The Digital Trap

You can log in any time you like. But can you ever leave?

A Cuban Hospital Is No Place To Be Sick

Castro banned “Sicko” for fear that ordinary Cubans would be up in arms seeing facilities that are not available to the vast majority of them.

The Julian Assange Case, Consent, And Rape

Inspired by the reaction to the Julian Assange case, a feminist writer proposes dangerous changes to American rape laws.

Vatican Opposed Turkey EU Bid

Joe Ratzinger, the future pope, lobbied hard against Turkey’s membership in the EU.

Treason And The Wikileaks Case

There’s been much talk recently about treason charges in the Wikileaks case, an most of it has been entirely wrong.

WikiLeaks and Journalism’s Future

Has WikiLeaks changed journalism forever?

How WikiLeaks Operates

WikiLeaks Reveals American Contractors’ Involvement In Afghan Pedophile Ring

WikiLeaks’ reveals that DynCorp, a government contractor, provided drugs and child sex slaves to Afghan police–and the State Department helped cover it up.

Obama “the most Left-leaning President ever elected”?

Is Obama really the most liberal President ever? Not really.

Julian Assange Charges and ‘Sex By Surprise’

Julian Assange is a loathsome human being. Is he also a rapist? Under Swedish law, maybe.

Julian Assange Arrested in London

WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange was arrested Tuesday in London on a Swedish warrant.

Caption Contest Winners

The Bags Fly Free Edition OTB Caption ContestTM is now over.

How Do You Define “Vital”?

The latest Wikileaks leak is a list of foreign infrastructure sites deemed vital to U. S. security.

WikiLeaks TMZ

SNL’s Julian Assange spoof isn’t their best work but it’s mildly amusing

Public Diplomacy vs. Private Diplomacy

Are American diplomats lying to reporters because they figure our citizens can’t handle the truth?

Feds Block WikiLeaks From Own Workers to ‘Protect’ Info

The Obama administration is banning hundreds of thousands of federal employees from calling up the WikiLeaks site on government computers because the leaked material is still formally regarded as classified.

WikiLeaks Booted From DNS, Reappears Elsewhere

WikiLeaks domain name service was terminated for violating terms of use.

Blame Canada

PFC Bradley Manning’s Charge Sheet

Michael Yon provides a digital copy of PFC Bradley Manning’s Charge Sheet, dated 29 May. It makes for interesting reading.

Pentagon: We Could Have Taken WikiLeaks Down

The Pentagon could have taken down WikiLeaks but decided not to. Out of kindness, I suppose.

OTB Radio – Tonight at 5:30 Eastern

Tonight’s topics: The fallout from the latest WikiLeaks dump and the Pentagon’s report on gays in the military.

WikiLeaks Kicked Off Amazon Server

WikiLeaks has been dumped from Amazon’s servers.

New Wikileaks Cables Show Deep U.S. Concern Over Pakistan

The latest wrong of documents from Wikileaks show that American diplomats are as worried about Pakistan as the rest of us, and not quite sure how to deal with the situation.

Interpol Issues Julian Assange Arrest Warrant

The Feds famously got notorious mobster Al Capone on tax evasion charges. Will WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange be done in by sex crimes?

China Ready To Bail On North Korea?

The latest Wikileaks revelations suggest that China may not be willing to protect North Korea for much longer.

Palin: Obama Administration’s Incompetence in the WikiLeaks Fiasco

Sarah Palin has taken to her Facebook page to raise “Serious Questions about the Obama Administration’s Incompetence in the WikiLeaks Fiasco.” They’re more interesting than I’d expected.

WikiLeaks, Secrets, and Reality

The choice is between a world in which officials can share information and carry out reasoned debates with one another and a world in which nothing can be written down.

Wikileaks Media Ethics Wikileaks Media Ethics

Classified Information and Journalistic Ethics

The two English language newspapers who have been Julian Assange’s accomplices in disseminating stolen secrets defend themselves.

Covering the Coverage of the Diplomatic Leaks

The major outlets that received document drops from Wikileaks are covering the story in different and interesting ways.

Removing the Fig Leaf from the Sunni Regimes

The diplomatic ramifications of the latest Wikileaks leaks are just starting to emerge and may place some countries in very embarrassing positions.

Wikileaks Releases Diplomatic Cables, Revealing International Secrets

A new round of Wikileaks documents is out, and it opens the door on diplomatic correspondence previously hidden from the public.

Jonah Goldberg: Why Isn’t Julian Assange Dead?

Jonah Goldberg has written a bad column. In this case, an op-ed in the Chicago Tribune headlined “Why is Assange still alive?”

Pentagon Fighting WikiLeaks with Technology

The Pentagon is looking at a system that would flag suspicious access to data, similar to the alerts by credit cards companies designed to prevent fraudulent charges.

Wikileaks Releases Treasure Trove Of Iraq War Documents

In what is being described as the largest leak of secret documents in U.S. history, Wikileaks has made public more than 400,000 documents related to the seven year long Iraq War.

Wikileaks Didn’t Reveal That Many Secrets, SecDef Says

Secretary of Defense Robert Gates acknowledged in a newly released letter that the Wikileaks Afghan War document dump wasn’t as damaging as the Pentagon initially claimed. So what was the uproar all about?

WikiLeaks vs. CINDER

The Pentagon, responding to obvious flaws in its security revealed by the WikiLeaks debacle, is working on a data mining program that will monitor employee behavior for suspicious activity.

WikiLeaks and the Damage Done

Critics of WikiLeaks have no affirmative proof that the release of tens of thousands of classified documents has gotten anyone killed. The truth is that we’ll likely never know.

Joyner vs. Greenwald on al Jazeera

OTB’s James Joyner and Salon’s Glenn Greenwald discuss WikiLeaks and its implications for journalism on Al Jazeera’s “Inside Story.”