Foreign Policy Debate Substantive Analysis: Middle East

First in a series of posts looking at the substance of the final presidential debate, ostensibly about foreign policy.

Intervening In Syria Would Be Suicidal

President Obama is keeping the conflict in Syria at arms length. That’s a good idea.

Military Donates Essentially No Money to Candidates

The Center for Responsive Politics touts “Overwhelming Support for Obama” among military donors. The numbers show something more interesting: those associated with the military don’t give money to political campaigns.

NATO Deserved Nobel More Than EU

My latest for The National Interest, “Why NATO Should Have Won the Nobel,” is out.

Rand Paul Criticizes Romney’s Foreign Policy Speech

One of Mitt Romney’s own supporters didn’t like his foreign policy speech very much.

2008’s Obama Derangement Syndrome Looks Ridiculous In Hindsight

Let’s take a trip back in time to see what some conservatives thought 2012 would look like if Barack Obama were elected President.

Turkish-Syrian Tensions Increase After Syria Shells Turkish Village

Turkey’s military has attacked Syria several times since Syrian forces shelled a Turkish village.

U.S. Abandoning Plan For Peace Deal With Taliban Before Withdrawal

Slowly but surely, we’re giving up on Afghanistan.

The Afghan Surge Was A Failure

The Afghan Surge announced by President Obama in December 2009 is over. By any objective measurement, it was a failure.

Protests At Western Embassies Spread Across Muslim World

For the fourth day, American and other embassies became the focus of mass protests in many Muslim nations.

Obama Walks Back Egypt ‘Not Ally’ Answer

President Obama gave an honest, nuanced answer to a complex question. So, of course, he’s taking it back.

How America Dominates the World: Manipulations, Sex, and Money

Chamake Mauriene reveals America’s secret to world domination in Pravda.

2,000 Deaths Later, Americans Have Put Afghanistan Behind Them

The candidates aren’t talking about the war in Afghanistan very much, but that’s mostly because the American people don’t want them to.

What About Afghanistan?

The war in Afghanistan has not been a topic of discussion in the Presidential campaign, but that’s largely because there’s not much left to talk about.

NATO Condemns Syria; It’ll End There

My latest for The National Interest, “Ankara Puts NATO on Speed Dial,” has been posted.

Why NATO Won’t Go To War Over Syria Shooting Down Turkish Jet

Following yesterday’s shoot-down of a Turkish F-5 by Syria has once again raised the specter of NATO action under Article 5 of the North Atlantic Treaty. It’s not going to happen.

Mitt Romney Has Some Very Disturbing Opinions On Presidential War Powers

Mitt Romney believes he could take America to war without Congressional involvement.

Romney Slams Obama On Syria, But Doesn’t Offer An Alternative

Mitt Romney is criticizing the President over his Syria policy, but his alternative ideas aren’t very good.

Romney and the Military

Romney comes down firmly on the guns side of guns and butter.

Hollande Backtracks on Afghanistan Pullout Pledge

In office less than a day, Francois Hollande has already been forced to admit he can’t withdraw French forces from Afghanistan by the end of the year.

Avoiding NATO Summit Disaster

My first piece for the Christian Science Monitor, co-authored with my Atlantic Council collegue Barry Pavel, has been posted.

Fiscal Conservativism? Romney Would Raise Defense Spending $2.1 Trillion Over 10 Years

Mitt Romney is proposing one of the biggest peacetime increases in military spending in U.S. history.

Insurmountable Obstacles in Afghanistan

My latest for The National Interest,Insurmountable Obstacles in Afghanistan, has been posted.

Turkey’s Erdogan Cheapens NATO’s Core Promise

My latest for The National Interest, “Turkey Cries Wolf,” has been posted.

IR Wonks vs. IR Journals

Dan Drezner declares that “Policy wonks ignore political science journals at their peril.”

America’s Top Geostrategic Threat?

Russia is the most significant geopolitical player actively opposing significant American interests.

The Consequences Of Attacking Iran

An attack on Iran is likely to unleash consequences that we are unprepared to deal with.

Ending the Afghan Slog

My latest for The National Interest, “Ending the Afghan Slog,” has posted.

American Soldier Kills At Least 15 Afghan Civilians

A tragic incident in Afghanistan that’s likely to have tragic consequences.

John McCain Advocates Unprovoked War Against Syria

Arizona’s senior Senator want’s to bomb Syria.

Major Robert J. Marchanti II, RIP

The Pentagon has released the name of the US Army National Guard major murdered in an Afghan ministry this weekend.

Afghan Protests Prove, It’s Time For Us To Leave

The latest round of protests in Afghanistan prove yet again that it’s time for us to leave.

Afghan Riots And the Folly of the Afghan Mission

A pattern that never ends: Perceived insults lead to mayhem and murder.