TransCanada Asks For Delay In Keystone XL Pipeline Review

Another piece of news that all but guarantees the fate of the Keystone XL project will not be resolved before President Obama leaves office.

Economic Growth Over The Summer Was Quite Sluggish

Gross Domestic Product grew at a sluggish 1.5% in the just-concluded Third Quarter, calling the Federal Reserve’s apparent plan to raise interest rates at some point even further into question.

Canadian Voters Kick Stephen Harper Out Of Office After Nine Years

A political earthquake north of the border.

August Jobs Report Nothing To Write Home About

The August Jobs Report was positive, but weak, calling into question the Federal Reserve’s apparent plan to raise interest rates this month.

Jobs Report Points To An Anemic Economy, So Why Is The Fed Thinking Of Raising Rates?

The July Jobs Report indicates that while the economy is growing, it is not growing very much. This seems to call the Federal Reserve’s interest rate plans into question.

Economic Growth Contracts In First Quarter Of 2015

The economy contracted in the first quarter of 2015, and that suggests the rest of the year isn’t going to be very good either.

Rick Perry To Enter Presidential Race On June 4th

Former Texas Governor Rick Perry is going to be looking for that elusive second act in American politics.

An Electoral Earthquake In Alberta

Possibly big news out of Canada

Economy Slows To A Crawl In First Quarter G.D.P. Estimate

Economic growth slowed significantly in the first three months of 2015, but it’s not clear what that means going forward.

King Abdullah Of Saudi Arabia Dies At 90, Crown Prince Salman Becomes King

A big change in an important nation in the most volatile part of the world.

ISIS Gaining Ground . . . But We’ve Stopped Their Momentum!

ISIS owns more territory than it did when the US bombing campaign began.

Oil Prices Continue To Fall, But Don’t Expect It To Last Forever

The price of oil is continuing to fall, but it won’t last forever.

Strong December Jobs Report Caps Off The Best Year For Jobs Growth Since 1999

December’s jobs growth numbers were very good, but the numbers below the headlines show that there’s still work to be done.

Russia’s Economic Problems Just Getting More Grim By The Day

For a year that started out with regaining long-lost territory in Ukraine, 2014 is not ending so well for Vladimir Putin’s Russia.

Russian Government Projects Sanctions, Declining Oil Prices, Will Lead To Recession In 2015

Russia’s own government is projecting that its economy will slip into recession next year. How that will impact Putin’s current belligerence remains to be seen.

Putin Makes Waves At G-20 Summit Over Ukraine, Reportedly Leaving Early

Vladimir Putin’s reception at the G-20 Summit in Australia has been less than warm thanks to recent events in Ukraine.

A Good Jobs Report, But We’re Still Waiting For The “Great” One

Another mostly good, but not great, jobs report.

Oil Prices Have Been Falling For Months, And That’s Likely To Have Wide Repercussions

Quietly, oil prices have been falling for months now. That’s potentially a very big deal.

Massive Oil Discovery Puts Outback Town on World Energy Map

Will this new Australian oil discovery shake up world politics?

A U.S.-Saudi Rift, Or Just A Saudi Temper Tantrum?

Relations between the U.S. and Saudi Arabia seem to have soured in recent years.

China And The Future Of World Oil Markets

The world oil markets aren’t too far away from being hit by the shock of massively increased demand from China. Somehow, we’ll have to adapt.

Iran v. the US: Who is the Rational Actor on the Nuclear Question?

Because some things are worth reinforcing.

White House Denies Netanyahu Request For Meeting Amid Signs of Increased U.S.-Israeli Tension

In another sign that things may not be going so well between Washington and Jerusalem, President Obama will not be meeting with Prime Minister Netanyahu when he’s in the United States.

An Attack On Iran Would Be A Major, Mistaken, War

An attack on Iran’s nuclear program would be far more complicated than a one-off attack.

Wars, And Rumors Of Wars: Is An Israeli Strike On Iran More Likely Than Ever?

A new IAEA report may make an Israeli strike on Iran in the near future more likely than it has ever been.

Isaac Could Rival Hurricane Katrina

Though still just a Tropical Storm, Isaac has the potential to be as dangerous as Hurricane Katrina.

Romney Falling Behind In New National Polls

The most recent round of national polling seems to show that the negative attacks on Romney are having an impact.

US Trade Deficit Hits 18-Month Low

The combination of falling oil prices and increased exports has the US trade deficit at its lowest point since December 2010.

U.S. Carbon Emissions Down Thanks Largely To Natural Gas

Carbon emissions in the U.S. have declined just as use of natural gas in electricity production has increased. That’s no coincidence.

Gas Prices Are Falling, But That’s Not Necessarily Good News

Gas prices are falling nationwide but that’s mostly because the economy kind of stinks.

Mitt Romney Has Some Very Disturbing Opinions On Presidential War Powers

Mitt Romney believes he could take America to war without Congressional involvement.

Jeb Bush: Reagan And My Father Have No Place In the Modern GOP

How would modern Republicans treat Ronald Reagan and his Vice-President?

How Economic Doldrums Are Impacting The Election

A spate of bad economic news foretells a shift in the campaign for President.

The Euro Zone: Join, Or Die

There may be only one solution to saving the Euro.

Analysts Say Gas Prices May Have Peaked

Once again, those predictions of $5.00 gas may have been much ado about nothing.

China Will Continue Buying Iranian Oil

There’s a big hole in the latest sanctions against Iran.

No, It’s Not Martial Law, It’s Preparedness

No, the Obama Administration is not plotting to nationalize the economy in the name of some “national emergency.”

What’s Really Driving Up Gas Prices

The cause of the pain you’re feeling at the pump has little to do with domestic energy policy.

Gas Prices Hurting Obama In The Polls, But Will It Matter In November?

Rising fuel prices are starting to hurt the President in the polls, but it’s unclear what that means for November.

February Jobs Report: Slow But Steady Employment Growth

Another good monthly jobs report

Tucker Carlson: Morally Bankrupt and Intellectually Void

This is one of the most draw-droppingly stupid 29 seconds I have experienced in some time.