President Joe Biden talks to reporters as he departs an event with attendees from the U.S. Conference of Mayors Winter Meeting, Friday, January 20, 2023, in the East Room of the White House. President Joe Biden talks to reporters as he departs an event with attendees from the U.S. Conference of Mayors Winter Meeting, Friday, January 20, 2023, in the East Room of the White House.

Stupid Index Tricks

The United States has less press freedom than 54 countries. Or does it?

Demonstrators outside the Consulate General of India in Vancouver after the shooting of Hardeep Singh Nijjar, a Sikh separatist leader, in June. Credit...Ethan Cairns/The Canadian Press, via Associated Press Demonstrators outside the Consulate General of India in Vancouver after the shooting of Hardeep Singh Nijjar, a Sikh separatist leader, in June. Credit...Ethan Cairns/The Canadian Press, via Associated Press

The India Dilemma

An increasingly undemocratic regional power is a necessary but unreliable partner.

‘True Threats,’ Insanity, and the Supreme Court

Is a threat in the eye of the receiver or the issuer?

Fox Hosts Knew Election Claims Were B.S.

They went all-in on the Big Lie and we now have the receipts that they knew what they were doing.

newspaper newspaper

Trump Orders Feds to Cancel NYT and WaPo Subscriptions

The President is tired of all the fake news.

Trump Goes Full Dictator

Donald Trump isn’t just admiring dictators now, he’s acting like one.

Judge Dismisses DNC Lawsuit Alleging Trump Campaign Conspired With Russia

A Federal Judge in Washington has dismissed a lawsuit filed by the DNC alleging a conspiracy between the Trump campaign and Russia during the 2016 election.

On Foreign Policy, Biden Is The Anti-Trump

Joe Biden delivered his first major foreign policy address of the campaign. It’s not perfect, but it’s better than what we have right now.

Is It Possible To Be Patriotic In The Era Of Trump?

Is it possible, or even appropriate, to express pride in a country that is being led by a President who stands against everything this country stands for?

Trump Assisting Putin In His War On Liberal Democracy

Whether he knows it or not, Donald Trump is assisting the Russian leader in his goal of undermining the foundational institutions of democracy and freedom.

It’s Too Late For Republican ‘Regrets’ About Trump, They Made Their Choice.

Polls are starting to show that the number of Republicans embarrassed by the President’s rhetoric and behavior is rising. Sorry guys, it’s too late now. You broke it, you bought it.

Four Years After The Worst Escalator Ride In History

Four years ago, Donald Trump began his campaign for President. What has followed has been as bad as could have been predicted that day.

Donald Trump And The Legacy Of D-Day

Donald Trump has betrayed the legacy and the sacrifices of the soldiers who fought their way onto the beaches of Normandy.

The Reaction To Justin Amash Reveals Just How Far Gone The GOP Is Today

Justin Amash’s call for impeachment of the President, and the Republican Party’s reaction to it, is telling us a lot about the current state of the GOP.

Julian Assange Indicted On Additional Counts Alleging Violations Of Espionage Act

Wikileaks founder Julian Assange has been indicted on seventeen counts under the Espionage Act arising out of his role in the Chelsea Manning affair.

Time to Reconsider New York Times v Sullivan?

Justice Clarence Thomas argues that a 55-year-old precedent should be overturned.

Australia’s Top Cardinal Was Convicted Of Sex Abuse, The Australian Press Can’t Report It

A particularly appalling case of press censorship from Australia.

The First Amendment Problems With Prosecuting Julian Assange And Wikileaks

An effort by the Federal Government to prosecute Wikileaks founder Julian Assange raises serious First Amendment issues.

CNN, White House Settle Dispute Over Press Pass, But Future Conflict Is Likely

The White House and CNN have settled the dispute over Jim Acosta’s press pass, but future conflict between this Administration and the press corps seems inevitable.

Trump Administration Threatens Again To Revoke Jim Acosta’s Press Pass

Despite a court ruling that says otherwise, the Trump White House appears prepared to once again revoke the press pass of CNN reporter Jim Acosta.

Judge Rules Against White House, Orders Jim Acosta’s Press Pass Restored

A Federal Judge in Washington ruled that the White House acted improperly when it arbitrary revoked CNN reporter Jim Acosta’s press pass.

CNN Sues White House Over Revocation Of Correspondent’s Press Pass

CNN fires back in the Administration’s ongoing war with the news media.

Trump Praises House Candidate For Assaulting Reporter

President Trump is heaping praise on a Congressman who physically assaulted a reporter.

Jamal Khashoggi’s Final Words Should Carry Far Beyond The Arab World

Jamal Khashoggi’s final column includes a message that should resonate far beyond the Arab world it was addressed to.

On The Twenty-Fifth Amendment

The Twenty-Fifth Amendment has been in the news a lot lately, but what would it actually take to use it to remove a President from power?

Former President Carter Warns His Party Against Drifting To The Left

Former President Jimmy Carter is warning his party against drifting too far left as we head into the midterms and, beyond that, the 2020 campaign cycle.

A ‘Soft Coup’ Inside The White House Isn’t The Antidote To Trumpism

Donald Trump is a bad, inept, and potentially dangerous President. That doesn’t mean that a ‘soft coup’ inside the White House is the answer to the problem he presents to our democratic republic.

Myanmar Sentences Reporters To Prison For Reporting On Rohingya Muslims

The military regime in Myanmar has sentenced two reporters to prison for reporting on the repression of the Rohingya Muslims.

Rob Rogers Fired For Drawing Too Many Anti-Trump Cartoons

The Pittsburgh Post-Gazette’s editorial cartoonist is out after twenty-five years.

Trump Praises Kim Jong Un, Dismisses Concerns About Human Rights Abuses

President Trump continues to dismiss concerns about Kim Jong Un’s brutality, and to lavish praise on a man who has a considerable amount of blood on his hands.

Trump To Postmaster General: Raise Rates On Amazon

President Trump continues his unhinged, and unsupported by facts, war on Amazon and its owner Jeff Bezos by pressuring an independent agency to raise shipping rates.

The Rise Of The Trumpidian GOP Candidates

Whether Don Blankenship wins or loses in West Virginia, his success is yet another example of how Donald Trump has changed the GOP for the worse.

Donald Trump Continues His Unhinged War On The News Media

Instead of attending the White House Correspondents Association Dinner last night, Donald Trump took his show on the road where he continued his long-standing attacks on the press. Unfortunately, it’s a message that resonates with his supporters.

Trump Will Skip White House Correspondents Association Dinner Again

President Trump won’t attend nerd prom again this year. That’s a good thing.

Republicans Are Failing The Profiles In Courage Test

Profiles in courage? With Republicans in the Trump Era, it’s more like profiles in cowardice.

Trump Lawyers Consider Legal Action To Stop CBS From Airing Stormy Daniels Interview

Anderson Cooper has interviewed adult film star Stormy Daniels for 60 Minutes, but lawyers for President Trump are apparently considering legal action to stop the report from airing.

Xi Jinping Solidifies His Hold On Power In China

China’s Xi Jinping solidified his hold on power well into the next decade over the weekend.

In One Week, Trump Went From A Call For Unity To Calling Political Rivals ‘Treasonous’

Last week, the President was calling for national unity. This week, he called political opponents “treasonous.”

After A Year Of Unparalleled Divisiveness, Trump Tries To Sell Unity At State Of The Union

The President talked about national unity last night, but given his own rhetoric as a candidate and as a President, it’s a call that seems to be hypocritical.

Two Republican Senators Rebuke Trump For His Attacks On The Press

Two Republicans spoke out today against the President’s war on the news media, but don’t expect their colleagues to follow suit.

Gold Star Widow Speaks About Trump’s Condolence Call, Trump Calls Her A Liar

The widow of Sgt. La David Johnson spoke out about the death of her husband and the controversy over the phone call she received from President Trump. And Trump proceeded to attack her and call her a liar.

Trump Threatens NBC, Upping The Ante In His Despicable War On Freedom Of The Press

Donald Trump is continuing to up the ante in his rhetorical war against one of America’s most fundamental freedoms.

Federal Judge Dismisses Sarah Palin’s Lawsuit Against The New York Times

Sarah Palin’s lawsuit against The New York Times suffers a significant setback.

Donald Trump Continues His Despicable War On The News Media

President Trump continues his war on one of the most important guardians of American democracy.

The Limits of Free Speech

The dangers of the tyranny of the majority have only magnified.

Trump Continues His Unacceptable Attacks On The News Media

The Trump Administration is continuing, and indeed expanding, its war on a free press.

Clinton Hits Trump On Demagoguery, Ties To Extreme Right

Yesterday, Hillary Clinton pointed out truths about Donald Trump that his fellow Republicans were too scared to point out during the primary..

Donald Trump Shrugging Donald Trump Shrugging

Donald Trump Invites Russia To Commit Espionage To Help His Presidential Campaign

Donald Trump suggests Russia engage in espionage to help his Presidential campaign.0