Al Qaeda Runs Falluja Now

If you’re still not convinced that we lost the war in Iraq, this should settle the argument.

New York Times: Time To Grant Clemency to Edward Snowden

The “paper of record” joins the call for some kind of deal with Edward Snowden.

New York Times Benghazi Story Gets Some Political And Journalistic Push Back

The New York Times Benghazi report raises as many questions as it purports to answer.

Would N.S.A. Data Mining Have Been Able To Stop 9/11?

.Many have tried to justify N.S.A. data mining on the theory that it could have prevented 9/11. Is that true?

Return to the Events in Benghazi

More details.

Federal Judge Rejects Challenge To N.S.A. Data Mining

Another Federal District Court ruling on the Constitutionality of the NSA’s data mining program, this time more favorable to the NSA.

The USA v. the FARC

Newly disclosed details about the US role in Colombia.

Federal Judge Rules That NSA Metadata Collection Program Likely Unconstitutional

A potentially big legal setback for a big National Security Agency program.

Just How Bad Was Security At Nelson Mandela’s Memorial Service?

Apparently, the security at Tuesday’s memorial for Nelson Mandela was so lax as to be nearly non-existent.

American Public Prefers A Less Interventionist U.S. Foreign Policy

A new poll finds the American public far less supportive of the idea of the U.S. as the world’s policeman.

60 Minutes Retracts, Apologizes For, Erroneous Benghazi Report

A story that has turned into a partisan kickball and some bad journalism have resulted in a celebrated news program getting considerable egg on its face.

TSA Agent Killed in LAX Shooting, First in Agency’s History

I’m happy that these incidents are so rare. But I can’t explain why it’s so.

Tom Clancy Dead at 66

Tom Clancy, author of dozens of bestselling military thriller novels, has died aged 66.

Proposed Media Shield Law Leads To Debate Over Who Is A “Journalist”

Who should qualify as a “journalist” for purposes of a “Shield Law?”

9/11 And The Never-Ending War

The world changed significantly twelve years ago today. Will it ever change back even a little bit?

Obama Didn’t Try To Scare Americans Over Syria, Except When He Did

:Like his predecessors, President Obama’s speech last night exaggerated the threat that Syria poses in order to sell his plan to American voters.

Why Some Killing Matters More

Why are chemical weapons a “red line” in a war where so many have been killed?

OTB Caption Contest Winners

The Matriculate Your Way Into Syria Edition OTB Caption ContestTM is now over.

Boehner, Cantor, Pelosi All Support Obama On Syria Strikes

Not surprisingly, Congressional leaders on both sides of the aisle are lining up behind the President in the debate over Syria.

Obama Administration vs Bush Administration on Syria

Score one for Team Bush?

Drug War Using American Phone Records More Than Terror War

Prism ain’t got nothin’ on the Hemisphere Project.

If We Do Attack Syria, What’s Next?

Some questions that the Administration needs to answer before attacking Syria.

Joyner and Foust on Manning and Other Stuff

Joshua Foust and I discuss Chelsea Manning and other issues for BloggingHeadsTV.

Yemen Wants Its Own Drones

A headline I never thought I’d see: “Yemen Asks U.S. For Drones To Fight Al Qaeda”

West Point Casualties in Post-9/11 Conflicts Historically High

West Point graduates account for nearly one in fifty deaths in the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan.

Of Course the NSA is Lying to You

My latest for The National Interest, “Clapper’s Bodyguard of Lies,” has posted.

Baby, Come Back

TSA Expanding Beyond Airports

TheTransportation Security Administration is expanding its purview to train stations and sporting events.