Whither Freakonomics?

The book spawned a cottage industry. But did it change the study of economics?

Neal Adams, 1941-2022

The legendary comic book artist is gone at 80.

The Great Unbundling

The days of one-stop media shopping are long gone.

Stan Lee’s Former Manager Arrested For Elder Abuse

Stan Lee’s former business manager has been arrested on charges that he used his influence over the late Marvel Comics founder to divert funds and alienate Lee from his family in his final months of life.

Marvel Comics Creator Stan Lee Dies At 95

Rest in Peace and Excelsior, Stan Lee!

The Cable Bundle is Dying. We’ll Miss it When it’s Gone.

As much as we hate paying $200 a month for television, the future is likely going to be worse.

Australia Legalizes Same-Sex Marriage

After a long wait, gays and lesbians in Australia have achieved marriage equality.

Australians Vote Overwhelmingly In Favor Of Marriage Equality In Non-Binding Referendum

An overwhelming majority of Australians voted in favor of marriage equality in a non-binding referendum. The ball is now in the court of the nation’s legislature to move forward.

Two Years After Obergefell, Public Support For Same-Sex Marriage Hits Another High

Two years after the Supreme Court’s landmark ruling, nearly two-thirds of Americans support the idea of legal marriage rights for gay and lesbian Americans.

Support For Same-Sex Marriage Continues To Rise, Hits A Record 61%

Nearly one year after the Supreme Court’s historic decision, public support for same-sex marriage continues to rise even among groups that were previously strongly opposed to it.

From Bork, To Kennedy, To Obergefell

He definitely wouldn’t appreciate it, but in some sense you can thank Robert Bork for the Supreme Court’s opinion in Obergefell v. Hodges.

Past Opposition To Same-Sex Marriage Could Hurt Republicans In The Future

A long history of opposing marriage equality could end up hurting Republicans even though that battle is over in this country.

The Sixth Circuit Just Made Nationwide Same-Sex Marriage Even More Likely, And Closer To Reality

An unsurprising ruling from the Sixth Circuit Court of Appeals that only seems to bring closer the day when same-sex marriage will be legal nationwide.

Same-Sex Marriage Goes From 19 States To 29 States In One Week

In the space of one week, we’ve gone from 19 states that recognize same-sex marriage to 29. Soon, it will be 35.

Same-Sex Marriage Suffers A Legal Setback In Tennessee

A trial court judge in Tennessee is the first jurist since the Supreme Court’s decision in U.S. v. Windsor to uphold a ban on same-sex marriage

Federal Appeals Court Strikes Down Virginia’s Same-Sex Marriage Ban

Another Circuit Court of Appeals has weighed in on the marriage equality debate.

10th Circuit Strikes Down Oklahoma’s Ban On Same-Sex Marriage

Another step closer to the Supreme Court.

The Legal Battle For Same-Sex Marriage Is Headed To The Supreme Court

Assuming it accepts the appeal, Utah is giving the Supreme Court its high profile case for the October 2015 Term.

10th Circuit Court Of Appeals Strikes Down Utah’s Same-Sex Marriage Ban

A big step forward for the challenge to state-based bans on same-sex marriage.

Scott Walker Equivocates On Previous Opposition To Same-Sex Marriage

Wisconsin’s Republican Governor isn’t very eager to talk about same-sex marriage these days.

It Doesn’t Matter When, Or Why, Hillary Clinton Changed Her Mind On Marriage Equality

Obsessing over what a politician believed in the past accomplishes nothing.

Majority Supports Constitutional Right To Same-Sex Marriage

The people are ready. Is the Supreme Court?

Federal Judge Strikes Down Wisconsin’s Same-Sex Marriage Ban

Another legal victory for marriage equality.

Is Same-Sex Marriage Now A Wedge Issue For Democrats?

Is support for marriage equality now an issue that can benefit Democrats at the polls?

Pennsylvania Will Not Appeal Same-Sex Marriage Ruling

And Pennsylvania makes it 19.

Federal Judge Strikes Down Pennsylvania’s Same-Sex Marriage Ban

Yet another Federal Judge has struck down a state’s ban on same-sex marriage.

Another Legal Victory For Marriage Equality

A 13 month string of legal victories for marriage equality reaches Oregon.

Arkansas Judge Strikes Down Same-Sex Marriage Ban

Another victory for marriage equality.

The Republican Civil War Over Same-Sex Marriage Has Begun

Sooner than one might have expected, Republicans are starting to battle over the issue of marriage equality.

Hollywood’s Changing Male Ideal

On screen body objectification is now equal opportunity.

Federal Judge Rules Ohio Must Recognize Out Of State Gay Marriages

A partial victory, but a victory nonetheless.

Mozilla CEO Resigns In Wake Of Controversy Over Gay Marriage Stance

The CEO of Mozilla resigned today amid controversy over his position on same-sex marriage. The triumph of “political correctness,” or just the will of the marketplace?

Same-Sex Marriage Victories Spread South To Kentucky

The string of victories for same-sex marriage continues as a Federal Judge rules that the Commonwealth of Kentucky must recognize out-of-state same-sex marriages.

Nevada’s Attorney General And Governor Won’t Defend Law Against Same-Sex Marriage

The fight for marriage equality takes another step forward.

2013: The Year Marriage Equality Won

The year that will soon ended will go down in history as the year that the same-sex marriage debate changed forever.