About That Ten Point Democratic Gain In The Latest Gallup Poll

According to Gallup, there was a ten point move in the public’s preference on the Generic Congressional Ballot between last week and this week. What’s more likely is that Gallup is making a mistake somewhere.

American Taliban, Liberal Fascism, and Judging a Book By Its Title

Daily Kos founder Markos Moulitsas’ new book, AMERICAN TALIBAN: HOW WAR, SEX, SIN, AND POWER BIND JIHADISTS AND THE RADICAL RIGHT, continues a long tradition in political polemics.

Bush, Or Obama ?

OTB Radio – Tonight at 5:30 Eastern

Tonight’s topics: President Obama’s speech, Tony Blair’s book, Glenn Beck’s rally, and the GOP’s steady rise in the polls.

Glenn Beck Launches Blaze, HuffPo Style Magazine

Capitalizing on the buzz from his weekend rally, talk host Glenn Beck launched a new online magazine called The Blaze overnight.

The Politics of Crowd Estimates

Glenn Beck’s “Restoring Honor” rally raises, yet again, the tiresome fight over crowd estimates and their political significance.

Glenn Beck, Sarah Palin Draw Large Crowd To Lincoln Memorial

Glenn Beck and Sarah Palin held a rally on the National Mall, but at times it sounded more like an old-time religious revival than a modern political rally.

President’s “Back To School Speech” Scheduled For Sept 14th

President Obama will be giving an address to schoolkids again this year. Stay tuned for the cries of “indoctrination !”

Tea Party Guide To D.C.: Avoid Green And Yellow Lines

The Tea Party is coming to Washington, D.C. on Saturday for a Glenn Beck rally and one travel guide is warning them to stay away from certain parts of the city. Subtle racism ? No, it’s common sense.

Mitch Daniels for President?

Indiana Governor Mitch Daniels is superbly qualified for the presidency. But our system virtually assures that he won’t be a serious contender for the job.

Glenn Beck: Gay Marriage No Threat To Me, Or America

There’s not as much conservative unity on the gay marriage issue as there used to be.

Should Conservatives Be Embarrassed?

A growing number of conservatives are in dismay about the state of their movement.

Glenn Beck – Goldline Scam

If you’re buying your gold from Glenn Beck, you’re a fool.

Maureen Dowd: There Aren’t Enough Blacks In The Obama Administration

According to Maureen Dowd, Barack Obama’s biggest problem is that there are too many white people in this picture.

Sherrod, Breitbart, Beck, And A Weak Presidency

Among the other lessons it teaches us, the Shirley Sherrod incident shows that the Obama Administration is seemingly becoming weaker by the day.

Is The GOP Ready For The Tea Party ?

Some Republicans in Congress are worried they won’t be able to control the future Congressmen and Senators that the Tea Party might be sending to Washington.

Republicans: Agenda ? We Don’t Need No Stinking Agenda

Some Republicans seem to think they don’t need to put forward any actual ideas in order to win November.

The Coming Republican Crackup

Will a debate over foreign policy tear apart the GOP ? Probably not.

LeBron James And The Tea Party

Will LeBron James’s departure push upset Ohioans to the right ?

Ugly Party vs. Grown-Up Party

Michael Gerson argues that the source of our polarization isn’t the Democrats and the Republicans but the Ugly Party and the Grown-Up Party.

Bill Press Bill Press

Shame On You, Bill Press

Press can assert all he wants that his call to suppress Beck’s rights “has nothing to do with freedom of speech,” but that’s transparent hokum.

Comparative Fringes

Palin – Beck 2012