Is The Iraq War To Blame For Iraq’s Current Crisis?

Recent events in Iraq have opened up old domestic political arguments in the United States.

U.S. Captures Suspect In Benghazi Attack

Ahmed Abu Kattalah, the alleged ringleader of the September 2012 attack in Benghazi, has been arrested.

All Things Pass

Will ISIS be able to consolidate and hold the territory it’s taken in Iraq?

Insurgents Continue Advance Toward Baghdad

It’s sure beginning to look like a civil war in Iraq, albeit a rather one sided one at the moment.

Insurgents Linked To Al Qaeda Capture Iraq’s Second City

Things only seem to be getting worse in Iraq.

Public Skeptical Of Bergdahl Deal

Thanks largely to Administration mistakes, the Bergdahl deal is not going over well.

Guantanamo Bay Is Not Going To Close

Mostly because of politics, the hopes of some and fears of others will never be realized.

At Normandy, Obama Continues A Tradition That Reagan Started

For the fourth time in 30 years, an American President spoke at Normandy to honor a day of sacrifice and triumph.

Why It Matters That Obama Didn’t Follow The Law In The Bergdahl Release Deal

Good intentions and good results aside, the President’s disrespect for the Rule Of Law should concern everyone.

Yes, We Do Negotiate With Terrorists

Contrary to the oft-repeated slogan, the United States has negotiated with terrorists before. And we will do it again.

Did Obama Violate The Law With The Bergdahl Release? It Sure Seems Like It

Good intentions aren’t an excuse for failure to follow the law.

Army Will Investigate Desertion Charges Against Bowe Bergdahl

It’s good that Bowe Bergdahl is free, but questions remain about how he went missing that need to be answered.

Supreme Court: Use Of Toxin In Domestic Assault Case Not Covered By Chemical Weapons Treaty

Using a chemical to commit a purely domestic crime doesn’t make you an international criminal, the Supreme Court correctly decided today.

Republicans Criticize Deal That Led To American P.O.W.’s Release

Petty politics, or valid concerns?

Obama’s Cloudy Foreign Policy Vision

Once again, President Obama’s attempt to communicate a foreign policy vision falls short.

All U.S. Troops Will Be Out Of Afghanistan After 2016, Most Will Be Out By December

An imperfect timetable, but better than nothing.

Nigeria Delaying Search For Missing Schoolgirls

The search for more than 200 missing Nigerian schoolgirls is not going well, and part of the blame lies with the Nigerian government.

Fort Hood vs Benghazi?

James Oliphant asks, “Why Hasn’t the GOP Treated Fort Hood Like Benghazi?”

Boko Haram Leader Vows to Sell Kidnapped Girls

Boko Haram is threatening to sell the 200-plus Nigerian girls it has kidnapped into slavery.

House Benghazi Committee: Fact-Finding Mission Or Partisan Witch Hunt?

Could the upcoming House Select Committee on Benghazi actually accomplish something useful?

Unfortunately For Hillary Clinton, Benghazi Is Not Going Away

If Hillary Clinton runs for President, questions surrounding the Benghazi attack will continue to dog her.

New Emails Revive Old Benghazi Arguments

A new set of emails is reviving the old partisan arguments about the attack in Benghazi.

Malaysian Air 370 Search Costliest In History

There may be no resolution to what has become the most expensive search in history.

Iraq Vet with Post-Traumatic Stress Kills Three, Wounds Sixteen at Fort Hood

Yesterday afternoon’s shooting spree at Fort Hood appears to be a related to post-traumatic stress.

Hamid Karzai Says Afghanistan Doesn’t Need U.S. Troops To Stay After 2014

Afghanistan’s outgoing President says that his nation doesn’t need American troops to stay after the end of the year.

Frederick Mayer, Real ‘Inglorious Basterd,’ Denied Medal of Honor Again

A Jewish-American OSS hero has been denied the nation’s highest military honor.

White House: U.S. Will Leave Afghanistan If Karzai Balks On New Troop Deal

Hamid Karzai’s refusal to sign a new security agreement may result in all U.S. troops leaving Afghanistan by the end of the year.

Americans Have Mostly Negative View Of Putin And Russia

The Cold War may be over, but the negative opinions in the U.S. regarding Russia and its leadership seem to have continued.

Obama’s Kill Rules Keeping Obama From Killing

President Obama’s new rules for killing Americans with drones are proving inconvenient.

Sniper Attack On Power Station In California Raises Terrorism Threat

Ten months ago, a group of people attacked a power substation in California. Who they were and why they did it remains a mystery.

TSA Touts Toothpaste Tube Terror Threat

Just when it became safe to keep your shoes and tablets on, a new threat to the friendly skies has emerged: toothpaste.

Medal Fatigue

The US military needs to cull and standardize its bloated award system.

Most Americans Now See Iraq And Afghanistan Wars As Failures

Most Americans now see America’s decade of war as a failure.

Robert Gates: Invading Iraq Diverted Attention From The War On Terror

Former SecDef Robert Gates is among those who believes that the Iraq War unduly diverted attention from fighting the War On Terror.