President Joe Biden participates in a joint press conference with United Kingdom Prime Minister Rishi Sunak, Thursday, June 8, 2023, in the East Room of the White House. President Joe Biden participates in a joint press conference with United Kingdom Prime Minister Rishi Sunak, Thursday, June 8, 2023, in the East Room of the White House.

US-UK Strike Houthi Targets

The inevitable response to attacks on international shipping.

Biden Warns Democracy at Stake

Is the President governing like he means it?

Gas Prices Falling Rapidly

The U.S. average is under $4 for the first time in months.

Biden and bin Salman

An embarrassing photo demonstrates the perils of leading the free world.

Biden Lowers Gas Prices

They went down 3 cents a gallon yesterday and have dropped 24 days straight.

Clinton Lawyer Acquitted in RussiaGate Case

What does it all mean? It depends on who you ask.

Russia Really Invades Ukraine

Putin’s forces are in Kyiv.

2022 is a Midterm Year

In case anyone was wondering (and the GOP’s prospects are good).

Biden Punishing Russia but Not Saudi Arabia

The fecklessness of U.S. human rights policy in full display.

World’s Billionaires Have Lost $1.5 Trillion

Bill Gates and Jeff Bezos alone have lost $15 billion in net worth since January.

No, We Didn’t Give Wall Street $1.5 Trillion

People who should know better are making ridiculous claims.

Why Did Russia Start Oil Price War?

There are two theories, neither of them good.

Coronavirus Could Kill Trump Presidency

We may be seeing the beginning of the end.

Stocks Plummet Amid Coronavirus and Oil Fears

Trading has resumed after an early plunge triggered automatic suspension.

Trump Tones Down Anti-Iran Rhetoric In Wake Of Saudi Attack

As the Saudis continue to evaluate the impact of the weekend attack on a major oil facility, the Trump Administration tones down the anti-Iran rhetoric just a bit.

U.S. Points At Iran In Saudi Oil Facility Attack And Trump Hints At Military Action

While the world continues to evaluate the impact of Saturday’s attack on a Saudi oil facility, tensions in the Persian Gulf are increasing.

Major Drone Strike Hits Large Saudi Oil Facility

Houthi rebels in Yemen have claimed responsibility for a massive attack on an important Saudi oil facility.

A Serious Threat to Higher Education in Alaska

After a series of line item vetoes, the University of Alaska is facing a 41% cut in state funding.

Iran Downs American Reconnaissance Drone As Tensions Continue To Increase

As if the situation in the Persian Gulf weren’t already tense enough, the Iranians shot down an American reconnaissance drone late yesterday

Meanwhile, In Russia….

While the American media was paying attention to President travels and travails in Europe, there was another meeting taking place.

Slower May Jobs Growth Adds To Fears Of Economic Downturn

May’s Jobs Report came back with disappointing jobs growth, suggesting that the economy may be slowing down.

Trump’s Iran Policy Isn’t Working Because It Isn’t Supposed To Work

The Trump Administration’s policies toward Iran aren’t going to work, but that’s because they aren’t supposed to work.

The Political Realities of a Green New Deal

Kevin Drum uses some clever sleight-of-hand to demonstrate a hard truth about the human condition.

Trump Sides With Saudis In Murder Of Jamal Khashoggi

In what has to qualify as one of the most horrifying displays of moral depravity on the international stage, the Trump Administration is saying it doesn’t really care if the Saudi Crown Prince is a murderer or not.

Trump’s Goes Off On Insane Late Night Iran Tirade

The President was up late last night sending an incredibly over-the-top tweet directed at Iran.

The Art of those Deals

Trump’s deal-making prowess in NK and Iran isn’t too impressive.

Nicolás Maduro “Elected” To Second Term As President Of Venezuela

In an election that pretty much everyone agrees was illegitimate, Nicolás Maduro has won a second term as Venezuela’s President.

Where Have All the Saudi Billionaires Gone?

In 2017, there were ten Saudis on Forbes’ billionaires list. This year, there are none.

Iraqi Army Moves Against Kurdish Oil Assets

Iraqi military forces begin to crack down against Iraqi Kurds after last month’s independence referendum.

Trump Suggests ‘Military Option’ In Venezuela

More stupid, irresponsible rhetoric from the President of the United States.

Trump Reverses Obama’s Course On Keystone XL Pipeline And Other Projects

President Trump reverses a decision made by President Obama just over a year ago.

The Coal Industry Is Dying, And It Isn’t Coming Back

Canada is phasing out coal as a source of electricity production by 2030. The same thing will happen in the United States no matter how much politicians try to stop it.

Initial G.D.P. Reports Show Stronger Growth In The Summer

Initial reports for the third quarter show strong economic growth during the summer;

Federal Reserve Declines To Raise Rates Again

Once again, the Federal Reserve chooses to pass on the opportunity to raise interest rates.

Solid Jobs Growth For February, But Shadows Remain Hovering Over The Economy

February’s Jobs Report was relatively positive, but there are still shadows hovering over the economy as we head further into the year.

Economic Growth In Final Quarter Of 2015 Pegged At Anemic 1.0%

Not exactly inspiring economic news from the Commerce Department.

After Two Solid Months, January Brings A Decidedly Mediocre Jobs Report

January’s Jobs Report was nothing to write home about.

Economy Grows At Anemic 0.7% In Final Quarter Of 2015

An anemic end to 2015 raises concerns about the health of the economy going forward.

China’s Economy Appears To Be Slowing Significantly, And That Could Have A Huge Impact

China’s economy is still growing, but it’s most recently reported growth rate is slower than the nation has seen in quite some time.

Sanctions Against Iran Partially Lifted As Compliance With Nuclear Deal Is Confirmed By IAEA

Another hopeful step forward, thanks to diplomacy.

93% of America’s Counties Still Haven’t Recovered from Great Recession

The economy is booming. Except where it’s not.

December Jobs Report Makes 2015 Second Best Year For Jobs Growth Since 1999

A strong month for jobs growth in . means 2015 ended on a strong note

Tensions Rise Between Saudi Arabia And Iran In Wake Of Saudi Executions

The execution of a prominent Shi’ite cleric has led to a rapid deterioration of the relationship between Saudi Arabia and Iran.

Final Report Shows Tepid Economic Growth During Third Quarter

The final report to third quarter Gross Domestic Product shows that growth over the summer was, at best, tepid.

Federal Reserve Raises Interest Rates For First Time In Nearly A Decade

In a move it had been telegraphing for the better part of a year, the Federal Reserve raised interest rates for the first time since July 2006.

Is Syria Already A Quagmire For Putin?

Some analysts are already suggesting that Russia’s two month old intervention in Syria is becoming a quagmire. That seems to be a premature judgment, but it’s not accomplishing much more than anything the West is doing.

Economic Growth Was Slightly Better Over The Summer Than Initially Reported

The economy performed a little better than previously reported over the summer. It’s not great, but it’s probably enough to convince the Federal Reserve to raise interest rates next month.

Obama Administration Rejects Keystone XL Pipeline

To no real surprise, the Obama Administration has rejected the application to approve the Keystone XL Pipeline. It is likely to remain an issue in the upcoming Presidential campaign, though.