Joe Lieberman Retiring?

Joe Lieberman will not run for a fifth term in the U.S. Senate.


College Students Lack Critical Thinking Skills, But Who’s To Blame?

A new study suggests college students aren’t learning the critical thinking skills they’re supposed to learn, but that isn’t necessary the fault of the university they’re attending.

Is Rep. Giffords In Danger Of Losing Her Seat Due To Being Hospitalized?

An obscure Arizona law has raised questions over whether Congressman Gabrielle Giffords could lose her seat if she is disabled for an extended period.

Sarah Palin Responds To The Response Over Her Response To The Arizona Shootings

Sarah Palin was “interviewed” by Sean Hannity last night. I doubt she helped herself.

Democrats Seeking White Males

As noted recently, whites are leaving the Democratic Party in droves. Some black Democrats think it’s time to take affirmative action.

More on the Politics of Civility

More on the strategery of civility.

At Least 50 Dead in Suicide Bomb Attack in Iraq

While the violence is down in Iraq, it’s not gone.

Civility to Republicans’ Advantage?

Now that Republicans have the House, wouldn’t they be better off playing nice?

Poll: Obama Gets High Marks For Arizona Response, Sarah Palin Bombs With The Public

The first poll assessing the political impact of last week’s events is out, and it has good news for President Obama, and bad news for Sarah Palin.

Diagnosing The Odd Relationship Between Sarah Palin And The Media

The American media and Sarah Palin have developed an odd symbiotic relationship, and it’s unlikely to change anytime soon.

The Health Care Debate Underscore the Fundamental Problem with the GOP

The current approach of the GOP to health care is not dissimilar to its approach to fiscal policy: not a lot of substance.

Alzheimer’s Claims In New Book Lead To Reagan Family Feud

A new book by President Reagan’s youngest son raises allegations that the former President was showing signs of Alzheimer’s Disease while still in office, and that’s led to a family feud between the two Reagan brothers.

Just What Haiti Doesn’t Need: “Baby Doc” Duvalier Returns

The last thing that Haiti needed was for a former dictator to return, but that’s exactly what has happened.

King’s “I Have A Dream” Speech Years in Making

Martin Luther King’s historic “I Have a Dream” speech was, like a political stump speech, crafted and polished over months and years of delivery.

George Allen Running For Old Seat

George Allen is running for his old Senate seat.

NYT Explains False Giffords Death Report

NYT public editor Arthur Brisbane explains how it came to pass that his paper reported as fact the erroneous news that Gabrielle Giffords had been killed.

Caption Contest

Time for the Monday OTB Caption ContestTM

Tucson, Political Rhetoric, And Where We Go From Here

There is a problem with political rhetoric in this country, but telling people to be nicer to each other isn’t going to cool it down.

Kristol on Palin’s Speech (and Hume on her Presidential Ambitions)

Both Bill Kristol and Brit Hume had interesting observations about Palin’s “blood libel” speech today on FNS.

Poll Shows Palin Speech Helped Her Image (or Did it?)

A poll that came out late last week purports show that Palin’s speech helped her public image. However, if we look at the numbers, that claim is a weak one.

When Compromise Is Immoral

150 years ago, President-Elect Abraham Lincoln was presented with a chance to avert Civil War. He passed it up, and we should be glad that he did.

Stuxnet A U.S.-Israeli Joint Effort?

The Stuxnet virus that has set back the Iranian nuclear weapons program by several years at least appears to have originated as a joint project between the United States and Israel.