Cable News Viewership Down Across The Board

Fewer Americans are watching cable news networks, and that’s not surprising.

Another Reason Never To Trust Edited Video From James O’Keefe

Glenn Beck’s own website discovers some interesting, and ethically disturbing, editing in the latest round of video’s from “ACORN Pimp”James O’Keefe.

Which Conservatives Are Worth Reading?

Paul Krugman admits that he doesn’t bother to read conservative commentary. Should he?

Unfit For Liberty?

The uprisings in the Arab world have led some to suggest that the Middle East isn’t “ready” to be free. They’re wrong.

OTB Caption Contest Winners

The Big Bird Flips Big Bird Edition OTB Caption ContestTM is now over.

Why Does Anyone Take Glenn Beck Seriously?

Some conservatives are finally waking up and realizing what people like Glenn Beck are doing to the movement. It’s probably too late, though.

Glenn Beck Against Google Use?

Beck is now concerned about Google.

Cocktail Party Fallacy

Is the only possible motivation conservatives could possibly have for calling out the lunatic fringe a desire for the acceptance of liberals?

Remembering Reagan, Palin Paints A Dark Picture Of America’s Future

Sarah Palin spoke about Ronald Reagan last night, but seems to have forgotten the optimism that is part of The Gipper’s legacy.

Caption Contest Winners

The Winner Winner Chicken Dinner Edition OTB Caption ContestTM is now over.

The Eschatological Stylings of Glenn Beck

Glenn Beck seems to have more in common with End Time preachers than he does with a serious political analyst.

Civility to Republicans’ Advantage?

Now that Republicans have the House, wouldn’t they be better off playing nice?

Tucson, Political Rhetoric, And Where We Go From Here

There is a problem with political rhetoric in this country, but telling people to be nicer to each other isn’t going to cool it down.

How Not To Improve The Discourse

Yesterday, Eric Fuller, one of the victims of last week’s shooting in Tuscon, blamed Sarah Palin, John Boehner, Glenn Beck and Sharron Angle for the tragedy. Today he was arrested for making a death threat to a local Tea Party leader.

Blogging Liberty and Tyranny, Chapter One, Part One

I’m blogging Mark Levin’s Conservative Manifesto. Here’s part one…

Sarah Palin Blasts Media For “Blood Libel” Against Her Over Arizona Shootings

Sarah Palin released a statement today about the Arizona shootings and the debate that has followed. It’s unlikely to help her.

Frum on What Palin Should Say

Palin is missing an opportunity in the way she is dealing with the whole target graphic situation.

Whites Leaving Democratic Party

The Republicans are increasingly the party of white America. That’s short term good but long term bad for the GOP.

Alan Simpson Fights Back Against Deficit Commission Critics

Former Senator Alan Simpson is fighting back against the critics on the left and the right who are shooting down the Deficit Commission’s plan before it’s even been released.

TV Shows Republicans (But Not Democrats) Watch

A new survey shows that political ideology leads to different television viewing habits. This shouldn’t be surprising.

Obama’s India Trip Costing $ 200 Million A Day? Don’t Believe It

The latest story being repeated by the conservative talking heads is the claim that President Obama will be spending $ 200 million per day on his upcoming overseas trip. The problem is that it’s not true.

Stewart Rally Bigger Than Beck Rally?

215,000 people attended the “Rally to Restore Sanity and/or Fear” compared to 87,000 for “Restoring Honor.” Even if you believe the numbers, they don’t tell us much.

Stewart And Colbert Rally For Sanity And/Or Fear, And Take A Jab At The Media

The Rally To Restore Sanity And/Or Fear ended up having a point after all, but it’s not one that anyone is likely to take to heart.

Slow Economic Growth: The New Normal?

Another round of GDP growth figures are out, and they show that the U.S. economy continues to grow far slower than necessary to sustain job growth. Is this a temporary problem, or something we can expect to live with for the foreseeable future?

President Obama Daily Show Jon Stewart President Obama Daily Show Jon Stewart

Will Stewart Rally Democratic Enthusiasm?

Some Democrats believe the Jon Stewart – Stephen Colbert rally this weekend will serve as a get-out-the-vote drive.

The Fox News Primary

More than ever before in the past, Fox News Channel will be the exclusive medium through which many of the candidates for the 2012 Republican nomination communicate with the public. And that’s a problem.

Stewart Rally and Democrat GOTV

Jon Stewart’s response to Glenn Beck is taking place on the weekend where party leaders usually conduct their big get out the vote push.

Chris Coons: “Bearded Marxist” Or Typical Democrat ?

Conservatives have latched on to a few words in a decade-old article by Democrat Chris Coons in their efforts to boost the candidacy of Christine O’Donnell in Delaware.

White Self-Pity

White America is within thinkable distance of a moment when it will no longer be the majority.