Republican Infighting Over Ridiculous Government Shutdown Schemes?

There seems to be a divide developing between Republican leadership and the Tea Party over the idea of shutting the government down over Obamacare.

John McCain: Obama’s Secret Weapon?

The president’s 2008 rival has gone from bitter foe to go-to deal broker.

Ted Cruz’s Foolish Advice To His Fellow Republicans

Ted Cruz is either being incredibly cynical as he deludes his fellow Republicans, or he’s living in a fantasy world.

GOP Senator: Plan To Defund Obamacare Is Dishonest Hype

A top Republican Senator blasts the plan by some of his colleagues to “defund” Obamacare.

Republican Fight Brewing Over Threatened Government Shutdown

Republicans on Capitol Hill are openly disagreeing with a proposed strategy to threaten a government shutdown if Obamacare isn’t repealed.

Republican Debt Ceiling Strategy Doomed To Fail

The GOP is following a strategy on the debt ceiling that cannot possibly succeed.

The Debt Ceiling and the Remainder of the Fiscal Cliff

Are we really going to do this again? The answer appears to be yes.

Governing Requires Compromise

There are factions of the American right that really need to understand this.

The Fiscal Cliff: Another Threat To The Economy

While Washington dithers, business owners are starting to worry.

There is Something Fundamentally Wrong with Congress

There is a fundamental problem with the feedback loop in American politics.

Republicans Save The Light Bulb

Congressional Republicans got a major concession as price for averting a government shutdown: saving the incandescent light bulb, at least now.

Newt Gingrich Slightly Leading In New Gallup Poll

Are these The Final Two?

Americans Not Buying What Either Political Party Is Selling

Neither political party is resonating with the public right now, and neither is acting in the manner the public would like.

S&P Debt Downgrade Leads To Same Old Washington Blame Game

The immediate reaction among the political class to the debt downgrade was the play the same old stupid games.

Ridiculous, Disgusting, and Stupid: The Public Weighs In On The Debt Negotiations

The reviews are in on the debt negotiations, and the public isn’t happy.

The Next Capitol Hill Battle: The Gas Tax

You thought you’d seen the worst of Congress in July? Oh, you silly American you.

Debt Ceiling Concerns: Much Ado about Nothing?

Should we assume that a deal will eventually be struck and simply stop paying attention to the debt ceiling debate?

Obama Walks Out of Talks Saying ‘Don’t Call My Bluff’

President Obama has walked out of negotiations on the debt ceiling with an agreement is nowhere in sight.

Tim Pawlenty: Michele Bachmann Hasn’t Really Accomplished Much In Congress

Tim Pawlenty took aim at Michele Bachmann yesterday but will he keep up the attack?

Republicans Ready To Punt On Ryan Plan’s Medicare Changes?

Republicans seem to have realized that the Ryan Plan’s Medicare reforms aren’t going anywhere.

Public Supports Budget Deal, But Not Much Else

Two new polls show that the public supports the budget deal, but has no idea what to do to solve our long term problems.

Budget Deal Postmortem: Who Won?, Who Lost?, Does It Matter?

What, if anything, does the budget deal mean for the future?

Presidential Shutdown Propaganda via OPM?

Agency heads are pleading President Obama’s case in advance of a shutdown.

Sesame Street, Pakistan: Your Tax Dollars at Work

The Federal government is funding a Pakistan version of Sesame Street for $20 million.

Dump Trash at Boehner’s Place

Why in the hell are Federal taxpayers footing the bill for residential trash collection in DC?

The Return of Hypocrisy as Parliamentary Procedure

Games legislators play…

Cynical Political Games, Military Pay, And Government Shutdowns

For the past day or so, America’s fighting men have been pawns in a cynical political game.

Thoughts on the Likely Government Shutdown

A government shutdown is not just a hypothetical in a debating contest. It will affect real people.