John McCain: Obama’s Secret Weapon?

The president’s 2008 rival has gone from bitter foe to go-to deal broker.

Are There Too Many Positions Requiring Senate Confirmation?

There are over 1,000 Executive Branch positions requiring Senate approval. That seems excessive.

Harry Reid Backs Away From The Nuclear Option, Filibuster Alive And Well

Once again, the threat of the “nuclear option” appears to have had less megatonnage than some expected and others hoped.

Could Today Be The Day Harry Reid Goes Nuclear? [Update: Tentative Deal Reached]

The Senate may be headed for an historic confrontation today if an 11th hour deal isn’t reached.

President Obama Urges Respect for Zimmerman Acquittal; Silent on DOJ Action

The president says we should honor Trayvon Martin by preventing similar tragedies in the future.

Harry Reid To Make Another Attempt At Filibuster Reform?

Harry Reid is supposedly making another run at filibuster reform.

Crossfire Returns with New Hosts

CNN is reviving the Crossfire shoutfest with Newt Gingrich, S.E. Cupp, Stephanie Cutter, and Van Jones as hosts.

In Challenge To Senate GOP, Obama Names Three Judges To D.C. Circuit

President Obama threw down a gauntlet today in the form of a trio of Judicial nominations.

Congress Wants Exemption from ObamaCare Exchanges (Or Does It?)

There’s bipartisan agreement on Capitol Hill that they don’t want to participate in ObamaCare.

Rand Paul: Delay Immigration Reform Because Of Boston Attacks

Another Senator wants to delay immigration reform because of the attacks in Boston.

Manchin-Toomey Background Checks Bill In Trouble

The prospects for gun control appear to be dimming.

The Odd Politics Of The GOP’s Gun Control Filibuster

The GOP’s decision to filibuster the Senate Gun Control Bill doesn’t make a lot of political sense.

The Filibuster And Judicial Nominations

The Judicial Confirmation process needs to be fixed.

Obama’s Second Term Honeymoon Looks To Be Over

President Obama’s job approval numbers have fallen off from their post-election highs. But, does it matter?

Rand Paul Filibustering Brennan Nomination

Mr. Paul Goes To Washington.

Conservative News Consumers Again Surprised By Obvious

The Hagel confirmation, like Obama’s election, was big news to some avid news consumers.

Republicans Blocking Hagel Nomination, For Now

For the moment, Republicans appear to be blocking Chuck Hagel’s nomination to be Secretary of Defense but they don’t seem to know why they’re doing it.

The GOP Civil War Continues Apace

Republicans continue to fight over their party’s future.

McConnell And Reid Reach Filibuster Deal

Once again, the filibuster survives. Nobody should be surprised.

No “Nuclear Option” On Filibuster Reform

Once again, Harry Reid is pursuing a far less ambitious filibuster reform package than originally threatened.

OTB Caption Contest Winners

The Head Of The Class Edition OTB Caption ContestTM is now over.

How Liberal is President Obama?

Looking at the data? Not very.

Obama’s Gun Control Plan DOA In Congress?

Despite the push it’s likely to receive, most of President Obama’s gun control proposals will barely even see the light of day in Congress.

The Politics Of Gun Control

Based on the polls, the odds of some changes to America’s gun control laws will become law. It’s unlikely they’ll accomplish anything, though.

The Latest Crazy Solution To the Debt Ceiling: IOU’s

Welcome to the latest crazy scheme to avoid reality.

John Boehner’s Side of the Fiscal Cliff Story

The Speaker’s version of what went down during the negotiations does not make the Speaker look good.

Fuck You, He Explained

Apparently, John Boehner was somewhat displeased with the negotiating process.

The Tea Party Takes a Hit

The Tea Party guys had a bad year.