SCOTUS: Trump Not Above Law, Must Release Taxes

A mixed ruling: New York wins, Congress loses–but no release before the election.

Why Republicans like the Filibuster

It creates a veto gate that they are almost guaranteed to control when they need it.

Americans Unhappier—and Happier—Than Ever

Fewer people are very happy and more are not too happy than any time in a longstanding survey.

Obama the Elder Statesman

The 58-year-old may have a post-presidency unmatched in history.

Trump Ousts Inspectors General

A series of Friday night firings.

Is Presidential Impeachment Constitutional Dead Letter?

(At least the removal part)

Senate Republicans Think Trump Guilty, Shouldn’t Be Removed

A binary choice will produce a worse outcome than necessary.

No, Citizens United Didn’t Ruin Our Democracy

Money has increasingly dominated American politics but the court case had little to do with it.

Jim Lehrer, 1934-2020

A legendary newsman has passed.

As Impeachment Gets Closer, Trump Becomes Even More Unhinged

Despite denials and dismissals, it is clear that being an impeached President is getting under Trump’s skin.

Supreme Court Accepts Cases Dealing With Subpoenas For Trump Financial Records

Late last week, the Supreme Court agreed to hear a trio of cases healing with subpoenas for the President’s financial records.

Polling On Impeachment Largely Unmoved On Eve Of House Vote

With the House of Representatives just days away from impeaching President Trump, polling shows that public opinion on the issue has not changed much since October.

White House Rejects Invitation To Participate In Impeachment Hearings

After arguing for a month about an “unfair” impeachment process, the WHite House is saying ‘no thanks’ to an invitation to participate in the next round of impeachment hearings.

William Ruckelshaus, Who Balked At ‘Saturday Night Massacre,” Dies at 87

A Justice Department official who had the courage to stand up to the President has died at the age of 87.

Impeachment Polling Largely Steady After Hearings

After two weeks of hearings, public opinion has not moved very much on the impeachment of the President.

William Barr Is Exactly The Kind Of Attorney General Trump Always Wanted

Late last week, Attorney General William Barr demonstrated quite aptly the extent to which he has become just another Trump loyalist.

Congress Begins Public Impeachment Hearings

In a few short hours, the House Intelligence Committee begins the public phase of its impeachment inquiry.

Lt. Col. Vindman Told To ‘Keep Quiet’ About Ukraine Phone Call

And now we have evidence of a clear effort at a coverup by high-level White House employees. The question would be, what did the President know and when did he know it?

House Backs Rules For Impeachment Inquiry

Today the House of Representatives approved the procedures for the impeachment proceeding against the President.

The Fundamental Dishonesty of the House GOP “Protest”

They know how Congress works, but are banking on the fact that many Americans don’t.

Federal Judge Rejects Republican Argument Against Impeachment Inquiry

A Federal District Court Judge gave the House of Representatives, and the nation, a big win yesterday.

Lawyer Argues Trump Could Kill A Guy And Be Immune From Investigation Or Prosection

What started out as a joke on the campaign trail has turned into a serious legal argument being made to a Federal Judge by an attorney for the President.

Republicans Grow Increasingly Desperate In Defense Of Trump

The GOP’s efforts to defend the President are becoming more desperate and pathetic by the day.

Polling Shows Growing Support For Trump’s Impeachment And Removal

New polling is showing increased public support for President Trump’s impeachment and removal

Poll Shows Majority Support For Impeachment Inquiry

Public opinion on impeachment has shifted rapidly to the point where a majority of Americans support an impeachment inquiry and support for removal is growing as well.

Trump Loses Lawsuit To Block Subpoena For His Tax Returns

A Federal Judge rejected the President’s effort to block a New York City prosecutor from obtaining copies of his tax returns.

Whistleblowers vs Leakers vs Spies

Yes, officials who follow the law are “whistleblowers.”

The End of Consensus

A conservative columnist argues the legitimacy of our system is in question.

Trump Is Worried About The Economy And 2020. He Should Be.

The Trump Administration and 2020 campaign are clearly worried about the state of the economy. They should be, because it could be the one thing that dooms his re-election chances.

Judge Dismisses DNC Lawsuit Alleging Trump Campaign Conspired With Russia

A Federal Judge in Washington has dismissed a lawsuit filed by the DNC alleging a conspiracy between the Trump campaign and Russia during the 2016 election.

With An Eye On Impeachment, Judiciary Committee Seeks Mueller Grand Jury Material

The House Judiciary Committee is seeking to obtain the material presented to a Federal Grand Jury by former Special Counsel Robert Mueller.

Robert Mueller Underwhelms, But Still Hits Important Points

Robert Mueller didn’t provide a smoking gun yesterday, but the President and his supporters are wrong to claim that the hearing vindicated the President.

It’s Mueller Time

Starting at 8:30 a.m. this morning, the eyes and ears of Washington and much of the nation will be focus on one thing, the testimony of former Special Counsel Robert Mueller.

Trump To Take ‘Executive Action’ On Citizenship Question On Census

Later today, the President is expected to take some form of ‘Executive Action’ in an effort to get a citizenship question on the 2020 Census.

Not Your Great-Grandfather’s Presidency

The job laid out by the Framers in Article II of the Constitution has expanded a mite.

Trump Administration Stonewalls Another Congressional Committee

The President is once again claiming Executive Privilege to prevent Congress from getting access to certain documents.

The Boys Of Pointe du Hoc

Thirty years ago, when the veterans of D-Day were still relatively young and still largely with us, President Reagan delivered one of the finest speeches of his Presidency.

White House Continues To Stonewall While Congress Begins To Push Back

The White House is continuing to stonewall legitimate Congressional investigations, but Congress is starting to push back.

Senate Republicans Have Already Made Up Their Mind On Impeachment

The House of Representatives has not even acted on impeachment, but Senate Republicans have already made up their mind.

Jimmy Carter’s Rennaissance?

Some 2020 Democratic hopefuls are turning to a surprising source for counsel.

Trump Laying Impeachment Trap?

An absurd theory for an absurd time.

Is The American Public Persuadable On Impeachment? Maybe.

Right now, polling indicates that the American public is reluctant to support impeachment of the President but it’s possible that could change.

No, the Framers Didn’t Screw Up Impeachment

The problem is with our politics, not our institutions.

Trump Invokes Executive Privilege Over Release Of Full Mueller Report

In an effort to block the release of the full report of Special Counsel Robert Mueller, the Trump Administration is invoking Executive Privilege.

What Is “Electability” Anyway?

There’s a lot of talk right now about “electability.” but what the heck does it mean?

Just Say No To Impeachment (For Now)

In the end, Impeachment is a political act more than a legal one. For that reason, Democrats should not pursue impeachment unless they have a reasonable chance of winning.

Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton speaking with supporters at a town hall meeting at Hillside Middle School in Manchester, New Hampshire. January 22, 2016. Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton speaking with supporters at a town hall meeting at Hillside Middle School in Manchester, New Hampshire. January 22, 2016.

Hillary Clinton Writes History’s Most Self-Serving Op-Ed

Having lost to him, she’s an ineffective voice on the matter of Donald Trump.

Trump Fighting Congress’ Demand for His Tax Returns

The law is not on the President’s side.

Post-Mueller Recriminations

The mea culpas and I-told-you-so’s are rather premature.