Romney Campaign Getting Started On The Veepstakes

With the nomination pretty much inevitable, it’s time to start thinking about Romney’s running mate.

Politics, Hubris, And The Questionable Constitutionality Of ObamaCare

This week’s hearings in the Supreme Court caught many proponents of the Affordable Care Act off guard.

War Against Youth?

The old have most of the money and power in our society, a trend that is accelerating.

ObamaCare At The Supreme Court, Day Three (Part One): Is The Entire PPACA Doomed?

This morning, the Justices pondered the fate of the PPACA if they strike down the individual mandate.

What Should Americans Know About American Government?

What walking around knowledge about our political system is necessary to be an informed citizen?

Barack v. the Robot (Musings on Polls and Etch-a-Sketches)

Why isn’t Obama doing better in the polls and did we just see a Kinsey Gaffe in the wild?

The GOP Has Lost The Argument Over The HHS Birth Control Mandate

The argument over contraceptive coverage mandates has not gone well for conservatives.

What is “Limited Government”?

What does it mean to have a limited government?

George Will Wants Four More Years of Gridlock

The conservative columnist argues Republicans should concentrate on winning back the Senate and stopping Obama through 2016.

No, Republicans Wouldn’t Eliminate The Filibuster

Worried the GOP might eliminate the filibuster if they gain control of the Senate? Don’t be.

Another Step In The Right Direction On Marriage Equality

Another Federal Court rules in favor of marriage equality, and the biggest news is how unsurprising the outcome of the case is.

Is 2012 1964 All Over Again?

The Republican debacle of 1964 offers some lessons for the current cycle.

Virginia’s Foolish Personhood Law

Virginia has become the latest battleground for advocates of laws that define life as being at conception.

Federal Appeals Court Holds California Gay Marriage Ban Unconstitutional

A victory for proponents of same-sex marriage today in the Ninth Circuit.

Republican Senators Leading Effort To Halt Automatic Pentagon Cuts

Not surprisingly, Republicans are trying to reverse the automatic cuts to defense spending agreed to in August.

Wyoming Senator Trying To Revive The Dollar Coin Yet Again

Senator Mike Enzi wants to replace the Dollar Bill with a coin. As with past efforts, it’s a great idea that is unlikely to succeed.

Egypt’s Unfinished Revolution

One year later, Egypt’s revolution remains unfinished.

Obama’s Second Term Would Be Neither Groundbreaking Nor A Calamity

The truth about a Second Obama Term is that it likely wouldn’t be all that remarkable.

Christian Conservatives Have A Very Selective Memory Of Ronald Reagan

Ronald Reagan wasn’t really much a of a “Christian Conservative.”

SOPA/PIPA Blackout Protests Lead Co-Sponsors To Jump Ship

Members of Congress are responding to the protests against SOPA and PIPA by withdrawing their support for the bills.

Obama Administration Rejects Keystone XL Pipeline

The Obama Administration has halted, for the moment, a pipeline project that has become a political football.

First Legal Challenge Filed To Obama’s Recess Appointments

The first shot in a Constitutional showdown has been fired.

Wikipedia To Go Dark Wednesday To Protest Online Piracy Bills

Wikipedia’s English language site will be offline for 24 hours tomorrow to protest two controversial online piracy bills.

Congress More Futile And Unproductive Than Ever

The first year of the 112th Congress has set a new record for futility.

The Right Must Abandon The “Obama Is Evil” Meme

If the Right clings to the belief that President Obama isn’t just wrong, but evil, it will likely end up handing the election to him.

Jim DeMint Demonstrates What’s Wrong With Washington

Senator Jim DeMint demonstrated clearly today what is wrong with Washington.

Voter Fraud Exposed!

Dead people almost voted in New Hampshire. Zombie democracy is nigh!

Supreme Court Upholds Religious Exemption To Employment Discrimination Laws

A far-reaching decision from the Supreme Court protecting religious liberty.

There Are No “Europeans”

The problem with Europe may not be the Euro, but the fact that there really aren’t any Europeans.

The Presidency That Republicans Would Rather Forget

The Republican candidates for President have apparently forgotten that this guy was their party’s nominee twice.

Ron Paul Versus The Fourteenth Amendment

Ron Paul’s opposition to the Fourteenth Amendment would make a Paul Administration an enemy of civil liberties.

A Glance Into The Crystal Ball For 2012

So, what’s next?

Santorum Surging?

A new Iowa polls shows Rick Santorum gaining support. Or does it?