Was Obama’s Syrian “Red Line” A Mistake?

President Obama may regret drawing a line in the sand over Syrian chemical weapons.

Huntsman 2016?

The GOP’s most promising alternative to Mitt Romney in 2012 may run again in 2016, but it doesn’t seem like he’d go very far.

North Korea Calming Down?

In a chaotic week, one source of chaos was remarkably quiet.

North Korea’s Bluster: How Should We Respond?

So what, exactly, is going on in North Korea? And how should we respond to Kim’s bluster?

Sheldon Adelson Violated Foreign Corrupt Practices Act

The gambling mogul is self-reporting violations of the law against bribing foreign officials.


North Korea has conducted its third test of a nuclear weapon.

China Starting To Get Irritated With North Korea?

North Korea’s latest provocations may be testing the patience of their patrons in Beijing.

OTB Caption Contest Winners

The Kung Fu Panda Edition OTB Caption ContestTM is now over.

Romney Lie Technically True, Just Intentionally Misleading

The Weekly Standard is proud that Mitt Romney’s intentionally false Jeep ad was technically true.

US Programmer Outsourced Coding to China, Watched Cat Videos

A company’s best programmer was a Chinese man working for a fifth of what lesser employees earned. Alas, one of those employees was getting paid the other four-fifths.

Guns and Preventing Tyranny

The notion that guns prevent tyranny is based on fantasy and movies, not reality.

Revenue Problem or Spending Problem?

Kevin Drum argues that, “We Don’t Have a Spending Problem. We Have an Aging Problem.”

Pot Calls The Kettle Hack

Alex Pareene’s annual hack list omits an obvious candidate: Alex Pareene.

OTB Caption Contest Winners

The Shanghai Sights Edition OTB Caption ContestTM is now over.

OTB Caption Contest

Time for the Monday OTB Caption ContestTM

Generals Live Like Kings

Former Defense Secretary Robert Gates is bemused that the generals who worked for him lived more lavish lifestyles than he did.

Green Eyeshade War

Will a disagreement over accounting rules increase the bad feelings between China and the U. S.?

Global Trends 2030

The National Intelligence Council has released its quadrennial strategic forecast, Global Trends 2030: Alternative Worlds.

So What Did Silver Opponent Jay Cost Have to Say?

More griping about poor analysis.

Third Quarter GDP Growth Clocks In At 2.0%

Another mostly disappointing report on the state of the economy.

Do We Really Need A “Foreign Policy” Debate?

Does it make sense to divide the Presidential debates between “domestic policy” and “foreign policy?” Yes, and no.

China Is Every American Politician’s Favorite Scapegoat

American politicians are using China as a scapegoat for America’s problems.

Why Pick On China?

The Bush Question

Romney needs a far better answer to the Bush question.

The West Wing And American Politics

Not surprisingly, television and reality don’t really coincide.

How Much Are Romney’s “47 Percent” Remarks Hurting Him?

Mitt Romney’s “47 Percent” remarks seem to be hurting him.

Was Mitt Romney The Best Candidate The GOP Had This Year?

Whether Republicans like it or not, Mitt Romney was the best candidate they had in 2012.