Pentagon Opens All Combat Roles to Women

Secretary of Defense Leon Panetta ordered a lifting of the ban on women in ground combat.

40 Years Later, Roe v. Wade Enjoys Majority Support

40 years after Roe v. Wade, support for the decision is still strong, but the effort to restrict it continues apace.

No “Nuclear Option” On Filibuster Reform

Once again, Harry Reid is pursuing a far less ambitious filibuster reform package than originally threatened.

How Liberal is President Obama?

Looking at the data? Not very.

Obama’s Gun Plan Uses Sandy Hook, Wouldn’t Have Prevented It

President Obama has unveiled a set of restrictions that wouldn’t have stopped the Sandy Hook Massacre. Some are nonetheless be good policy.

Obama’s Gun Control Plan DOA In Congress?

Despite the push it’s likely to receive, most of President Obama’s gun control proposals will barely even see the light of day in Congress.

The Politics Of Gun Control

Based on the polls, the odds of some changes to America’s gun control laws will become law. It’s unlikely they’ll accomplish anything, though.

Marco Rubio’s Common Sense Immigration Reform Ideas

Marco Rubio has some good immigration reform ideas. Will his fellow Republicans listen to him?

No Labels in Need of a Label

No Labels is attempting to relaunch itself after amounting to exactly nothing in the 2012 cycle. Let me save you the trouble: They won’t matter in 2014 or 2016, either.

Russians Protest Adoption Ban

The Russian adoption ban isn’t sitting well with many Russians.

Gun Control Proponents Are About To Face Political Reality

The ultimate impact of the Newtown tragedy on the nation’s gun laws is likely to be very limited.

Just Say No To The Platinum Coin

Minting a Platinum Coin would be a really bad idea.

Understanding how Congress Works

(As well as party behavior).

The House GOP’s Nihilistic Anarchism

The House GOP is moving in an ever more dangerous direction.

Over The Fiscal Cliff, Sort Of

Automatic tax hikes and spending cuts took effect at midnight. A deal involving the executive and half of the legislative branch could largely reverse them.

Judging The 2012 Preditions

Last January 1, some of us made a series of predictions. Here’s how we did.

Federal Court Dismisses Lawsuit Challenging Filibuster

An attempt to declare the filibuster unconstitutional has ended in failure.

Speaker of the House Jon Huntsman?!

Norm Ornstein may have written the sillest op-ed of 2012.

The N.R.A.’s Bizarre Response To The Sandy Hook Shootings

The NRA’s response to the Sandy Hook shootings was bizarre to say the least.

House GOP Fails To Find Enough Votes To Pass “Plan B”

The Republican leadership in the House suffered a big loss tonight:.

Grover Norquist Gives The GOP A Pass On Raising Taxes

Grover Norquist has seriously undercut the credibility of the ATR anti-tax pledge.

Robert Bork Dead at 85

Robert Bork, the controversial jurist whose failed Supreme Court bid ushered in a new climate in American politics, has died at 85.

Republicans Will Cave On Tax Hikes For High Income Earners

Whether it comes now or in January, President Obama is going to win the tax debate.

Pennsylvania Considers Electoral College Reform

Pennsylvania Republicans want to do the right thing for the wrong reason.

Thomas Jefferson: Monster of Monticello?

In a NYT op-ed titled “The Monster of Monticello” Paul Finkelman expresses his befuddlement that people play down Thomas Jefferson’s legacy as a slave owner.

Fiscal Cliff Talks Appear Stalled

With just about a month to go before we hit the “Fiscal Cliff.” things don’t look good at all.

In Fiscal Cliff Negotiations, President Obama Holds The Upper Hand

Republicans need to realize that they are at a disadvantage in the upcoming negotiations regarding the Fiscal Cliff.

What Exactly Has Conservatism Accomplished Lately?

Judging by the record of the past decade and a half, movement conservatism has accomplished very little.

Democrats May Be Short On Votes For Filibuster Reform

Harry Reid appears to be short of the votes he needs to enact filibuster reform.

Anti-Tax Orthodoxy Of House Republicans Looks Like It’s Ready To Crack

As we approach the fiscal cliff, there are signs that House Republicans may not be as rigid as they were the past two years.

Are Republicans Finally Realizing Their Immigration Problem?

Republicans are starting to talk about immigration reform, but do they really mean it?

Supreme Court To Review Section Five Of The Voting Rights Act

The Supreme Court has agreed to take on another big case.

Obama Claims Sequestration Cuts “Won’t Happen”

President Obama seems to have given away the store when it comes to the defense sequestration cuts.

Romney and Obama Work for Every Vote, Especially in Small States (Oh, Wait…)

No, the electoral college does not encourage the candidates to pay special attention to the small states.