Pelosi Demands Open Release of Mueller Report

The Speaker says she will reject any attempt to deliver it in a “highly classified” manner.

Despite Donald Trump, America’s Institutions Are Prevailing

It’s been a rough two years under Trump, but America’s institutions are surviving.

The GOP’s Blind Loyalty To Trump Is Likely To End Up Costing Them

Republicans are blindly loyal to this President in a way we have not seen before. They are likely to end up paying a price for that.

Michael Cohen Hearing Paints Trump In Horrible Light

Michael Cohen pulled back the curtain and revealed much about the true nature of Donald Trump yesterday. It’s not a pretty picture.

Some Context for Presidential “Emergency Powers”

There is a bit of a disjuncture between the terminology and the reality (but that does not excuse Trump’s current actions).

Trump’s ‘National Emergency’ And The Law

President Trump’s impending decision to declare a national emergency to get funding for his border wall will quickly face serious legal challenges. It may be more vulnerable than the White House suspects.

Trump’s Tax Cuts Haven’t Resulted In The Economic Benefits He Promised

A new study reveals that the Republican tax cut package passed at the end of 2017 has not had the economic impact the GOP claimed it would.

Shutdown Drags On, And The Numbers Get Worse For Trump

As the shutdown continues the numbers get worse for the President, but he doesn’t seem to care.

Using A ‘National Emergency’ To Build A Border Wall Would Be Illegal

President Trump is claiming that he could use authority to declare a “national emergency” to build his wall even if Congress doesn’t authorize it.

Mystery Mueller Case In D.C. Federal Court Continues To Raise Questions

Mystery continues to surround a proceeding that has been making its way through the Federal Courts in Washington, D.C.

A Suggested Response to GOP Abuses

Jacob T. Levy has a column worth a read.

Republicans Still Don’t Get The Point Of The 2018 Election

The verdict of last month’s elections was clear, but Republicans still don’t seem to get it.

Yes, The GOP Lost The Midterms Because Of Trump

The evidence that the GOP lost the midterms because of public repudiation of President Trump is overwhelming. The GOP will either accept this and learn from it, or they will not.

Trump Becomes Isolated And Embittered After Election Losses

Losing the midterms is not going over well with the President.

Nancy Pelosi Facing Opposition In Bid To Return As Speaker Of The House

With their House majority secure, Democrats must now select their leadership team for the next two years. It’s not going smoothly.

Women Helped Propel Democrats To Victory

Whether as candidates or as voters, Democrats can thank women for many of their victories on Tuesday.

Has Robert Mueller Already Subpoenaed The President?

A bunch of mysteriously sealed filings in Federal Court in D.C. could mean that Robert Mueller has already subpoenaed the President.

Jamal Khashoggi’s Final Words Should Carry Far Beyond The Arab World

Jamal Khashoggi’s final column includes a message that should resonate far beyond the Arab world it was addressed to.

Bork 2.0?

The Bork hearings have come up in the context of the Kavanaugh confirmation, Some thoughts ensue.

Former President Carter Warns His Party Against Drifting To The Left

Former President Jimmy Carter is warning his party against drifting too far left as we head into the midterms and, beyond that, the 2020 campaign cycle.

Bad News For GOP As Trump Job Approval Dips To New Lows Ahead Of Midterms

With less than two months to go before the midterm elections, President Trump’s job approval numbers are hitting new lows.

Trump Wants Dept. Of Justice To Investigate Source Of Anonymous Op-Ed

President Trump wants Jeff Sessions and the Justice Department to investigate the anonymous Op-Ed published earlier this week even though there doesn’t appear to have been a crime committed.

Donald Trump v. The Rule Of Law

Donald Trump spent part of Labor Day engaged in yet another unhinged attack on his own Justice Department.

Senator John McCain Dies At 81

Senator John McCain has died at the age of 81,

Is Trump an Illegitimate President?

Max Boot proclaims “Trump is an illegitimate president whose election is tainted by fraud.”

Donald Trump The Unindicted Co-Conspirator

No matter how long Donald Trump remains in office, August 21, 2018 will be the day that everything changed.

Paul Laxalt, Former Nevada Senator And Reagan Confidante, Dies At 96

Paul Laxalt, the former Nevada Senator who was one of President Reagan’s closest confidantes outside the White House, has died at 96.

Donald Trump Shrugging Donald Trump Shrugging

Trump Is Still Lying, And The Truth Is Still Dying

The frequency and ease with which this President lies is, to say the least, alarming.

D.O.J. Inspector General Finds No Political Bias In F.B.I.’s Clinton Email Investigation

The Department of Justice’s Inspector General found that former F.B.I. Director James Comey was ‘insubordinate’ in regard to the Clinton email investigation, but found no evidence of political bias at the Bureau.

Have Democrats Moved Too Far to the Center?

Has the party paid too big a price to attract suburban voters?

Trump’s Nixonian Response To The Russia Investigation: ‘L’etat c’est moi’ (‘I am the state’)

President Trump’s attorneys have put forward a shockingly expansive view of the powers of the President.

The Media’s Pro-Trump Bias?!

The rules of American journalism haven’t caught up with the reality of this Presidency.

The Cynical Truth Behind Trump’s Attacks On The News Media

The President’s constant attacks on the news media are meant for a single purpose, to undermine even accurate reporting about wrongdoing in his Administration.

Mueller Investigation Hits First Anniversary With Little Sign It Will Be Ending

The Mueller investigation turns one year old today and, despite the arguments of Trump and his supporters, there’s no sign that it will be coming to an end in the near future.

Mueller Reportedly Concludes He Cannot Indict Trump While He’s President

Robert Mueller has reportedly concluded that he cannot indict a sitting President. This is not a vindication of Trump, and merely upholds a conclusion that the Justice Department reached four decades ago.

White House Leakers Leak Why They’re Leaking

The Trump White House has leaked more than any in recent memory. Some of the leakers have explained what motivates them.

In Donald Trump’s World, “Fake News” Means Anything Negative About Him

For Donald Trump and his supporters, “Fake News” means any news that doesn’t shower enough praise on him.

Rudy Giuliani Suggests Trump Could Ignore A Mueller Subpoena

Rudy Giuliani is basically now suggesting that his client would be willing to set off a Constitutional crisis that would make Watergate seem like a picnic.

Mueller Has Donald Trump In An Impossible Situation, And A Potential Perjury Trap

When it comes to a potential interview with Robert Mueller, President Trump faces risks no matter what form that interview takes.

Robert Mueller Has Some Questions For Donald Trump

Robert Mueller has some questions for the President, and the wide range of topic areas should worry President Trump significantly.

Donald Trump Continues His Unhinged War On The News Media

Instead of attending the White House Correspondents Association Dinner last night, Donald Trump took his show on the road where he continued his long-standing attacks on the press. Unfortunately, it’s a message that resonates with his supporters.

Senate Committee Advances Bill To Protect Mueller, McConnell Vows To Block It.

Republicans joined with Democrats to advance a bill to protect Special Counsel Robert Mueller, but it’s unlikely to go anywhere beyond that.

Michael Cohen To Plead The Fifth

Michael Cohen will invoke his rights under the Fifth Amendment in response to any questions asked in discovery in the civil suit filed against him by Stormy Daniels. That’s really the only option he has.

If Trump Is Innocent, Why Is He Acting Like He’s Guilty?

It’s a valid question, but one should also be careful about drawing conclusions based on how a person in Trump’s position acts.

Democrats Sue Trump Campaign, Russia, And Wikileaks Over 2016 Campaign

The Democratic National Committee has filed a lawsuit alleging a wide-ranging conspiracy to influence the 2016 election. As a legal document, it appears to be little more than a political stunt.

Republicans Are Actively Helping Trump Undermine The Russia Investigation

Republicans on Capitol Hill and in positions of power are slavishly backing their President over their country. They should be ashamed.

Trump More Worried About Cohen Investigation Than Mueller, He Should Be

Donald Trump could have more to worry about regarding the investigation of Michael Cohen than he does regarding the Mueller investigation.

Millennials Don’t Know Much About The Holocaust

A plurality of Americans aged 18 to 34 have no idea how many people were killed, what Auschwitz was, or how Hitler came to power.

Mueller Tells Trump Lawyers That Trump Isn’t Currently A Target, That Doesn’t Mean Much

Robert Mueller is telling the President’s lawyers that Trump is a “subject” of his investigation, but not a “target,” that’s not as significant a distinction as it may seem to be.

When Will We Know What Mueller Knows? Maybe Never.

If there are charges of criminal wrongdoing, we’ll definitely know. Otherwise, it all depends on how he sees his role.