A Modest Racial Realignment

Explaining the inexplicable.

Education Department Issues Regulations on Transgender Sports Competition

A sensible compromise on a controversial issue.

Religious Exemptions From Vaccine Mandate

What malarkey is this?

Some CRT Theory/Politics of Race Thoughts

You know, some light weekend thoughts.

Does the Constitution Cover Texas?

The Lone Star state is making up its own rules.

Interpreting Interpretation

A too-long discourse on how courts should function.

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Supreme Court Rules LGBT Discrimination Illegal

The 6-3 opinion written by Justice Gorsuch and joined by Chief Justice Roberts defies conventional wisdom.

Do Violent Protests Get Results?

If the goal is to change politics, not just vent frustration, messaging is important.

A Rebirth For The Equal Rights Amendment? Maybe, Maybe Not.

The Democratic victory in Virginia’s legislative elections has revived hopes for advocates of the Equal Rights Amendment, Even if Virginia does become the 38th state to ratify the measure, though, the actual status of the Amendment is exceedingly unclear.

Justices Divided On Extending Civil Rights Laws To LGBT Employees

Yesterday, the Supreme Court held oral argument in a series of cases asking it to decide if existing civil rights laws cover discrimination based on sexual orientation or gender identity.

Mississippi Wedding Venue Refuses Service To Interracial Couple, Citing Religious Beliefs

A wedding venue in Mississippi is citing religious beliefs in support of its decision not to allow an interracial couple to utilize their facilities.

Federal Court Rules In Favor Of Transgender Student In Bathroom Access Case

A Federal Court has ruled once again in favor of a transgender student in Virginia who was prevented from using the bathroom conforming to their gender identity.

House Passes Equality Act, Extending Civil Rights Law To LGBT Americans

The House has passed legislation that would extend the protections of the Civil Rights Act to LGBT Americans, but it is probably doomed in the Senate.

SCOTUS To Decide If Civil Rights Laws Bar Discrimination Against LGBT Employees

The Supreme Court has agreed to accept a group of cases dealing with the issue of whether or not existing civil rights laws bar discrimination based on sexual orientation and gender identity.

Federal Judge Rules Male-only Draft Unconstitutional

Now that women are allowed into all combat roles, the rationale for excluding them from Selective Service has evaporated.

John Dingell, Longest Serving Member Of Congress, Dies At 92

The longest-serving member of Congress in American history has passed away at the age of 92.

SCOTUS To Consider Case On Employment Discrimination Based On Gender Identity

The Supreme Court is set to consider whether to take a case involving employment discrimination based on gender identity.

Trump Administration Moving To Make Transgender Americans Unpersons

The Trump Administration is preparing a policy change that will essentially define transgender Americans out of existence.

Oregon State Agency Alleges Walmart’s Age Restriction on Gun Sales Violates State Law

An Oregon state agency is suggesting that Walmart’s decision to restrict arms sales to bar people under 21, but over 18, from being able to purchase firearms violates state law.

Federal Judge Rules In Favor Of Transgender Students In Restroom Access Case

A Federal Judge in Oregon has rejected an efforts by a parent’s group to block a school district policy that allows transgender students to use the restroom facilities that conform to their gender identity.

Is The E.R.A. Really Just One State Away From Ratification? Maybe, Maybe Not.

Earlier this week, the Illinois legislature ratified the Equal Rights Amendment. What’s unclear is if this act has any meaning at all.

Federal Judge Rules In Favor Of Transgender Student In Bathroom Access Case

A Federal Judge in Virginia has handed a significant legal victory to a student who sued their school district because they were barred form using the bathroom of the gender they identify with.

Federal Judge Finds Civil Rights Act Bars Discrimination Against LGBT Employees

A Federal Judge in Texas has ruled that discrimination based on sexual orientation or gender identity is barred by Federal Law. Legally speaking, this is a tenuous argument at best.

“Learning Styles” Likely Are Just A Myth

The idea that individuals have different “learning styles” is apparently not borne out by the evidence, according to recent research.

Federal Judge Sides With Transgender Student In Bathroom Access Case

Another Federal Court has ruled in favor of a student seeking to use the restroom facilities that correspond with their gender identity.

Michigan Man Sues Dick’s Over Gun Age Restriction Policy

Another lawsuit has been filed against Dick’s Sporting Goods over its policy barring gun sales based on age.

Federal Appeals Court Rules That Employers Can’t Discriminate Based On Sexual Orientation

The Second Circuit Court of Appeals rules that existing civil rights laws bar discrimination based on sexual orientation.

Education Dept. Stops Investigating Complaints By Transgender Students About Bathroom Access.

The Department of Education announced yesterday that it will no longer investigate civil rights complaints from transgender students regarding bathroom access in public schools.

Supreme Court Declines To Hear Case Regarding Discrimination Based On Sexual Orientation

The Supreme Court declined to hear a major case regarding discrimination based on sexual orientation, but the issue is likely to come up again in the very near future.

Justice Department Reverses Obama Era Policy On Discrimination Against Transgender Americans

Reversing an Obama Era position, the Justice Department has rescinded a legal interpretation that purported to apply previously adopted civil rights laws to transgender individuals.

Seventh Circuit Rules In Favor Of Transgender Student In Bathroom Access Case

A Federal appellate court has ruled that a transgender student must be allowed to use the bathroom that corresponds to their gender identity.

Seventh Circuit Rules Discrimination Based On Sexual Orientation Barred By 1964 Law

The Seventh Circuit Court of Appeals has ruled that the Civil Rights Act of 1964 bars discrimination based on sexual orientation, but its reasoning is questionable at best.

Supreme Court Punts Transgender Bathroom Case Back To Fourth Circuit

The Supreme Court has decided to return the case involving a transgender student’s right to use the bathroom corresponding to their gender identity to the Fourth Circuit rather than deciding it during this term.

Trump Administration Rescinds Obama Era Guidelines On Transgender Students

Not surprisingly, the Trump Administration has revoked guidelines to public schools that required accommodation of transgender students.

French ‘Burkini’ Ban Provokes Backlash

For largely irrational reasons, French police are arresting women on the beach for wearing swimsuits that are compatible with their faith.

Federal Court Blocks Department Of Education Guidelines On Bathroom Access For Transgender Students

A Federal Court has barred the Federal Government from enforcing guidelines on the rights of transgender students in public schools.

Donald Trump Shrugging Donald Trump Shrugging

Trump Polling Worse Among African-Americans Than Any Republican Since Barry Goldwater

Donald Trump’s support among African-Americans is at historic lows, and seems unlikely to recover.

Former Fox News Host Gretchen Carlson Accuses Roger Ailes Of Harassment In Lurid Detail

If the allegations of a new lawsuit are true, things are truly lurid behind the scenes at Fox News Channel.

Federal Court Declines To Rehear Case Ruling In Favor Of Transgender High School Student

The Fourth Circuit has declined to rehear a case in which a three judge panel sided with a transgender student seeking to use the bathroom consistent with their gender identity.

Federal Government, North Carolina, File Competing Lawsuits Over State’s ‘Bathroom Bill’

The political fight over North Carolina’s so-called “Bathroom Bill” has moved to the Federal Courts.

EEOC Finds That A 50 Year Old Law Bans Something It Doesn’t Even Mention

Relying on a particularly strained and incredulous legal analysis, the EEOC has ruled that laws against discrimination based on gender also bar discrimination based on sexual orientation.

From Bork, To Kennedy, To Obergefell

He definitely wouldn’t appreciate it, but in some sense you can thank Robert Bork for the Supreme Court’s opinion in Obergefell v. Hodges.

New York Teachers’ Exam Ruled Racially Biased

Being required to demonstrate competency in liberal arts to teach is racially discriminatory, a federal judge has ruled.

Supreme Court Sides With Muslim Woman In Religious Discrimination Case

The Supreme Court ruled in favor of a Muslim woman who was refused a job because of her hijab.

The Bright Side of RFRA

We’re down to debating whether bigots should have to sell cakes to gay people.

Could The Civil Rights Act Of 1964 Make It Through Congress Today?

The sad truth is that the bipartisanship that led to the passage of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 no longer exists today.

Mike Huckabee Invokes Martin Luther King Jr. To Argue Against Marriage Equality

Once again, conservatives demonstrate how little they understand minority voters.

Rand Paul Warns Republicans That Voter ID Emphasis Is ‘Offending People’

Once again, Rand Paul is challenging conservative orthodoxy.

Court Holds That Wedding Photographer Cannot Refuse Service To Gay Couples

A case out of New Mexico presents an interesting collision of First Amendment rights and anti-discrimination values.

An Alternative History Exercise: What If JFK Hadn’t Died?

Examining a history that might have been.