Mueller Investigation Moving Away From Russian Interference?

The special counsel may be moving beyond the 2016 campaign and into post-election obstruction of justice.

No, Your Facebook Likes Didn’t Steal the Election

Will Bunch wildly exaggerates the Cambridge Analytica scandal.

Russiagate Worst Scandal in Decades?

Jonathan Bernstein thinks so and Chuck Todd and company outline a pretty strong case.

Rev. Billy Graham Dies At 99

Billy Graham was the son of a North Carolina farmer who grew up to become a counselor to Presidents, Prime Ministers, and even a Queen.

Trump’s Own Lawyers Reluctant To Let Him Talk To Robert Mueller

Donald Trump’s own lawyers are afraid he can’t help but lie to such an extent that he should not sit down for an interview with special counsel Robert Mueller.

FBI ‘Fears Lasting Damage’ from Politicization of Investigations

A confusing new report from the Washington Post.

McCain Says Republicans ‘Doing Putin’s Job for Him’

The 2008 Republican nominee for president condemned his party and its president for the release of a controversial memo attacking the FBI.

Geraldo: Nixon Wouldn’t Have Had to Resign if he Had a Sean Hannity

The guy who found Al Capone’s vault wishes we had a guy like Sean Hannity back in the Watergate era.

Donald Trump Shrugging Donald Trump Shrugging

The Return Of Donald Trump, Serial Liar

Donald Trump lies about even the most trivial matters, How are we supposed to believe anything else he says?

Republicans Are Slavishly Backing Trump At Their Own Risk

Despite mounting evidence and outrageous behavior, Republicans nationwide and on Capitol Hill continue to do the Administration’s dirty work. They’ll most likely live to regret it.

Two Republican Senators Rebuke Trump For His Attacks On The Press

Two Republicans spoke out today against the President’s war on the news media, but don’t expect their colleagues to follow suit.

Trump Pressed Top Senators To End Russia Investigation

For a guy who considers the Russia investigation “Fake News,” President Trump sure is doing a lot to try to stop it.

Trump’s Tweets Are Hurting Him, And His Aides Can’t Stop Him

There’s growing evidence that Donald Trump’s tweets are hurting him but his aides have basically given up trying to control his Twitter habit.

Fox News Host Shepard Smith Debunks His Own Network’s Favorite Clinton Conspiracy Theory

A Fox News host has debunked the Uranium One conspiracy theory being pushed by his own network.

Trump And The Rule Of Law

In his time as President, Donald Trump has demonstrated as much contempt for the rule of law as he did as a candidate.

Lawrence Lessig Spins A Bizarre Scenario To Put Hillary Clinton In The White House

There’s something in the water up at Harvard……

Trump Threatens NBC, Upping The Ante In His Despicable War On Freedom Of The Press

Donald Trump is continuing to up the ante in his rhetorical war against one of America’s most fundamental freedoms.

Trump Asked Jeff Sessions About Dropping Criminal Case Against Joe Arpaio

President Trump’s attempts to interfere in the administration of justice go beyond the Russia investigation.

Donald Trump Shrugging Donald Trump Shrugging

Donald Trump Is A Serial Liar, Even When It Comes To Trivial Issues

Trump and his underlings continue to lie, even about the most trivial of matters.

Trump Administration Seeking To Undermine Robert Mueller’s Investigation

Robert Mueller seems to be getting closer to the President, and the Administration is responding by seeking to undermine his investigation.

White House Under Siege As Russia Revelations Continue

Six months of revelations about ties to Russia is taking its toll on White House staffers.

Donald Trump Shrugging Donald Trump Shrugging

Trump’s Job Approval Numbers Are Historically Bad And Only Likely To Get Worse

Donald Trump is the most unpopular incoming President in more than eighty years.

Mueller Expands Investigation To Include Obstruction Of Justice

Special Counsel Robert Mueller has expanded his investigation to include the allegation that President Trump may have attempted to obstruct justice

Trump Reportedly Considering Firing Special Counsel Bob Mueller

There are reports that the President is considering firing Special Counsel Bob Mueller. Are we headed for another Saturday Night Massacre?

Trump Won’t Assert Executive Privilege Against Comey Testimony

The Trump Administration will not try to stop former F.B.I. Director James Comey from testifying before the Senate Intelligence Committee on Thursday.

Former Director: C.I.A. Found ‘Suspicious Contact’ Between Trump Campaign And Russians

Former C.I.A. Director John Brennan testified before a House Committee today, and what he had to say was not good news for the Trump Administration.

Trump Asked Intelligence Officials To Push Back Against F.B.I. Russia Investigation

Yet another report that the President of the United States sought to undermine an ongoing F.B.I. investigation.

James Comey To Testify Publicly On Trump Efforts To Influence Russia Investigation

Coming to a television set or Internet livestream near you sometime after Memorial Day.

Senior White House Official Is ‘Person Of Interest’ In Russia Investigation

The Russia investigation seems to be getting closer to the Oval Office.

Joe Lieberman For F.B.I Director?

For some reason, Joe Lieberman is apparently the front-runner to replace James Comey at the F.B.I.

Our Long National Nightmare is Just Beginning

In the immortal words of Warren Zevon, “Send lawyers, gun, and money. The shit has hit the fan.”

Impeachment Talk Grows, But It’s Not Going To Happen Anytime Soon

Even with the revelations of the last three weeks, impeaching the President is still largely a fantasy.

President Trump Fires F.B.I. Director James Comey

Less than a week after revealing that the F.B.I. was investigating the Trump campaign regarding ties with Russia, F.B.I. Director James Comey has been fired by President Trump.

Trump Skips Nerd Prom, Attacks The Press In Speech To Supporters

Instead of attending the White House Correspondents Association Dinner, Donald Trump spent his Saturday attacking the press and the First Amendment.

Tapp, Tapp, Tapp: The Truly Bizarre Tweets of the Day

@POTUS claims his phones were tapped by the Obama administration. At this point the evidence appears to be talk radio.

There’s Only One Right Side In Trump’s Unjustified War On The News Media

There are two sides in this war between Trump and the media, but only one of them is the right side.

Trump’s Press Conference Performance Confirmed Everything Bad We Thought About Him

For seventy-seven minutes yesterday, President Trump held forth in a press conference that confirmed the most dire predictions about what he’d be like as President.

Firing Sally Yates Was Not A “Monday Night Massacre”

The Acting Attorney General was fired last night after announcing that she would refuse to defend President Trump’s Executive Order on immigration. As a result she was fired. Contrary to some arguments, this was not improper.

Donald Trump Shrugging Donald Trump Shrugging

Trump Backs Away From Idea Of New Clinton Email Investigation, Prosecution

Trump backs away from yet another campaign promise.

John McLaughlin, McLaughlin Group Host, Dead At 89

A precursor to modern cable political news with an interesting past has passed away at the age of 89.

Donald Trump Claims Nomination Of A Party That Remains Divided

Donald Trump completed his unlikely journey to the Republican Presidential Nomination last night, but he the party he now leads remains divided.

In Latest Attack On A Free Press, Donald Trump Denies Credentials To The Washington Post

Donald Trump continues his war on freedom of the press and reporters who cover him critically by barring The Washington Post from covering campaign events.

Awful Presidential Cycle Likely to Get Much Worse

If you think this campaign has been awful, you ain’t seen nothin’ yet.

The Steady Decline of News

The business of the media is business. Business is not good.

The Battle Of The 2016 Narratives

To a large degree, the narrative you believe will govern the 2016 elections depend on which party you want to see win. But what’s the most likely outcome?

Fred Thompson, Watergate Lawyer, Senator, Actor, Dies At 73

A man with one of the more unique political and personal resumes in recent memory has passed away.

House Benghazi Committee Takes Repeated Swings At Hillary Clinton, Mostly Ends Up Hitting Itself

After an eleven hour day on Capitol Hill, it was Hillary Clinton 1 House Benghazi Committee 0.