Adam Schiff Wins, Shouted Down By Protestors

California’s next Senator had his night spoiled.

Congress Contemplating Counter-Insurrection

A truly insane proposition.

California’s Weird Election Laws

The Top Two system has created perverse incentives.

California Senate Sinkhole

A race a Democrat will definitely win will be the most expensive in US history.

Feinstein’s Seat

The rules are a bit complicated.

Televising Trump’s Trial

His lawyers and Democratic lawmakers are urging an exception.

The January 6 Hearings Are Over. Now What?

The investigation produced mounds of evidence. Will it matter?

The Weak Case Against the January 6 Committee

Republicans killed their parents and demanding mercy for being orphaned.

Resetting Our Politics

Did Cassidy Hutchinson’s testimony change anything?

January 6 Committee Divided on Which Non-Starter Recommendations to Make

They’re taking their eye off the ball.

Garland Under Pressure to Indict Trump

Democrats want the DOJ to act more quickly.

Capitol Riots Hearings Start Today with Political Theater

Emotional testimony from police will kick off the event.

DNI Refusing to Brief Congress on Election Security

Yet more flouting of the rule of law by the Trump administration.

Trump’s Acquittal and American Democracy

Has this precedent permanently damaged the country? Or is it just politics as usual?

We Don’t Need Witnesses

What difference at this point does it make?

Feinstein and Three Democratic Moderates Leaning Toward Acquittal?

Surprising news from an unsurprising process.

What if November’s Loser Refuses to Concede?

There’s a very real possibility the legitimacy of the 2020 election will be contested.

Centrist Democrats Line Up In Favor Of Impeachment

Democrats who could prove to be vulnerable in 2020 are largely lining up in favor of impeaching the President.

House Judiciary Committee Unveils Articles Of Impeachment

The House Judiciary Committee has revealed the Articles of Impeachment against the President that it will vote on later this week.

Trump Ambassador: Yes, There Was A Quid Pro Quo

Donald Trump’s Ambassador to the European Union provides yet more evidence to support impeachment of the President.

Democrats Begin To Make Their Case In First Day of Public Impeachment Hearings

There were few fireworks during the first day of public impeachment hearings, but the ground work for a case against the President was laid.

Congress Begins Public Impeachment Hearings

In a few short hours, the House Intelligence Committee begins the public phase of its impeachment inquiry.

Public Impeachment Hearings To Begin Next Week

Get the popcorn and your favorite beverage ready.

RealClear Reveals Whistleblower Name, Foments Conspiracy Theory

The man who sparked the investigation into the President’s illegal conduct has been outed in a futile attempt to discredit it.

The Fundamental Dishonesty of the House GOP “Protest”

They know how Congress works, but are banking on the fact that many Americans don’t.

Republicans Grow Increasingly Desperate In Defense Of Trump

The GOP’s efforts to defend the President are becoming more desperate and pathetic by the day.

Efforts To Influence Foreign Investigations Of Biden Deeper Than Thought

More information released last night confirmed the extent to which the United States was linking progress on its relationship with Ukraine to an investigation of Joe Biden and his son.

Trump And The RNC Raise $125 Million In Third Quarter

A big haul for the GOP.

Giuliani Subpoenaed In Impeachment Inquiry

The President’s attorney Rudy Giuliani is among the first to be served with a subpoena in connection with the newly-launched impeachment inquiry.

Trump Engaging In Witness Intimidation

Even as the impeachment vultures circle, the President is lashing out and making things more difficult for himself.

House Democrats Eye Narrowly Focused Impeachment Of Trump

House Democrats are reportedly looking at an impeachment process narrowly focused on the President’s efforts to obtain a quid pro quo from the President of Ukraine.

The President, The Whistleblower, And Ukraine

The latest allegations about exactly what the President may have been trying to do in a phone call with a foreign leader that caught the attention of a whistleblower are becoming more serious by the day.

Whistleblowing on the President

A Harvard law professor makes my case better than I did.

Mueller And The Reality Of Russian Election Interference

While much of the talk about Robert Mueller’s testimony has focused on the Trump campaign, there was another part to his testimony that brings attention to a far more serious threat.

Mueller Doesn’t Deliver

Everything you always wanted in a hearing. And less.

A Duty to Impeach?

Does the House have an obligation to proceed with impeachment?

Trump Laying Impeachment Trap?

An absurd theory for an absurd time.

10 of 12 Congressional Leaders Offered Access to Less-Redacted Mueller Report Haven’t Bothered to Read It

Six Democrats are boycotting on principle. Four Republicans don’t care.

Pelosi Demands Open Release of Mueller Report

The Speaker says she will reject any attempt to deliver it in a “highly classified” manner.

Despite Donald Trump, America’s Institutions Are Prevailing

It’s been a rough two years under Trump, but America’s institutions are surviving.

Amazon Prime Removes Anti-Vax Documentaries

A powerful Congressman successfully pressured a media giant to pull content. We should be worried.

Trump Responds To Pelosi By Canceling Military Air Support For Congressional Trips

President Trump responded to the suggestion that the State of the Union be rescheduled by revoking military transportation for a Congressional trip to visit troops in Afghanistan.

Saudis Acknowledge Jamal Khashoggi Is Dead, Offer Utterly Ridiculous Explanation

The Saudi Arabian Government is finally acknowledging that Jamal Khashoggi is dead. Their explanation for his death, though, is too absurd to be believed.

Trump Using Children As Bargaining Chips In Immigration Battle

Children are not political bargaining chips, but that’s exactly what this President plans to turn them into.

Donald Trump Wants To Help Make A Controversial Chinese Company Great Again

For some reason, the President wants to help a Chinese company that has been accused of being a security risk by American intelligence services.

Mike Pence Thinks A Year Is Long Enough For The Russia Investigation

Mike Pence’s obsequiousness to his master knows no limits.

The Rise Of The Trumpidian GOP Candidates

Whether Don Blankenship wins or loses in West Virginia, his success is yet another example of how Donald Trump has changed the GOP for the worse.

In One-Sided Report, House Intelligence Committee Finds No Trump-Russia Collusion

The House Intelligence Committee’s report is being touted as vindication by the Trump Administration and its supporters. It’s not.