A Different Democracy, Indeed

A trip through comparative democratic reform.

(Last) Sunday’s Discussion Question Revisited

Wherein I finally reveal my answer (spoiler: it is hardly surprising). And, also, wherein despite the goal of brevity, I fail at that goal.

Argentine Presidential Elections Start Today

The first of a potential three rounds.

Next Up: Georgia

The next Trump indictment looks like it is coming this week.

Dan Patrick’s Response to the Texas A&M Faculty Suspension Controversy

His column in the Houston Chronicle fails to impress.

Federal Court Declares Portion of Mississippi’s Constitution Unconstitutional

Permanent felon disenfranchisement is unconstitutional.

On Hand-Counting of Ballots

It’s a really bad method

Is Trump Protected Because Of “Political Speech”?

Why “the First Amendment protects Trump” defense doesn’t make sense

National Review Attacks the Indictment

And they make an argument for lawlessness.

Trump Indicted in 1/6 Investigation

Breaking news.

America’s Forgotten Empire

Our Pacific territories are giving more than they’re getting.

Alabama Remains Defiant

Legislature poised to approve new districts that appear to violate a federal court order.

Some Electoral College Thoughts

It really is rife with problems.

Fear of a Third Party

The Electoral College is holding a nation of millions back.

Yet Another Example of the Weakness of US Parties

The parties do not control their labels.

Independent State Legislature Theory Loses in SCOTUS

Good news with a cautionary note.

Proposed New Congressional Map for Alabama

The process that could chance Alabama’s congressional delegation begins.

Some Photos for Juneteenth

Remembering the past; living the future.

More on Alabama Districts

Diving into the structure of Alabama’s districts and highlighting deep problems.

On Primary Candidacies

Thinking about what is predictive as well as the usefulness of historical case studies.

Looking to Poland

Protests against the governing party signal tensions in advance of fall elections.

A Stew of Stupidity

Eight state have withdrawn from a system to prevent illegal voting because of ignorance and agitation.

A Depressing Headline

A sign of the times.

Age Limits? (not Term Limits)

It is something we need to think about.

Airpods Airpods

Podcast Recommendation

Matthew Shugart on the Downballot.

Weak Parties (Yet Again)

A clear example from North Carolina.

Republicans and Democratic Backsliding

When winning is the only acceptable outcome.

Finland’s Ordinary Election

A refreshing instance of normal democratic politics amid interesting times.

Universal Voting Rights

DC has radically expanded its electorate.

Another Reason to Dislike the Electoral College

“Red States” and “Blue State”

Weak Parties, Part Gazillion

“The GOP” is not a singular unit.

On the Number of Parties 4: The Oddity of Two, Part 3 (Thinking About Just Two)

A post about thinking in a comparative way.

On the Number of Parties 4: The Oddity of Two, Part 1

A real example of American exceptionalism.

GOP Behavior

Ezra Klein has some thought on the Republican Party.

Primaries and Party Evolution

Open access to party labels has consequences.

Forecasting 2024 Way Too Early

There are at most eight toss-up states for the 2024 Presidential election.

More Alaskan Politics

And thoughts on party systems more generally.

Minority Rule Isn’t a Myth

The will of the majority can prevail even in a skewed system.

Airpods Airpods

Podcast Recommendation

On Spurious Majorities and Other Thoughts on Electoral System Critiques

Because sometimes the comment box is just too small.

Increased Diversity in the 118th Congress

The next Congress will look a bit more like America than did the last.

Alaska Voters Had Real Choices and Made Them

Every vote counted, with refreshing results.

The Centrist Fantasy

Can moderate Republicans take back their party?

Moving Away From Off-Off Year Elections

Localities are consolidating local elections to coincide with national ones. Some don’t like that.

Districting and the 2022 House Results

The lines aren’t everything, but they need more attention than they get.

Not Both Sides

One of these things is not like the other.