Go the Fuck to Sleep Goes Viral

Go The Fuck to Sleep, the children’s book aimed at parents, has become an Internet sensation and reached #1 on Amazon well before its release owing to a leaked copy.

New Children’s Book: Go The F- to Sleep

Go the Fuck To Sleep is a bedtime book for parents who live in the real world, where a few snoozing kitties and cutesy rhymes don’t always send a toddler sailing off to dreamland.

YouTube as TV Alternative

Video entertainment is moving in two seemingly opposite directions simultaneously.

War! Huh Good God Y’all

Is Libya a war? Hell yes, Libya is a war.

New York Times Announces Paywall Rates To Begin March 28th

In less than two weeks, much of the content of The New York Times will go behind a paywall.

Count Chocula and Franken Berry

An offhand comment in my post “Obama Killed Cap’n Crunch” sparked inquiries about the fate of the General Mills line of cereals featuring monster characters.

Borders Books, RIP

Natural Monopolies

The Digital Trap

You can log in any time you like. But can you ever leave?

WikiLeaks Kicked Off Amazon Server

WikiLeaks has been dumped from Amazon’s servers.

Amazon Pulls E-Book Promoting Pedophilia After Protests

Yesterday’s outrage of the day involved an odd book written by a creep, and it has lessons galore for everyone.

I Love Lucy – Cheap

Amazon is making the complete “I Love Lucy” television series — a whopping 5394 minutes of entertainment on 34 discs — available for one day only at $84.99.

Google and Verizon Test Net Neutrality

Congress has been wrestling with the net neutrality issue for years. Two major players may force a decision soon.

Amazon: Kindle E-Books Outselling Paper Books

Electronic books outsold paper books on Amazon over the past three months, but the death of the hardcover is greatly exaggerated.

Google Search Results Rigged?

Is Google manipulating its search results to keep competitors down? And does its market dominance mean the government should step in?

Mark Twain Autobiography Reveals Political Side

Starting in November, we’ll get a look inside the mind of one of America’s most fascinating writers.

Wonder Woman Gets New Costume

After 69 years fighting crime in a star-spangled bathing suit, Wonder Woman will get a super hero costume.

Fatherhood and Other Things That Ain’t Government’s Business

In conjunction with Father’s Day, the Obama administration unveiled Fatherhood.gov, a website offering advice to men on raising kids. Why is this a job for the federal government?

Salting Snowe

Kindle Buyers Beware

Journalism Online

Why Words Matter

Caption Contest Winners