George Will Leaving GOP Over Donald Trump

George Will isn’t just refusing to vote for Donald Trump, he’s leaving the GOP entirely

In Latest Attack On A Free Press, Donald Trump Denies Credentials To The Washington Post

Donald Trump continues his war on freedom of the press and reporters who cover him critically by barring The Washington Post from covering campaign events.

It’s Too Late To Stop Donald Trump At The Convention

Republican insiders are apparently still looking at ways to stop Donald Trump at a convention. It’s far too late for that, guys.

Time For Republicans To Choose: Can You Really Support The Bigot At The Top Of Your Ticket?

Republicans have a choice to make and, so far, they’ve been making the wrong one.

On Donald Trump’s Contempt For The Rule Of Law And Freedom Of The Press

Donald Trump’s open contempt for the Rule of Law and Freedom of the Press should disqualify him from being considered an acceptable candidate for President.

Donald Trump Tries To Bully Yet Another Critic

The Club For Growth has released two ads criticizing Donald Trump, so of course Trump is threatening to sue them.

Sony Seeks To Scare Press Away From Publishing Information Obtained in Hacking Attack

Sony is warning the press not to publish material leaked by hackers, but it doesn’t have much of a legal leg to stand on.

Forest Service Requires Media To Pay Fees To Take Pictures On Government Land

Freedom Of The Press, if you can afford to pay the fee.

Implementation Of Europe’s ‘Right To Be Forgotten’ About As Absurd As You’d Expect

Judging by the early results, the so-called “Right To Be Forgotten” recently created by Europe’s highest court is creating more problems than it will solve.

Guardians Of “Traditional” Media Once Again Bar SCOTUSBlog From Getting Press Credentials

A committee of journalists who work in the “traditional” media has once again denied press credentials to SCOTUSBlog.

The End of History, Continued

Twenty-five years after his seminal “End of History” article, Francis Fukuyama reflects on its legacy.

Supreme Court Passes On Appeal From Journalist Threatened With Contempt Citation

The Supreme Court rejected another opportunity to clarify Federal Law on testimonial immunity for journalists.

Obama Ambassador Follies

President Obama is rewarding unqualified hacks who raised huge sums for his campaign with ambassadorships.

‘We Thought He Was Going To Be The Next Messiah’

The President is neither messiah nor devil, and the media does the public no favors when it treats him as either.

The Obama Administration’s War On Leaks Chills The Press And Hurts The Public Interest

So much for the most transparent Administration in history.

Proposed Media Shield Law Leads To Debate Over Who Is A “Journalist”

Who should qualify as a “journalist” for purposes of a “Shield Law?”

Military Green Lights Playboy and Penthouse Before Banning Them

The military has declared that Playboy and Penthouse don’t violate its standards but banned them from its exchanges, anyway.

Should Juror’s Identities Ever Be Kept Secret?

Until the presiding Judge in the case rules otherwise, the identities of the members of the jury in the Zimmerman is secret. Should that be the case?

Rep. Peter King (R., New York) Wants Journalists Prosecuted As Spies

One Congressman thinks it would be a good idea to treat journalists as criminals.

Bloggers, Media Shield Laws, And The First Amendment

Should bloggers be treated the same as “journalists” for the purpose of the protections granted by media shield laws?

The Obama Administration’s Leak Investigations Threaten Press Freedom

The Obama Administration’s aggressive pursuit of leaks is threatening freedom of the press.

The Family Research Center, “Hate Groups,” And Tony Perkins’s Persecution Complex

Whether or not it’s proper to call the FRC a “hate group,” the persecution complex being displayed in the wake of Tuesday’s shooting is absurd.

Raul Castro Says he is Willing to Talk

The US government has an odd and unproductive view on the concept of talks.

Citizens United And The Foolish Attack On Corporate Personhood

A new set of proposed Constitutional Amendments reveals that many people still don’t understand what Citizens United was about.

The Incoherent Agenda Of Occupy Wall Street

Judging them by their own manifesto, the Occupy Wall Street protesters are pretty silly people.

Sarah Palin’s Media Paranoia Victimizes An Innocent Reporter

Sarah Palin’s paranoia about the media was on full display during her recent visit to Iowa.

Sarah Palin Adds South Carolina To Itinerary, And The Press Continues To Follow

Sarah Palin will be heading to yet another important primary state while insisting she isn’t running for President yet. And the press follows her like a lonely puppy.

Idaho Resurrects Discredited Idea Of Nullification In Health Care Reform Battle

Republicans in Idaho are talking about resurrecting the foolish and discredited idea of nullification as a weapon in the fight against ObamaCare.

The End Of Sarah Palin?

One columnist argues that Sarah Palin’s response to the Arizona shootings mark the end of whatever political future she might have had. He’s probably correct.

A Simple Example of Constitutional Interpretation

Constitutional interpretation is easy, right?

Sarah Palin: I Am Engaged In Deliberations About Running For President

Yet another sign that the GOP’s biggest nightmare may actually end up coming true.

More on Miller’s Bodyguards and the Press (Video)

Salon has video of the aftermath of the Hopfinger handcuffing. Plus: if we remove the partisan labels and just assess what happened, would we view this situation differently?

Sarah Palin Defends Dr. Laura, Gets First Amendment Wrong (Again)

Sarah Palin decided to get involved in the “Doctor Laura” Schlessinger controversy, and in the process displayed a blatant misunderstanding of the First Amendment.

WikiLeaks Publishes 90,000 Stolen Classified Documents

The scumbags at WikiLeaks have published a huge trove of classified documents provided to them by one or more traitors in our military.