Government and Creating Jobs

Yes, government does create jobs.

The West Wing And American Politics

Not surprisingly, television and reality don’t really coincide.

Supreme Court Faces Another Potentially Groundbreaking Term

The Court’s 2012-2013 term begins tomorrow morning, and there are plenty of big cases on the docket.

6 Million Americans Will Be Hit By ObamaCare Tax Penalty

A lot more people than expected are likely to be hit by the ObamaCare individual mandate tax penalty than previously thought.

Wisconsin Judge Strikes Down Collective Bargaining Law

The battle over Wisconsin’s public sector union reform continues.

Romney And Ryan Not Providing Details About Their Tax Plan

Mitt Romney and Paul Ryan are refusing to provide significant details about their tax plan. That’s a mistake.

Mitt Romney Vows To Continue The Same Failed War On Drugs Obama Is Fighting

When it comes to issues like medical marijuana, Mitt Romney and Barack Obama are reading from the same playbook.

About Those 4.5 Million New Jobs, Mr. President

The Obama campaign’s 4.5 new private sector jobs claim is true, but only if you forget the first year of the Obama Administration.

My Basic Take on Romney’s Speech

I give it a C+/B- (adequate, passing, nothing exceptional).

Federal Court Strikes Down Texas Voter ID Law

A legal setback for the Texas Voter ID law, but not much of a political setback for Voter ID laws in general.

German Rabbi Faces Potential Criminal Charges For Performing Circumcision

Under German law, this ceremony, which Jews believe dates from the time of Abraham, is now illegal.

Politics Is Impossible When Everyone Just Keeps Yelling At Each Other

American politics has been reduced to a charade where all people do is yell at each other.

The Impending Fiscal Cliff Presents Congress, And America, With A Fiscal Dilemma

Congress and the American people have a choice to make between two not very palatable options.

The GOP Platform’s Abortion Plank Could’ve Been Written By Todd Akin

The GOP Platform will include an abortion plank that Todd Akin would love.

Is Romney’s Welfare Ad Deceptive?

Romney’s new ad on a ruling issued by HHS on welfare-to-work requirements doesn’t pass the smell test.

An Alternative History Exercise: What If JFK Hadn’t Died?

Examining a history that might have been.

Congress Bans Veteran Funeral Protests in Violation of 1st Amendment

The United States Congress can still work together to pander before election season.

Revenge Of The RINOs?: Moderate Republicans In Congress Starting To Rebel

Moderate Republicans in the House are starting to become more assertive in voicing their frustrations with how Congress is operating.

Peter Orszag: The Only Way To Save The Postal Service Is To Privatize it

The President’s former Budget Director joins the ranks of those calling for Postal privatization.

Aurora Shootings Will Not Lead To Restrictions On Gun Ownership

Don’t look for an effort to enact new gun laws in the wake of the Aurora shootings.

On Politicizing Tragedy

Once again, the usual suspects are exploiting tragedy for political purposes.

London Olympics Censorship

Nick Cohen dubs this year’s London Games the “Censorship Olympics.” Had he called them the “London Censorship Olympics,” the “2012 Censorship Olympics,” or titled the piece “Censorship Takes London Gold” he might have faced civil or criminal penalties.

Campaign Spending, Free Speech, and Disclosure

The Koch brothers will spend more money in this election cycle than the entire McCain campaign did in 2008.

No, We Don’t Need To Bring Back The Draft

Once again, a pundit has come up with the boneheaded idea of reinstating the draft.

House Votes To Repeal ObamaCare For The 33rd Time

The House engaged in a mostly pointless action yesterday afternoon.

Why Do We Let Politicians Get Away With Lying?

Lies and misrepresentations in politics seem to be something the American people have come to, if not accept, at least expect.

Obama’s Tax Plan Is About Politics & Class Warfare, Not Tax Policy

The President could describe his tax plan differently, but there’s a reason he isn’t.

What is “Constitutional”?

What does the US Constitution actually provide in terms of guidance for governance?

How CNN And Fox Messed Up The Coverage Of The ObamaCare Ruling

A case study in what’s wrong with the “Breaking News” media.

Pennsylvania Voter ID Law Sends Democrats Scrambling

The number of Pennsylvania voters without required photo IDs exceeds Obama’s 2008 margin of victory.

Law, Policy, and Politics are not the Same Things

The PPACA, the fight over it, and the Sibelius ruling all underscore this fact.

Did Democrats Bungle The Sale Of The Individual Mandate?

Democratic rhetoric since the Supreme Court decision on ObamaCare raises the question of whether they made a political mistake.

Yes, The GOP Can, And Likely Will, Repeal ObamaCare in 2013 If They Win In November

If the GOP wins in November, there will be very few actual barriers in the way if they really want to repeal the PPACA.

The Roberts ObamaCare Decision: The Epitome Of Judicial Restraint

In his ruling on the ObamaCare cases, Chief Justices Roberts reached back to a judicial philosophy with roots in men like Oliver Wendell Holmes, Jr. and Felix Frankfurter.

The Supreme Court’s New Limits On The Commerce Power

While it upheld the Affordable Care Act today, the Supreme Court also placed some clear limits on Congressional power. That’s a good thing.

Can The GOP Deliver On Its Promise To Repeal ObamaCare? And What’s The Replacement?

The Republican strategy on health care in the wake of the Supreme Court’s decision needs some tweaking.

Supreme Court Upholds Affordable Care Act In Its Entirety

Thanks to a surprising decision by Chief Justice Roberts, the Affordable Care Act has survived the Constitutional challenges against it.

Debunking The Fast & Furious Gun Control Conspiracy

There’s no evidence that Fast & Furious, whatever it was, was a conspiracy to lobby for tighter gun control laws.

Is The Supreme Court A “Threat” To Democracy? Of Course Not

In advance of tomorrow’s ruling, some pundits on the left are displaying some very odd views on the role of the law in American politics.