicated Its Constitutional Responsibility In The War Against ISIS

Speaker Boehner wants to delay a vote on the ISIS war until January, but any such debate will be meaningless because Congress has already abdicated responsibility.

Obama: “They” Underestimated ISIS

Apparently, the buck doesn’t stop in the Oval Office these days.

‘Khorasan Group’ is US Creation; It’s Still Dangerous

The Khorasan Group is, functionally, al Qaeda. Or is it?

Oklahoma Beheading Linked to Islam

A fired Oklahoma worker beheaded a woman and was attacking another when he was shot. Workplace violence? Or terrorism.

The President’s War Is Lacking A Convincing Plan

The Administration’s policy in the President’s war against ISIS has no coherent plan, and that virtually guarantees escalation.

Jim Webb For President?

The former Virginia Senator is talking about running for President.

Pentagon Says Obama’s War Against ISIS Likely To Last Years

The war against ISIS continues to silently escalate, with little input from the people’s representatives in Congress.