How Not To Improve The Discourse

Yesterday, Eric Fuller, one of the victims of last week’s shooting in Tuscon, blamed Sarah Palin, John Boehner, Glenn Beck and Sharron Angle for the tragedy. Today he was arrested for making a death threat to a local Tea Party leader.

A Bad Sign In Iraq

Is It Okay To Steal Internet Bandwidth From Your Neighbor?

People find the most interesting ways to justify something that is obviously wrong.

State Of The Union Seating: Phony Theatrics For Pointless Theater

Bipartisan seating at the State Of The Union is a pointless act of political theater. Then again, so is the State Of The Union Address itself.

Americans Hate Taxes And The National Debt, Don’t Know What They Want To Cut

The American public still has a totally unrealistic view of what it will take to get the Federal Government’s fiscal house in order.

Did Wikileaks Help Bring Down A Corrupt Arab Leader?

Information made public by Wikileaks appears to have played a role in sparking the protest movement that has brought down the President of Tunisia.

Lee-Jackson Day And The South’s Continuing Confederate Fetish

It’s Lee-Jackson Day again in Virginia, and, once again, I find myself wondering why the South continues to honor a dishonorable legacy.

Politicizing Tucson Memorial Service

Factions on the right and left continue to charge one another with trying to politicize the Tucson murders. They’re now nitpicking the memorial service.

House Republicans To Take Up Repeal Of ObamaCare 1099 Reporting Rules

There appears to be bipartisan support for repealing one of the most egregious tax rules in last year’s Affordable Care Act

OTB Latenight – Belly

Caption Contest Winners

The iPrayer Edition OTB Caption ContestTM is now over.

Mitt Romney Gearing Up: Disclosure

Mitt Romney has hired my wife’s boss as his pollster.

The End Of Sarah Palin?

One columnist argues that Sarah Palin’s response to the Arizona shootings mark the end of whatever political future she might have had. He’s probably correct.

Kay Bailey Hutchinson Not Running in 2012

Kay Bailey Hutchison will not run for re-election to the U.S. Senate.

Quote of the Day

Palin’s Missed Opportunity

Palin’s “blood libel” speech continued to keep here in the conversation about Tucson, and not in a positive way.

2010 Warmest Year on Record

Despite anecdotal evidence debunking global warming, 2010 was another record year for warm temperatures.

Obama Calls For Civility, Without Casting Blame

After five days of nonsense, President Obama’s address in Tucson last night struck exactly the right tone.

Caption Contest

Time for the Thursday OTB Caption ContestTM

Blogging Liberty and Tyranny, Chapter One, Part One

I’m blogging Mark Levin’s Conservative Manifesto. Here’s part one…

Grover Norquist and Afghanistan

America’s foremost tax foe has weighed in on the Afghanistan War debate.