FBI Review Says That Boston Bombing Could Not Have Been Prevented

In the end, it doesn’t appear that the Boston Marathon bombings could have been prevented by law enforcement.

Senator Obama Warned About PATRIOT Act Abuses That Happened Under President Obama

President Obama is doing precisely what Senator Obama warned us about.

State Department: Avoid Planet Earth, There Be Terrorists There

Al Qaeda may be up to something, so take no chances.

Google Searches For “Pressure Cooker” And “Backpacks” Lead To FBI Visit

A husband and wife do unrelated, and perfectly innocent, Google searches, and get a visit from the FBI.

Guantanamo Costs $2.7 Million Per Prisoner

Keeping 166 detainees in Gitmo costs taxpayers $454 million.

OTB Caption Contest Winners

The Bogeyman Edition OTB Caption ContestTM is now over.

Syrian Anti-Regime Forces Carry Out Mass Executions

Anti-Assad forces are committing atrocities in Aleppo.

18 bodies in the past 30 minutes in the #MartyrRoom in the #Rabaa makeshift hospital! Not including other hospitals 18 bodies in the past 30 minutes in the #MartyrRoom in the #Rabaa makeshift hospital! Not including other hospitals

Egyptian Government Massacres More Peaceful Protestors

The US backed Egyptian government is massacring supporters of the ousted democratically elected government.

Hundreds of al Qaeda Militants Freed in Iraq Jailbreak

As many as 500 convicted al Qaeda terrorists were released Sunday night as part of a surge of violence that has killed thousands since April.

Federal Judge Not Buying Administration Arguments In Lawsuit Over Drone Killings

A Federal Judge wasn’t very pleased when Administration lawyers told her that she doesn’t have jurisdiction to hear a lawsuit over the President’s drone policy.

Peter King ‘Not Ruling Out’ Presidential Run; He Should

An overweight Republican from the northeast is thinking about running for president. No, not that one.

Should Juror’s Identities Ever Be Kept Secret?

Until the presiding Judge in the case rules otherwise, the identities of the members of the jury in the Zimmerman is secret. Should that be the case?

Yemen’s al Qaeda No. 2 Still Dead

Abu Sufyan al-Azdi, al Qaeda’s number two man in Yemen, is still dead. Or dead again. Or finally dead.

Free Syrian Army fighters carry their weapons as they take up positions prior to an offensive against forces loyal to Syria's President Bashar al-Assad in Deir al-Zor July 11, 2013. Free Syrian Army fighters carry their weapons as they take up positions prior to an offensive against forces loyal to Syria's President Bashar al-Assad in Deir al-Zor July 11, 2013.

Syrian Opposition Fractures Further; FSA at War With al Qaeda

Ostensible allies in the fight against the Assad regime, al Qaeda and the Free Syrian Army are killing each other.

Obama Job Approval On Foreign Policy Hits Low In New Poll

President Obama is losing public support in the one area where he’s generally had broad support from the public in the past.

Frustration With Karzai Pushing Obama Toward “Zero Option” In Afghanistan

Frustrations with the mercurial leader of Afghanistan may increase the pace of the U.S. withdrawal from Afghanistan.

FISA Court Does Job Congress Assigned It

Don’t blame “secret courts” for the government’s expanded spying on American citizens and allies.

On The Coup In Egypt And The Future Of Democracy

The events of the last week in Egypt raise a whole host of questions.

The Fourth Of July And The Fourth Amendment

Contemporary Americans accept actions by the state that were once the cause for revolt.

The Day After In Egypt

Egyptians celebrated last night, but the future is far from clear.

Obama’s Job Approval Numbers Take A Hit In Wake Of NSA Revelations

President Obama’s poll numbers seem to be suffering under the weight of nearly two months of scandals and/ media attention.

Rep. Peter King (R., New York) Wants Journalists Prosecuted As Spies

One Congressman thinks it would be a good idea to treat journalists as criminals.

ACLU Files Suit Over NSA Phone Records Data Mining

The ACLU is suing over the NSA’s data mining. Does it really have a chance?

Initial Polls Seemingly In Conflict On Public Opinion Of NSA Surveillance Programs

Revelations about the NSA’s data mining programs don’t seem to be having a significant impact on public opinion.

Will NSA Data Mining Matter To Voters?

Will voters care about the revelations about NSA data mining? Signs point to no.

Big Metadata and Big Government

Jay Stanley and Ben Wizner, privacy experts at the ACLU, argue that metadata is more sensitive than we think.

FISA, Blanket Searches, and the 4th Amendment

The government has your cell phone and credit card records. What can they do with that information?

NSA Mining Data From Top Internet Content Providers

Big Brother is doing more than just checking your phone records.

It’s About More Than Cell Phone Records, It’s About Liberty

The NSA’s data mining project is about more than just subpoenas for cell phone records.

Deval Patrick: I Got Drunk After The Boston Bomber Was Captured

The Governor of Massachusetts decided to celebrate a bit after Dzhorkhar Tsarnaev was captured.

What Did Susan Rice Know and When Did She Know It?

I have for months taken it as a given that she went on five Sunday morning talk shows and lied about what happened there. Did she?

In Challenge To Senate GOP, Obama Names Three Judges To D.C. Circuit

President Obama threw down a gauntlet today in the form of a trio of Judicial nominations.

Iran, Hezbollah and Latin America?

The same story yet again.

GOP Problems With Young Voters: A Messaging Problem, And A Policy Problem

Republicans have problems with the younger generation that they will need to fix if they’re going to succeed in the future.